Which Miss Universe National Costume Do You Like Best

The annual Miss Universe 2018 pageant will be taking place in Bangkok, in December this year. Leading up to it, beauty queens and their respective organisations are revealing their National Costumes on social media. Miss Malaysia Universe 2018, Jane Teoh, has also shared her costume on her Instagram account, garnering heapings of praise from Malaysians, and less savoury comments from social media users from neighbouring countries. Oh well, haters gonna hate!
Here’s a rundown of some of the National Costumes already revealed. Which is your favourite?
1. Miss Malaysia The National Costume this year is created by Salleh Hamid, inspired by the ‘Bangau Perahu’, one of the elements of a Malay boat built in the East Coast.
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Woohoo!! Finally, I get to share the details of my national costume for Miss Universe. It’s inspired by Bangau Perahu from Terengganu. It’s iconic and rich in Malay culture, making it uniquely Malaysian. Definitely feeling strong, bold and confident donning it. . . Costume Designer: @SallehHamid #SallehHamid . Shoe Designer: @RheaTanDesign #RheaTanDesign . Makeup: @LancomeOfficial #LancomeMY . Hair: @MikoGalere #MikoGalere . Photographer: @Studio27KL #Studio27KL . Set Designer: @Eammanuel #AngryBear . #MissUniverseMalaysia #MissUniverseMalaysia2018 #JaneTeoh #BeautyBeyondYou #MissUniverse2018 #RoadtoMissUniverse #NationalCostume #PerahuBangau
A post shared by Jane Teoh (@janeteoh_) on Nov 15, 2018 at 7:42am PST

2. Miss Indonesia Interestingly enough, Miss Indonesia’s costume also features a bird, the ‘Cenderawasih’, or Bird of Paradise. The comments section between the fans on the Indonesia and Malaysia queens are going to be hot!
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Road to MISS UNIVERSE ••• "Bird of Paradise " Keelokan burung Cendrawasih atau sering dijuluki Bird of Paradise (burung surga) yg merupakan endemik khas tanah Papua telah menginspirasi untuk mencipatakan karya National Costume kali ini. Bukan tanpa sebab, burung ini mendapat julukan Bird of Paradise. Keindahan dan keeksotisan warna, serta geraknya yg anggun, menghipnotis siapapun yg melihatnya. Bulunya memanjang elegan dari sayap hingga ekornya. Teksturnya halus serta berwarna merah marun, kuning dan putih menjadi sebuah kesatuan yang Indah dan Mencolok dalam balutan kostum ini. Kecantikannya yang seolah tak membumi, langkahnya yang tak pernah mendarat menapaki tanah, membuat semua berkeyakinan bahwa burung surga ini benar adanya. Serpihan surga yang jatuh ke bumi itu ada di Papua, Indonesia. Kepakan sayap-sayap cantik ini seolah mengajak kita untuk menari menyuarakan perlindungan terhadap burung surga ini yg diambang kepunahan akibat eksplotasi alam berlebih dan perburuan liar. Mari bersuara bersama, agar siulan merdu burung Cendrawasih bisa kita dengar dengan menjaga kelestarian Hutan Indonesia dan menghidupkan kehidupan Dunia. Terbang kembalilah Cendrawasih, dengan setia Bumi menunggu mu untuk bercengkrama dalam pangkuan. National Costume by @jemberfashioncarnaval Makeup by @bubahalfian using Beauty Queen Series @mustikaratuind Hairstylist by @reyhairstylist Styled by @doleytobing . . #IndonesiaInspirasiku #MustikaRatu #YayasanPuteriIndonesia #PuteriIndonesia2018 #MissUniverseIndonesia2018 #MissUniverse2018
A post shared by soniaforuniverse (@__queensonia) on Nov 24, 2018 at 9:03pm PST

3. Miss Japan Not very original in a Sailor Moon outfit, but we’re sure lots of fans will love it. It is, at least, fun!
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Miss Universe Japan, Yuumi Kato, has a Sailor Moon costume which she will be wearing at the Miss Universe National Costume competition December 11th. The Miss Universe Competition will be televised on Fox December 16th. #ミスユニバースジャパン #ミスユニバース #ミスユニバースジャパン2018 #ミスユニバース2018 #missuniversejapan #missuniversejapan2018 #missuniverse #missuniverse2018 #加藤遊海 #yuumikato #美馬寛子 #阿部桃子 #神山まりあ #セーラームーン #美少女戦士セーラームーン #sailormoon #anime #manga
A post shared by Sailor Moon News (@sailormoonnews) on Nov 25, 2018 at 7:02pm PST

