Takkanlah Semua Hal Kita Diam Atau Diam Diam Ubi Berisi 10228

Walau kita diam, apa pun yang utama kita tetap patuh perintah dan larangan Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎‎ (Subḥānahu Wa Taʿālā) Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pelindung dan Maha Penolong. Jaga takwa dan iman masing-masing. In Syaa Allah. Aamiin Yaa Allah.

Mungkin Ada Tiga Jenis Strain Virus COVID-19 Di Malaysia
Thursday, 16 April 2020

PUTRAJAYA: Kementerian Kesihatan (KKM) tidak menolak kemungkinan terdapat tiga strain COVID-19 di negara ini, kata Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan, Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah

Bagaimanapun, beliau menegaskan, masih terlalu awal untuk mengesahkannya kerana perkara itu perlu terlebih dahulu dikaji oleh pihak berkuasa kesihatan termasuk Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan (IMR)

Beliau berkata, ia adalah virus baharu dan tiada sebarang laporan atau data untuk membantu pihak berkuasa dalam penyelidikan mereka

"Ini adalah virus baharu jadi pada asasnya kami tidak mempunyai laporan atau data tentang virus ini yang boleh kami rujuk, tidak seperti virus lain, yang kami sudah kenal pasti dan ada laporannya

"Jadi apa yang kami lakukan di IMR adalah mengkaji serologi virus ini, isolasinya dan juga mengkaji genomiknya," jelasnya pada taklimat harian mengenai COVID-19 di KKM di sini, hari ini

Dr Noor Hisham berkata, kes postitf COVID-19 yang terdapat di Malaysia mungkin strain C

"Perlu ingat, dalam gelombang pertama penyakit ini di negara ini, sebanyak 16 pesakit adalah dari China, jadi kita tahu ada kebarangkalian kumpulan ini adalah daripada kumpulan Wuhan

"Sama ada kita menyaksikan strain virus yang berbeza, ia bergantung ... berikutan mereka (laporan) menyatakan di China kini mungkin adalah strain B dan mereka menyatakan di Asia adalah strain C dan di Amerika Syarikat dan Eropah adalah strain A, sebagai contoh

"Tetapi kami tidak tahu sehingga kami jalankan proses kultur virus di negara ini dengan sususan genome yang lengkap ...jika kami dapat lakukan itu dan tag serta kenal pasti ciri-ciri virus di negara ini sama ada ia jenis A ,B atau C

"Mungkin ada tiga strain di negara ini tetapi kami tidak tahu sehingga kami lakukan isolasi virus itu dan tag virus itu, hanya selepas itu kami boleh buat perbandingan," jelasnya

Terdapat laporan bahawa Jenis A kemungkinan besar adalah strain yang menjadi punca kepada wabak ini, Jenis B terhasil daripada Jenis A, dipisahkan oleh dua mutasi dan Jenis C adalah "anak" Jenis B.-- BERNAMA
from Sehinggit Media https://ift.tt/2XKhLJ9
via Merah Hati Cintaku
Merah Hati Cintaku: Mungkin Ada Tiga Jenis Strain Virus COVID-19 Di Malaysia

Institut Virologi Wuhan (IVW) menyimpan lebih 1,500 jenis virus menjadi perhatian Amerika
Editor April 18, 2020 

Wuhan: Sebuah makmal biosekuriti tinggi di China kini menjadi perhatian Amerika Syarikat (AS), selepas terdapat dakwaan Covid-19 berasal di bangunan itu.

RTE melaporkan saintis China mengatakan virus itu berpunca daripada haiwan di sebuah pasar di Wuhan.

Bagaimanapun, terdapat teori konspirasi bahawa virus itu berasal dari makmal berkenaan.

Setiausaha Negaranya AS, Mike Pompeo berkata, pihaknya sedang melakukan siasatan penuh berhubung punca wabak berkenaan.

Beliau juga dilaporkan berkata, kerajaan China juga pada pada peringkat awal turut menyiasat sama ada virus itu berasal dari makmal terbabit.

Makmal dikenali sebagai Institut Virologi Wuhan (IVW) menyimpan lebih 1,500 jenis virus.

Makmal bernilai 300 juta yuan (kira-kira RM185 juta) dibangunkan pada 2015 dan beroperasi pada 2018.

