Yoursay Anwar S Twists And Turns Over Zahid S Dnaa

YOURSAY | 'Claims that Zahid's charges not professionally carried out have no basis in law.'
COMMENT | Anwar's double speak on Zahid's DNAA
Constitutional Supremacy: Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's argument that (47 corruption) charges against his deputy Ahmad Zahid Hamidi were not professionally carried out will have no basis in law.
The prosecution had led with evidence from witnesses and proved every cheque to have been issued by Zahid.
At the end of the prosecution’s case, the court ruled in a very coherent and well-argued manner that there was overwhelming evidence on all charges and that the charges were proved beyond reasonable doubt and required conviction if not rebutted.
Then, at the defence stage, Zahid gave evidence and called other witnesses. Suddenly, out of the blue, the prosecution withdrew charges.
From the way Anwar defended Zahid in the interview, he may likely know about the withdrawal of charges.
Anwar had some tiff earlier with former attorney-general Tommy Thomas and thus there is concern over the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) proposed by Minister in Prime Minister’s Department (Law and Institutional Reform) Azalina Othman Said.
Former attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali cleared former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak of any wrongdoing in the 1MDB case.
The trial showed overwhelming evidence against Najib. Yet Apandi was asked to head the enquiry panel despite him being a potential witness.
Thomas is known as an honest, upright man with absolute integrity. Thus, it would be good if Anwar could explain why an RCI is needed in Thomas’ book.
GreenFalcon2290: Anwar twists and turns in the wind daily and the wind does blow quite fiercely in this tropical paradise.
He reminds so many that he is far from being the shining, bristling beacon of integrity and moral rectitude that he boasted about.
While many believed him, he is far worse than others around him, since he promised so much and delivered the very opposite, with lots more of the same to come.
Kilimanjaro: Greek philosopher Socrates once said: "The true champion of justice, if he intends to survive even for a short time, must necessarily confine himself to private life and leave politics alone."
If there is one person who has mastered the art of politics and politicking, it has to be Anwar.
Since the early days of ‘reformasi’ and his foray into such politics, he has seen the highs and lows and many stood with him.
Even during the leanest times, there were two principal reasons - the injustice meted out to him by the then regimes and what then appeared as his principled stand on several issues, such as a needs-based policy.
Today, at the pinnacle of power, we see a different Anwar or maybe the true Anwar. Thinking of holding on to power is wishful thinking.
This applies to all those who crave to be at the top but none of the parties or the so-called leaders have any meritorious report card unless we have to laughingly believe the report card flashed by former prime minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob of his ministers' performances.
There are no rejoicing reasons to applaud the performance of the "Malay" government under former prime ministers Muyhiddin Yassin and Ismail Sabri.
Muyhiddin took us through the dark alleys where most of us swore that we didn't want such lunacy facing Malaysians ever.
That is the very reason why we wanted and supported a regime change, but did we bargain for the reasons and excuses for not keeping the word?
Anwar is over-arching towards pleasing Umno and the Malays. It is political, no doubt, a political expediency.
The DAP says it has to please Umno and the Malays. Then they should not be asking for the votes of non-Malays.
They should rightly rely only on Malay votes. Anwar sings a different tune now.
That is strange, but all the more reason that I am not looking to vote for Pakatan Harapan.
What is the difference between Muyhiddin and Anwar? Was there any to begin with?
OCT: There are more pressing issues Malaysia is facing than the High Court granting a discharge not amounting to an acquittal (DNAA) to Zahid.
The DNAA may not be a popular decision by the government, but the big picture is that the government remains intact.
All leaders make a mistake or two but the country moves on.
There is no perfect government in the world. Malaysia must progress with a stable government to finish rebuilding and bringing back its glory days.
Malaysians can condemn the government for the decision on DNAA. Malaysians don't want another backdoor government again.
Let's move on and accept it as an unfortunate incident.
IndigoSwan6963: Anwar has taken the opportunity to debate his stance on the separation of powers. Let the Parliament debate and then channel the questions to the Attorney-General’s Chambers.
In making this stand, none can fault him and Harapan if we truly believe in the separation of powers.
Open Minded 2281: Zahid's case will always remain a stigma for Anwar. If Anwar wants to clear his name he should have an RCI on Zahid's case and determine whether the AG had abused his power. - Mkini

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