Semester 6 Tips Research Dan Buat Pratical Training Report
Semester 6 Tips Research, Pratical Training Report, dan Tulis Log BookSemester 6

ADS555 APPLIED RESEARCH PROJECT 4 Ok dah boleh focus dengan research dah korang. Kalau sem 5 kau perlu buat chapter 1 2 3. Semester 6 ini semestinya kau kena habiskan chapter 4 dan 5. Jangan blur. Kalau ada senior, minta mereka FYP atau research mereka. Dari situ kau belajar cara mereka membuat chapter 4 dan chapter 5. Kalau nak senang lah, kau minta je FYP atau research student sebelum ini dari lecturer yang sama.Selalu nya supervisor tak kan bagi kau FYP student yang terdahulu sebab tak nak food spooning korang sangat.
Questionaire . Maksure sebelum buat questionaire, kau pastikan research objective kau berkait rapat dengan research question korang. Macam ini lah aku ajar.
Kalau korang tiada tajuk research lagi. Boleh guna tajuk aku ini. FACTORS INFLUENCING VOTING BEHAVIOUR AMONG YOUTH IN SARAWAK: CASE STUDY IN SATOK, KUCHING
Kau tukar lah tempat research itu diakan. macam dekat Klang Selangor ke. Atau dekat UiTM Shah Alam ke.
Problem Statement kena selari dengan research question. Lepas itu research Problem statement kena related dengan research objective. Makesure selari ok. Kalau tak selari, terus kau kena hentam waktu Viva Presentation nanti.
Contoh aku punya research lah Problem Statement aku bincangkan pasal apa research aku nak kaji tentang voting behaviour among youth in sarawak apa faktor yang influence mereka. Aku juga baca journal dan kajian luar negara tentang benda yang sama atau pernah dibuat around Malaysia atau luarnegara. Then aku paraphrase ke dalam research aku.
Research Question adalah sambungan Problem Statement *Ringkasan. So aku punya Research Question ialah : The youth attempts to answer the following questions: 1. Why youth that are eligible to vote does not vote? 2. What influence them to vote the representative?
Manakalah untuk RO aku macam bawah ini.Research Objectives The objective is of the study are to identify and rank the factors that influence youth voting behavior and to discover the relationship between demographic variables with factors that influencing youth voting behavior. It is to discover the factor that can influence voter to vote for their choices. Moreover, the study conducted to show whether the youth are involve on voting. Research Objective 1. To examine the voters behavior in selecting the representatives based on gender. 2. To identify the factors that influence that voters to vote based on academic background. 3. To explore the factors that influence that voters not to vote based on academic background.
Ada 3 Research Questions. Itu bermaksud ada 3 test yang aku perlu buat dalam SPSS. Seriously aku dah lupa test apa yang aku pakai. T-test ? Significant Test? Itu korang kena tanya supervisor korang ada lecturer yang mengajar SPSS. Kalau aku, aku minta tolong kawan aku.
Makesure selari lah Objective, Research Objective dengan Research Question korang ok' sebelum membuat questionaire.
Questionaire pulak kalau boleh jangan buat banyak sangat soalan. Kau juga yang sakit nanti nak key in jawapan soalan itu. Sebelum buat questionaire makesure kau minta pandangan kawan kau yang pandai SPSS senang nak key in data dalam SPSS nanti.
Maaf jika korang masih blur. Memang susah nak faham research ini kalau kau tak belajar betul-betul. Aku waktu nak Viva Presentation je aku paksa diri aku untuk faham selok belok research ini sebab aku tak nak Panel aku hentam aku dengan soalan pelik-pelik.

ADS553 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT FOR PUBLIC SECTOR 4 Subject ini senang bagi aku. Kena banyak membaca. Jangan skip chapter. Just baca sahaja dan fahami. Kalau tak faham cuba search benda itu dalam google atau pun youtube. Mesti ada penerangan yang senang difahami. Strategic Management ini tentang macam mana satu organisation ini mengurus organisasi mereka agar terus berkembang maju. Jadi korang kena belajar tentang vision, mission, and etc tentang organisasi diluar sana. Macam KFC ke, Airasia ke, atau apa-apa company mahupun organisasi diluar sana.
