Sanusi Went Rogue Because Madani Govt Ignored Warning Signs


The caretaker Kedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Mohd Nor went rogue because the Madani government ignored all the warning signs.
Sanusi is the “bad boy” of Malaysian politics. Despite allegedly badmouthing, race-baiting, and insulting ordinary Malaysians, he was not punished.
Why blame Sanusi for his bad behaviour? He was just being himself.
The fault lies with the Madani administration. They refused to discipline unruly politicians and so, Sanusi became accustomed to getting his own way.
The Madani leaders want to please everyone but they will end up pleasing no one.
Why are they afraid of being firm and decisive? They should stop trying to spook the ignorant masses, or playing to the gallery when fishing for votes.
Why not educate the masses and show them what is morally and intellectually the right thing to do?
The nation needs a decisive leader, principled members of the cabinet and law-abiding parliamentarians. We do not want thugs, racists or extremists as MPs. If they do wrong, punish them.
Previous administrations let the nation down by not punishing the perpetrators. That is why we are where we are now, in this sorry mess of corruption and law-breakers.
There are enough laws in the land to punish those who create racial disharmony. Why should the authorities punish those who misuse the 3R (race, religion and royalty) sentiments only in the weeks before the state elections?
Those who use the 3Rs to cause hatred should be punished decisively and immediately.
Instead, the authorities cherry-pick who should be jailed or fined. In other words, we mismanage how we deal with corrupt politicians and civil servants.
We punish the “ikan bilis” (small fries) but let the sharks escape. Why? The reason is simple. Many sharks are our “member” or “kaki”, or have married into the family.
For some, including the rich and influential, even gang or triad leaders have become their benefactors.
For many Malaysian families, they are not so much concerned about doing the right thing. Their focus will be on the shame that an arrest will tarnish the family’s reputation.
In Malaysia, powerful politicians and wealthy families often intermarry. You can imagine the scenario when a corrupt politician is to be arrested and one or more family members will say: “Oh, think of the shame that will accompany the uncle or auntie or son-in-law’s arrest”.
Phone calls are made, people in high office and the enforcement divisions are consulted and in the end, the arrest is cancelled.
Real issues take a backseat nearing polls
However, there is an exception. If an election is looming, things may take a different turn.
Malaysians know that in the 10 months in the run-up to a general election or the three months for state elections, there is no real news to write about and sketchy information on how to help the poor deal with the rising cost of living.
Everything gets centred on Malays and Islam and trying to defend and protect both. Non-Malay and non-Muslim Malaysians almost become an afterthought.
Politicians are desperate for the Malay vote and will want to appear more Islamic than other parties.
Money is generously distributed around. The civil servants are a recognised vote bank. The casualty in the pre-election charade is the truth.
Back to Sanusi, even before the Madani government took control of Putrajaya, the former was already behaving badly.
He failed to observe the strict lockdown laws during the pandemic and Sanusi showed who was boss when he demolished temples, warned that Penang belonged to Kedah, and threatened to divert the river and thereby cause water hardship in Penang.
The authorities treated him with kid gloves. They allowed Sanusi to break many of the points in the Federal Constitution such as Article 11 - which guarantees all Malaysians the freedom to practise their own religion.
Sanusi demolished temples, insulted the Hindus, called Indians “toddy drunks”, and referred to foreign players in national football teams as “Awang Hitam”. Was Sanusi punished? No!
However, a swift and immediate response was taken soon after Sanusi badmouthed the sultans. Why were things allowed to escalate to this stage?
To some people, it looked as if action was only taken when the royals were involved. Don’t the feelings and rights of the non-Malays/non-Muslims count?
Sanusi even received a hero’s welcome at the Alor Setar Airport when he returned from Kuala Lumpur after his arrest and court appearance at the Selayang Sessions Court.
Treating Sanusi as a hero is a sad reflection of the Malaysian masses. Clearly, education has failed them.
The Communications and Digital Minister, Fahmi Fadzil, said that Sanusi had to bear the consequences for allegedly insulting the Selangor sultan.
What are the “consequences”? Will he receive more raps on the knuckles, or will a real deterrent, that will also serve as an example to others be dished out?
Action against those who abuse the 3R sentiments should be there all the time, and not just be reserved for elections.
Fahmi may have noticed that the hero-worshipping crowd at Alor Setar is a consequence of dumbed-down education and manipulation of the 3Rs to fish for votes.
So, how will he attempt to re-educate the ignorant masses? - Mkini
MARIAM MOKHTAR is a defender of the truth, the admiral-general of the Green Bean Army, and the president of the Perak Liberation Organisation (PLO). Blog, Twitter.
The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.

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