MR :  Nampaknya golak lagi US-China
Institut Virologi Wuhan Menyimpan Lebih 1 500 Jenis Virus Menjadi Perhatian Amerika

3 Coronavirus Variants Discovered – Surprisingly, “Type-A” Found In Americans, Wuhan’s Type-B And Type-C In EuropeSUNDAY, APRIL 12, 2020

Scientists were flabbergasted at the speed of Coronavirus spreading to around the world. With cases fast approaching 2-million and more than 100,000 deaths, everyone is asking the same question – when will a Covid-19 vaccine be ready? If you believe Microsoft founder Bill Gates, an effective vaccine is not likely to emerge until another 18 months.

Even if that’s true, there’s another problem. Scientists have discovered that the virus has been mutating at an extraordinary speed. Peter Forster, a geneticist at the University of Cambridge, said – “There are too many rapid mutations to neatly trace a Covid-19 family tree. We used a mathematical network algorithm to visualise all the plausible trees simultaneously.”

At the same University of Cambridge in the UK, researchers also discovered 3 distinct “variants” of Covid-19, consisting of clusters of closely related lineages, which were labelled as “A”, “B” and “C”. The jaw-dropping discovery would not only be useful to produce vaccine, but could certainly help scientists to explain why the Covid-19 is so contagious, as well as to identify its source.

Coronavirus - 3 Variants - Type A, B and C

Using genetic network techniques, the scientists analyzed the first 160 complete virus genomes from human patients around the world between 24 December 2019 and 4 March 2020. Together with researchers from Germany, they mapped some of the original spread of the Coronavirus through its mutations, and successfully reconstructed an early “evolutionary paths” of the Covid-19.

As the infection spread from Wuhan to Europe and North America, the paths show how the Coronavirus mutated to “type-A”, “type-B” and “type-C”. “These techniques are mostly known for mapping the movements of prehistoric human populations through DNA. We think this is the first time they have been used to trace the infection routes of a coronavirus like Covid-19,” – said Forster.

Mr. Forster and his team found that “type-A” – supposedly the “original human virus genome” – was closest to the Coronavirus discovered in bats and found in Wuhan, the epicentre of the initial outbreak. But surprisingly, the type-A was not the Chinese city’s predominant virus type. Instead, the most common variant found in Wuhan was “type-B”.

Coronavirus - Wuhan China

Variant “A”, most closely related to the virus found in both bats and pangolins, is described as “the root of the outbreak” by researchers and scientists. Type “B” is derived from “A”, separated by two mutations, then “C” is in turn a “daughter” of “B”. Type A was found in Americans who had lived in Wuhan, and in other patients diagnosed in the United States and Australia.

Even though Wuhan’s major Coronavirus type was “B” (when it should be “A”), the variant reportedly didn’t travel much beyond the region without further mutations – suggesting that there was some sort of “resistance” against variant “B” of Covid-19 outside East Asia. The variant “C”, meanwhile, is the primary type in Europe, found in early patients from France, Italy, Sweden and England.

The genetic network analysis discovered that while “type-C” is absent from samples in mainland China, they can be seen in Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea. In the same breath, the research suggests that one of the earliest introductions of the Coronavirus in Italy came via the first documented German infection on January 27.

Coronavirus - Peter Forster - University of Cambridge

In that German infection case, an employee of car parts supplier Webasto Group in Munich had contracted the infection from a Chinese colleague. The Shanghai-based Chinese employee, now known as Germany’s Case #0, coincidentally received a visit from her parents from Wuhan before she travelled to Stockdorf, Germany to attend meetings at the Webasto’s HQ.

Last month, a team of Italian scientists believed that Italy’s Coronavirus epidemic might have come to the country via Germany – not directly from China as many experts initially assumed. They matched the Italian genetic sequencing of the pathogen to a case that emerged in Germany in January. Another early Italian infection route was related to a “Singapore cluster”

Likewise, in Brazil, a group of researchers had isolated SARS-CoV-2 from two patients confirmed to have been infected with Covid-19 and sequenced the complete genomes of both samples of the virus. They found that not only did the genomes differ from each other, but they were also very different from the genomes of the virus samples sequenced in Wuhan, China.

Coronavirus - Respiratory System

Previously, scientists announced the good news that Covid-19 virus mutates so slowly that when a vaccine is eventually developed, it would be most likely be effective for years, the same way measles or chickenpox vaccine does. In fact, the researchers said the latest Coronavirus is more stable than the flu because the SARS-CoV-2 does not seem to mutate much.

However, based on the latest study done by the UK and Germany scientists using the “Phylogenetic” network analysis, obviously not only is the Covid-19 capable of performing too many rapid mutations, it has also mutated itself into three types of variants for different continents – Asia, America and Europe.