ADS667 PRACTICAL TRAINING 6 Praktikal training ini korang dah buat waktu cuti semester 5. 3 bulan. Jadi waktu semester 6 ini korang just perlu buat report praktikal training. Ada 5 chapter.
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION OF THE ORGANIZATION korang akan menceritakan secara detail tempat yang korang jalani L.I latihan praktikal itu. Macam aku, aku pilih FAMA. Jadi aku just perlu explain tentang FAMA, Background FAMA. Kalau nak senang better korang minta Journal Tempat korang praktikal itu atau search sahaja lama web tempat korang praktikal itu.
CHAPTER 2: SCHEDULE OF PRACTICAL TRAINING korang kena ceritakan apa yang korang buat waktu praktikal itu. Aku tak tahu format macam mana . Depend dengan lecturer korang. Kalau lecturer aku dia mintak aku type balik apa yang aku tulis dalam log book kedalam chapter 2 itu. Tapi, ringkasan sahaja lah just type apa yang penting.
2.1 Summary Schedule of Practical Training
Week 1 (20th July 2014 – 24th July 2014)20th July 2015 (Monday) - For the first day, the person at the counter service teaches me on how to punch card in the right way as a record of my attendance. Sir Adeyong Tomick is my supervisor for this week since Madam Siti Rafiza is still on leave. Sir Adeyong introduces me to some of the workers who are working on this day. and etc.....
21st July 2015 (Tuesday) - On this date, I have been asked by my supervisor to laminate the price tag that I had cut into pieces on yesterday. After I’m done laminating all the price tag, Madam Mitten asks me to update the punch card for the next month .... etc
Week 2Sampailah week terkahir..
CHAPTER 3: ANALYSIS OF TRAINING, yang ini depend dengan supervisor korang. Kalau supervisor aku dia suruh relatekan subject yang aku pernah belajar ke dalam chapter ini. Sebagai contoh aku letak satu je subject ye.
Chapter 3 describes the analysis of the practical training. It specifically focuses on one area task as covered in the practical training handbook. It also should reflect definition of concept, demonstration of practical and theoretical aspects as how to relate all concepts learned in classroom at the workplace and how to transforms knowledge gained at workplace to reinforce understanding on the concepts learned in classroom Contoh subject related ialah. ADS 452 Ethics in Administration The subject of ADS 452 Ethics in Administration are one of the task related with my practical training. This subject has been practiced during my practical at FAMA Negeri Sarawak. The content of this subject are related in Chapter 1: Introduction to Ethics and Chapter 6 which is Ethics and Public Administration.
As in FAMA Negeri Sarawak there are statements or written that prescribe the conditions of their work environment which is rule and regulation, and their tasks. Moreover, the working environment in FAMA Negeri Sarawak, I can saw the human relationship within their employer and employees, with the co-worker and so on.
CHAPTER 4: STRENGHTS, WEAKNESS & RECOMMENDATION, untuk chapter 4 pulak. Ada hubung kait dengan Chapter 4. Kau just perlu explain apa kekuatan, kelemahan yang ada di company tempat kau praktikal, dan beri cadangan untuk improve service company tersebut. Aku tak boleh nak share sini sebab confidential. Tapi, kalau korang search dekat google example of practical report uitm pdf, ppt, word. Memang akan ada keluar. Jadi korang boleh rujuk dekat praktikal report itu ok.
CHAPTER 5: SUMMARY . Chapter lima ini adalah summary untuk setiap chapter 1 2 3 4 dan lima. Contoh summary untuk chapter 1 dan 2 ialah seperti bawah ini.
