Seriously Mahathir

Mahathir says he resigned as PM because “they” wanted to pull PPBM out of Pakatan Harapan and he did not agree to that. That is another lie. Mahathir resigned at 1.00pm and PPBM left Pakatan Harapan AFTER THAT, at 2.00pm. Hence Mahathir did not resign because PPBM left Pakatan Harapan. It was the other way around. PPBM left Pakatan Harapan because Mahathir resigned as PM. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has spun many lies in his 70 years or so political career but today’s spin probably takes the cake (READ BELOW). If I were to list down all his lies over the 70 years, this article will run into 100 pages. So, let us just focus on his blog posting today.
What Dr Mahathir wrote below is utter nonsense. This is what really happened.
Mahathir has an estimated RM100-200 billion parked in the names of his proxies, trustees and nominees. And he wants all this money back. According to Tun Daim Zainuddin, this wealth is supposed to belong to Umno but it is being held by Mahathir through proxies, trustees and nominees.

Mahathir, Daim and Anwar hid an estimated RM100-200 billion under proxies, trustees and nominees What Umno actually owns directly is roughly just about RM1 billion or so. Indirectly, there is supposed to be about RM100-200 billion more — which Umno does not really know how much and only Mahathir, Daim and Anwar Ibrahim know (since these three were handling Umno’s wealth in the 1980s and 1990s).
Yes, Mahathir, Daim and Anwar know the details of the RM100-200 billion that is supposed to belong to Umno and which is being held under Mahathir’s proxies, trustees and nominees. And when Najib Tun Razak was Prime Minister or PM6, Mahathir tried to get back all that money but Najib blocked it.
One of Mahathir’s very lucrative cash cows are the IPPs. The IPPs are not only very lucrative but Mahathir has his fingers in all of them. And these IPPs are robbing Petronas and TNB in the billions — meaning they are robbing the rakyat.

Mahathir’s IPPs parked under his proxies, trustees and nominees were robbing billions every year from TNB and Petronas Najib tried to use 1MDB to take back all the IPPs (and hence save the rakyat a lot of money). If that succeeded then Mahathir and his proxies, trustees and nominees were going to lose tens of billions. And this is the main reason why Mahathir had to sabotage 1MDB. In fact, what most Malaysians do not know is that Jho Low’s father, Hock Peng Low, is actually very close to Mahathir.
Anyway, Najib was an obstacle and Mahathir was facing a lot of problems in getting back his wealth and in retaining his cash cows, the IPPs being just one of them. So Najib needed to be destroyed. But Mahathir could only bring down Najib if he worked with Pakatan Harapan.
So, Mahathir made a deal with Pakatan Harapan on the agreement that if the government is successfully brought down he would become the prime minister, but for only two years, after which he would hand the post to Anwar. But Mahathir never intended to do this.

Najib tried to use 1MDB to take back the IPPs so Mahathir used Pakatan Harapan to bring him down The promise to stay for only two years and then hand the PM post to Anwar was only to get Pakatan Harapan to support him. Once he becomes prime minister, he will screw Anwar. And the illegal way he arranged for Anwar’s pardon itself is enough to screw him — because legally Anwar’s pardon is not valid.
And that brings us to February 2020. In February, Pakatan Harapan would take no more crap from Mahathir so they told him to go now (no need to wait until May 2020). Mahathir then brought down Pakatan Harapan and then tried to form a “Party-less Unity Government”. In other words, the new government would consist of individuals and not party representatives.

Mahathir wanted to set up a dictatorship but His Majesty the Agong blocked it In short, Mahathir wanted to set up a dictatorship. He would be the Prime Minister with no party and his new Cabinet would be individuals handpicked by him and not from any party. If they happen to be from a party that would be purely coincidental.
But His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong saw the danger in the new government Mahathir was proposing. This would be a government not elected by the people and made up of people not voted into office. Some may be elected but this would be coincidental and people who owe their loyalty to Mahathir and not to the voters.
Mahathir says he resigned as PM because “they” wanted to pull PPBM out of Pakatan Harapan and he did not agree to that. That is another lie. Mahathir resigned at 1.00pm and PPBM left Pakatan Harapan AFTER THAT, at 2.00pm. Hence Mahathir did not resign because PPBM left Pakatan Harapan. It was the other way around. PPBM left Pakatan Harapan because Mahathir resigned as PM.
Raja Petra Kamarudin

MY RESIGNATION Dr Mahathir Mohamad
1. Today we have a Government with the slimmest majority – just 2.
2. How did this happen?
3. When Najib lost the 14th General Election (GE), he knew he would be jailed for the crimes he committed.
4. So, immediately he proposed to PAS to set up a Malay Muslim Government.
5. But they did not have enough to form a Government. He needed more Malay support.
6. He claimed the PH Government was dominated by DAP and DAP would destroy the Malays.
7. To oust DAP, the PH Government must be overthrown. For this Bersatu had to leave PH. It should then join UMNO and PAS to form a new Government.
8. Hamzah Zainuddin worked to get UMNO members to support me, as I was to be the Prime Minister in this new coalition. He got even Najib to sign.
9. I opposed this move. But Muhyiddin supported the idea. Majority in Bersatu supported Muhyiddin.
10. Strictly speaking when Bersatu left PH, the PH ceased to be the Government. This meant that all members of the cabinet lost their ministerial positions. This included me. I had lost my position as Prime Minister. Resigning was only a formality.
11. I refused to be PM of the UMNO/PAS/Bersatu Government because it meant I would be working with UMNO and Najib, the people I had condemned and defeated in the 14th GE. I would actually be resuscitating UMNO and make it a part of the Government. I would be betraying the people who supported me in the election. I would also be reneging on my promises to the other parties in the PH coalition.
12. I just could not accept the suggestion that I should be the Prime Minister of this unholy coalition.
13. As Muhyiddin was willing, I broke away from his group.
14. Today I have been stripped of my membership of Bersatu and its Chairman. I have gone to court to dispute the validity of my dismissal.
17 July 2020

The post Seriously, Mahathir? appeared first on My KMU NeT.

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