China has been accused of covering up the spread of the virus, not to mention the suggestion that the spread of Coronavirus from China might have originated in bats that the Chinese people consumed before being passed on to humans. But the same bats are also favourite indigenous protein in Indonesia, particularly in North Sulawesi.

Coronavirus - New York United States

More importantly, why Americans who had lived in Wuhan had “type-A” of Covid-19, the root of the outbreak, but most of Chinese infected in Wuhan had the “type-B”, which can’t exist without type “A”? Two thirds (70%) of the 310 virus samples sequenced in the U.S. were type A. Naughty speculations would say this as proof that it was the America who first spread the Coronavirus. - financetwitter

Posted by Mohd. Kamal bin Abdullah at 6:56 PM

Bukti Mengejutkan Dari Makmal Wuhan; Seal Peti Sejuk Tempat Menyimpan 1500 Strain Virus Termasuk Coronavirus Dipecah
by orangmuo

Ini adalah gambar yang belum pernah dilihat di dalam makmal China di Pusat Kecurigaan Antarabangsa [The Centre Of Mounting Inter-National Suspicion] mengenai pandemik Covid-19- dan menjadi bukti tidak akan menghilangkan keraguan bahawa ia disebabkan oleh kebocoran bencana yang telah dirahsiakan oleh Beijing.

Gambar dari dalam Institut Virologi Rahsia Wuhan menunjukkan meterai yang pecah pada pintu salah satu peti sejuk yang digunakan untuk menyimpan 1500 jenis virus yang berbeza, termasuk coronavirus kelawar yang telah menular kepada manusia dengan kesan yang sangat buruk.

Gambar-gambar yang pertama kali itu dikeluarkan oleh akhbar China Daily milik negara pada tahun 2018, telah diterbitkan di Twitter bulan lalu, sebelum dihapuskan.
Minggu lalu, akhbar The Mail mendedahkan bahawa institut tersebut telah melakukan eksperimen virus korona pada kelawar yang ditangkap lebih dari 1000 batu jauhnya di Yunnan, yang didanai oleh US dengan geran $3.7 juta.
Penjujukan urutan berkaitan genom Covid-19 telah mengesannya ke atas kelawar yang hanya terdapat di gua-gua tersebut.
Kecurigaan ke atas Cina semakin meningkat setelah Washington Post melaporkan bahawa diplomat AS di Beijing telah menulis mengenai makmal Wuhan pada tahun 2018, memperingatkan Jabatan Negara bahawa 'kerja-kerja kajian makmal mengenai coronavirus kelelawar dan potensi penularan manusia mereka berisiko wabak seperti SAR baru '.
Sumber perisik AS mengatakan bahawa tidak lama selepas wabak coronavirus bermula, pegawai di makmal memusnahkan sampel virus, menghapus laporan awal, manakala akhbar akademik disekat, dan kemudian cuba menyalahkan pasar basah Wuhan tempat haiwan liar dijual.

Sumber-sumber tersebut percaya bahawa 'Patient Zero' adalah seorang staf intern di makmal, yang menyebarkan virus tersebut kepada penduduk setempat setelah virus tersebut menjangkiti teman lelakinya.
Setelah pada awalnya menerima teori pasar basah Wuhan sebagai punca wabak, pegawai perisik di AS, Britain dan Kanada semakin fokus kepada institusi makmal Wuhan kerana tahap keesahan yang diperlukan punca jangkitan tersebut bukan berpunca dari  haiwan liar yang dijual di pasar basah Wuhan.

Organisasi Kesihatan Sedunia, menghadapi tuduhan bersikap menyebelahi Beijing terhadap wabak itu, kerana dengan cepat menerima dan menyebarkan teori bahawa jangkitan bermula dari pasar hidupan liar Wuhan.
Walaupun sumber Kerajaan Inggeris mengatakan bukti menunjukkan bahawa virus itu 'zoonotik', berasal dari binatang, tetapi ia masih ‘compatible’ dengan teori bahawa penyebaran virus corona terhadap manusia adalah akibat kemalangan oleh saintis yang mempelajarinya di makmal.

Beijing menegaskan bahawa institut virologi utama negara itu berpusat di kota di pusat wabak itu hanya kebetulan, menolak hubungan kes makmal sebagai 'teori konspirasi tidak berasas'.

Dalam sebuah surat kepada The Mail pada hari Ahad, seorang jurucakap Kedutaan Besar China mengatakan: ‘Tidak pernah ada penyembunyian, dan juga tidak pernah ada kerahsiaan.