4. Miss South Africa Another bird-inspired outfit, this time the Blue Crane for Miss South Africa.
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Looking forward to wearing my high fashioned Blue Crane inspired National Costume at Miss Universe . . This costume was made with over 1000 bluish grey and black feathers, hand placed on the costume. The headpiece encrusted with crystals depicting the beak and the custom feather print fabric designed locally. . The structured, tailored jacket is reflective of the esteem that blue crane feathers are held in within some African cultures such as Xhosa, Zulu and Ndebele. Chiefs were bestowed with the honour of wearing blue crane feathers for their acts of bravery and hunting prowess.” . Thank you @the_costume_dept for this beautiful creation. I loved wearing it on stage yesterday and can't wait to soar with it on stage at Miss Universe! Creative @werner_wessels H&M @artistry_by_dyllan @suninternationalza @official_misssa @cellcsa
A post shared by Tamaryn (@tamaryngreen) on Nov 22, 2018 at 10:34pm PST

5. Miss Australia The costume of Miss Australia (in green jumpsuit, second from left) is inspired by the country’ flora, most notably the Golden Wattle here. We’re loving the layers.
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TA DA! Here it is folks! Australia’s National Costume all ready to go for Miss Universe! Thank you to @morningshowon7 @larryemdur @kyliegillies for having me on this morning to showcase our creation! Designed and created by the talented Nicola Yeung from @sonsanddaughters.thelabel The dress is inspired by our National Flora, in particular the Golden Wattle. This Wattle gown signifies the unity and resilience of the Australian people. I am beyond proud to be wearing such an incredible National Costume. Thank you @missuniverseaustralia.official for this opportunity of a lifetime! Outfit on me by @gingerandsmart . . . . . . #missuniverse #missuniverseaustralia #love #photooftheday #face #mua #woman #smile #model #girl #eurasian #style #photoshoot #photo #amazing #girl #natural #healthy #happy #australia #fun #style #costume #incredible #wattle #gold
A post shared by Francesca Hung (@francesca.hung) on Nov 25, 2018 at 3:50pm PST

6. Miss Guatemala Just… wow. Very pretty with obvious references to their culture, and definitely eye-catching.
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•SPECIAL OF NATIONAL COSTUMES• GUATEMALA on her national costume . . . . . . . . . Follow @universalpageant18 for Miss Universe update and news! #follo4follow #followus #follow #missuniverse2018 #roadtomissuniverse #siguemeytesigo #like4like #followforfollowback #followformore #missuniverso #2018 #missuniverso2018 #followplease #followforfun #followfornews #followme #beutypagent #missuniverso18 #missuniverse18 #top #caminoalacorona #coment4coment #coment #top5 #top6 #contestants #thailand
A post shared by Universal Pageant 2018 (@universalpageant18) on Nov 25, 2018 at 5:25pm PST

7. Miss Cambodia Miss Cambodia’s Angkor Wat-inpired costume leaves no doubt as to where she’s from.
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អគុណដែលតែងតែនៅចាំជួយខ្ញុំរហូតមក Mu Zu Make Up love you my bff
A post shared by Rern Sinat (@rern_sinat) on Nov 18, 2018 at 6:58am PST

8. Miss Malta Here’s Miss Malta in a colourful flora-inspired number.
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•SPECIAL OF NATIONAL COSTUMES• Malta presenting her national costume before leaving to Thailand . . . . . . . . . Follow @universalpageant18 for Miss Universe update and news! #follo4follow #followus #follow #missuniverse2018 #roadtomissuniverse #siguemeytesigo #like4like #followforfollowback #followformore #missuniverso #2018 #missuniverso2018 #followplease #followforfun #followfornews #followme #beutypagent #missuniverso18 #missuniverse18 #top #caminoalacorona #coment4coment #coment #top5 #top6 #contestants #thailand
A post shared by Universal Pageant 2018 (@universalpageant18) on Nov 23, 2018 at 10:25am PST

9. Miss Vietnam They had a few options, and in the end Vietnam has decided to go with the Banh Mi. Yay or nay?
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Banh mi – National Costume of Vietnam at Miss Universe 2018
A post shared by H'Hen Niê (@hhennie.official) on Nov 21, 2018 at 6:26am PST

