Umno Fought Dap Yet Malay Support For Umno Declined

 It took a humiliating defeat in a general election in 2022 for the UMNO warlords to realise that. Their racist politics while they were holding the reins of goverment had finally reached the very bottom of the gutter. 
Yet, what is most surprising is that it took the Malay community, especially the Malay educated elites and the Malay intelligentsia, some 66 years to wake up to the fact that UMNO through its institutionalised racist politics has always been on the  wrong side of history.

As for the current PMX, it took his sacking from UMNO in 1998, for Anwar to  forge a long standing relationship with the NON-Malays in DAP. 
A relationship of mutual trust which finally enabled him to achieve his long-standing ambition to win the highest office in the land, and with it,a general goodwill from all sections of the Malaysian population.

What is remarkable is the DAP leadership, the NON Malay supporters, stood by Anwar all the way, unwavered, through thick and thin, and through Anwar’s  worst moments in his personal life. Anwar realised that, and appreciated the loyalty coming from a different political party.
Time will only tell whether this so-called “ Unity Govt” led by Anwar with the blessings of the Malay Rulers will succeed to cleanse the 50 years of dirty, obscene and divisive racist politics of UMNO.Anwar has only ONE strike to turn this country around. If he fails, get ready for the country going to the dogs. - C.k. Foo
Umno delegates were clearly split as debates rage on over whether the proposed motion to prevent the top two posts from being contested ought to be approved at the AGM, the highest authority which must be respected by all incl party rank and file. A decision expected tomorrow - MelGoh
La...tak balik Malaysia lagikah?...
Istana pun tahu,takkan MB tak tahu kot?...

PM perlu bagi salam masuk Terengganu ke?. Dia Perdana Menteri Malaysia bukan PM Uruguay. Dari segi protokol, MB sambut dia bukan dia pi cari MB,tapi Menteri Besar Terengganu tunjuk besar kepala, langsung tak muncul, exco kerajaan negeri pun tak hadir. 
Setiausaha Negeri tu kau tak nak salahkan pulak? Setiausaha Negeri ada di sana jemput PMX. Macam mana kau kata boleh tak tahu?
Adalah mustahil protokol negeri tak tau kedatangan rasmi PMX sedangkan istana mengatur pertemuan rasmi. Adakah team MB tertidor sampai tak tau PMX mengadap Sultan Terengganu.
Adakah PMX perlu maklum melalui whatsapp dengan MB Terengganu atau melalui FB. Ha3x... Common brader, jangan salahkan prosedur dan protokol,ini alasan karut. - Syed Shah Syed Osman


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