5.1 Chapter 1 Under Chapter 1, for introduction of the organization, I have explained on the background of FAMA such as when FAMA has been established and the functions of the establishment of the organization. Next, mission, goal and vision also have well elaborated. Their mission and goal are to develop an efficient and effective food and agricultural marketing chain in order to sustain customer value. Then, the vision is to be a powerful leader in food and agricultural marketing. Another element such as organization logo, organization’s information, and organization main function also has been highlighted. At the same time, organization chart had been disclosed too for the purpose of knowing the top management of FAMA Negeri Sarawak.
5.2 Chapter 2 In completing Chapter 2, schedule of practical training, I have explained my daily training extracted from the Log Book. However, for initial understanding, I have explained some information on that matter under the introduction of Chapter 2. Based on what I have explained on introduction of chapter 3, I have been assigned by my supervisor, Madam Siti Rafiza Nawawi, the assistant managing director of FAMA Negeri Sarawak with several task. As what I have explained in Chapter 2, I have started my nine weeks practical training on 20th July 2015 and finished it on 15th September 2015 Next, I also have prepared some description regarding tasks that have been done by me throughout my practical training starting from week one until the last week of my practical. As what have been explained, it is the entire task that been assigned during my nine weeks of practical training.
5.6 Conclusion As a conclusion, this chapter explains the summary of five chapters in this report. In Chapter 1, the introduction of the organization which is FAMA Negeri Sarawak has been discussed. The background of the organisation, vision, mission, logo, and organization main function are been mentioned in this chapter. While in Chapter 2, the schedule of my Practical Training has been reported for the period of nine week. Meanwhile, in the Chapter 3, analysis of practical training has been discussed which include the subject related with my studies and been continue into the Chapter 4 which the strengths, weaknesses and recommendations for FAMA Negeri Sarawak. Last but not least, in Chapter 5, the summaries for the all chapter has been covered in this report.
Tips menjalani latihan amali atau praktikal student UiTM. 1. Pilih tempat praktikal best and selalunya praktikal tempat yang tak bayar elaun lebih best. 2. Log Book. Makesure kau tulis dalam BI sebab senang nanti kau tulis balik dalam chapter 2. Jangan tanya supervisor ko, dia nak BM ke BI. Cakap je UiTM nak BI. Aku dulu tulis dalam BM. Dah semester 6 kena type balik dalam bahasa english (Banyak Kerja). 3. Kalau tiada idea nak tulis apa dalam log book atau tiada idea. Ambil je gambar semua akviti kau untuk hari itu. Kalau join meeting, ambil gambar meeting itu. Kalau kau filing ambil gambar filing. Ambil lah semua gambar. Waktu kau semangat nak tulis log book. Kau buka balik gambar dalam phone and tengok tarikh. Kau buat karang lah cerita dari gambar itu. Untuk elak lupa jugal. 4. Ulang ayat yang sama macam bawah ini agar log book kau tak kelihatan kosong: i:On this date I have checked and updated director’s email. Record every invitation letters for program and ceremony to director.ii: Doing others office works such as faxes and photocopy.
ADS656 SEMINAR IN PUBLIC MANAGEMENT 3 Subject ini macam tak jauh je dengan subject Strategic Management. Kebanyakkan jawapan yang aku guna adalah benda yang aku belajar dalam Strategic Managament. Subject ADS656 ini agak luas jugak. Banyak journal kena baca. Jadi kena rajin membacalah yer. Kalau nasib kau bagus, kau dapat soalan final exam common sense macam Kebaikan UTP kepada rakyat.

Lepas presentaion Global Affair.
ADS660 SEMINAR IN GLOBAL AFFAIRS 3 Ini Subject elektif. Untuk Kampus Samarahan, Subjek ini sahaja yang ditawarkan. Subject ini agak mencabar juga. Tak dapat nak belajar last minute. Banyak benda kena cover. Elak-elaklah dari belajar last minute. Memang meluas. Sejarah satu dunia kau kena belajar. Pasal terrorist satu dunia kau kena belajar. Memang meluar. Aku tak perform subject ini sebab aku belajar sambil lewa. Sedih bangat.
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