10. Miss Korea Looks like Miss Korea is going with an actual National Costume, and looking beautiful in it.
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National costume #missuniverse2018 #missuniversekorea #missuniverse
A post shared by Baek Ji Hyun (Baek Cho Co) (@baek_g_hyun) on Nov 20, 2018 at 6:33am PST

11. Miss Panama Looking very ready to win the battle!
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"ZARATI, EL RENACER DE 2 LEYENDAS” Antes de la conquista de América por los españoles existían pueblos originarios liderados por fuertes hombres llamados Caciques y a su vez por hermosas doncellas, hijas de estos valientes guerreros, quienes las cuidaban como cuidaban sus tierras y la naturaleza que los rodeaba. En las tierras que hoy pertenecen a la provincia de Coclé, vivió Nomé, uno de los caciques más importantes de las tierras coclesanas y padre de una mujer de imponente belleza e inteligencia. Con una pureza tan trasparente como las cascadas de los ríos que bañaban las tierras de su padre. Zara era el nombre de aquella mujer que por ser hija del cacique era nombrada princesa. Título que la hacía poseedora de un aren de bellas damas y, además, era pretendida por apuestos caballeros hijos de otros caciques. Pero, el corazón de Zara pertenecía a Chigoré un valiente indígena, cuya fuerza era envidiada en las tierras vecinas. Como líder de su gente poseía ciertos dones entre ellos la fuerza y la nobleza de su alma, dones que enamoraron a Zara. Cuenta la leyenda que todas las tardes con el ocaso del sol, el sonido del viento y el cántico de las aves Zara y Chigore se embarcaban en una balsa para vivir su idilio de amor, rodeados de la naturaleza como su único testigos de amor. Una tarde la doncella Zara regresaba a la comarca, después de haberse encontrado con su amado, y vio que una parvada de seres blancos con piel de metal y garras de hierro montados en caballos, incendiaba las chozas de su gente y ultrajaban a sus damiselas, esparciendo dolor y muerte por todos lados. Zara como hija de un cacique fue a defender a su gente de los pieles de metal, pero en medio de su ira recordó la promesa de amor que le hizo a su amado Chigore; aturdida por el miedo Zara corrió hacia la parte más alta de las montañas donde nacía el rio, ya en la cima envuelta en el dorado oro de los rayos del sol y cubierta por las lágrimas de su gente se lanzó al vacío, convirtiendo sus cabellos en las cascadas y sus lágrimas en las aguas del RÍO ZARATÍ, que en lengua indígena significa “El Rio de Zara. Diseño y Confección: Abdul Juliao @abdulhabid Maquillaje: @luisquinterog1
A post shared by Rosa Iveth (@rosaivethm) on Nov 19, 2018 at 7:54pm PST

12. Miss Puerto Rico Don’t be mistaken, this is not Miss America.
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•SPECIAL OF NATIONAL CUSTOMS• Puerto Rico @kiara.lizpr presents her national custom days before leaving to Thailand. . . . . . Follow @universalpageant18 for Miss Universe update and news! #follo4follow #followus #follow #missuniverse2018 #roadtomissuniverse #siguemeytesigo #like4like #followforfollowback #followformore #missuniverso #2018 #missuniverso2018 #followplease #followforfun #followfornews #followme #beutypagent #missuniverso18 #missuniverse18 #top #caminoalacorona #coment4coment #coment #top5 #top6 #contestants #thailand
A post shared by Universal Pageant 2018 (@universalpageant18) on Nov 20, 2018 at 10:12am PST

13. Miss Ecuador All shiny and glittery in what looks like a costume inspired by the butterfly.
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•SPECIAL OF NATIONAL COSTUME• Ecuador presents her national costume days before leaving to Thailand. . . . . . Follow @universalpageant18 for Miss Universe update and news! #follo4follow #followus #follow #missuniverse2018 #roadtomissuniverse #siguemeytesigo #like4like #followforfollowback #followformore #missuniverso #2018 #missuniverso2018 #followplease #followforfun #followfornews #followme #beutypagent #missuniverso18 #missuniverse18 #top #caminoalacorona #coment4coment #coment #top5 #top6 #contestants #thailand
A post shared by Universal Pageant 2018 (@universalpageant18) on Nov 20, 2018 at 6:42am PST

For more updates and information about the Miss Universe 2018 pageant, go to missuniverse.com.
The post Which Miss Universe National Costume Do You Like Best? appeared first on Her Inspirasi.

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