Angka kematian Covid-19 yang agak rendah di China membuktikan bahawa langkah-langkah pembendungan berkesan. Langkah-langkah penguncian yang ketat telah memperlambat penyebaran virus dan mengurangkan kes jangkitan.
Bukti Mengejutkan Dari Makmal Wuhan; Seal Peti Sejuk Tempat Menyimpan 1500 Strain Virus Termasuk Coronavirus Dipecah - Orang Muo

Covid-19 rekaan makmal di Wuhan?
 April 19, 2020 rhg
WUHAN: Sebuah makmal biosekuriti tinggi di China kini menjadi perhatian Amerika Syarikat (AS), selepas terdapat dakwaan Covid-19 berasal di bangunan itu.

RTE melaporkan saintis China mengatakan virus itu berpunca daripada haiwan di sebuah pasar di Wuhan.

Bagaimanapun, terdapat teori konspirasi bahawa virus itu berasal dari makmal

Setiausaha Negaranya AS, Mike Pompeo berkata, pihaknya sedang melakukan siasatan penuh berhubung punca wabak berkenaan.

Beliau juga dilaporkan berkata, kerajaan China juga pada pada peringkat awal turut menyiasat sama ada virus itu berasal dari makmal terbabit.

Makmal dikenali sebagai Institut Virologi Wuhan (IVW) menyimpan lebih 1,500 jenis virus.

Makmal bernilai 300 juta yuan (kira-kira RM185 juta) dibangunkan pada 2015 dan beroperasi pada 2018.

Menghina tetap salah dan semuga Allah kurniakan hidayah kepada dua orang tersebut. Aamiin Yaa Allah.

Dear Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin...Since the Sheraton affair at the end of February, you became the head honcho, rightly or wrongly, of this beloved nation. The turn of events over the past seven weeks have been so momentous that many right-thinking Malaysians are beginning to wonder if you will fulfil the promise you gave as a solemn undertaking on taking office on March 2 where you declared that: “I am a prime minister for all Malaysians.”
The first signs appeared two weeks later when the menteri besar and chief ministers from opposition-controlled states were left out of a meeting to discuss matters related to the coronavirus pandemic. Chief Secretary to the Government Mohd Zuki Ali (photo, below) took the rap and apologised, but the damage had already been done.

Since then, there have been so many errors and omissions by your cabinet colleagues, party members, coalition partners and their leaders. Citizens are beginning to ask if you are really in charge or that there are forces – visible or otherwise – operating the joystick. If the gaffes of your ministers can be dismissed as “early day blues”, the same cannot be said of the subsequent announcements demands that have come to the fore.

It must be acknowledged that you head the weakest government since we gained independence 63 years ago. We know that you need every conceivable support from every nook and corner, but this does not mean having to forsake values. We understand the need to appease the warlords from the various parties which in turn will consolidate your position, lest you get swallowed by a party with a bigger number of seats in Parliament or individuals with lofty ambitions.

But you possibly can’t go wrong if you had observed the cornerstone of good governance – transparency and accountability – from the very start of your term. Throw in meritocracy, integrity and honesty and the results may have made you come out smelling like a bunch of roses.
Unthought of and arbitrary decisions are the last things that should be shoved down the throats of the rakyat. We are aware that the shylocks are demanding for their pound of flesh, the holy men are beginning to anticipate materialistic gain while the small-fry bystanders are eagerly awaiting the crumbs to be thrown at them.

Each time we watch you on TV, we can notice the stress, strain and pressure on your face. Yes, heavy is the head that wears the crown, but you have inherited an extra burden with each horse veering to its own ambitious destination.

Whose bird-brained idea was it to put members of parliament (MPs) and party stalwarts as heads of government-linked companies (GLCs) and government agencies? Was this debated, argued and justified by the cabinet or was it an issue of “you scratch my back, I scratch mine”? Or were you forced to agree?

The claim made by the de facto Law Minister Takiyuddin Hassan (photo,below) that “MPs are qualified” holds no water in the Malaysian context. Haven’t we learnt from mistakes made in taking such a nonsensical approach?

Without wanting to be accused of contempt or sub judice, allow us to touch on the evidence adduced in the on-going trials of three of them. These will suffice. From what we have read, hotels were purchased at highly-inflated prices and kickbacks were received from investing the people’s money in shares. The damage that has been done is humongous, and the only lesson the taxpayer has learnt is the art of enriching oneself and doing business the “Malaysian way”.

Let it be stated that the rakyat will have no problems accepting your proposals on appointing your friends or the choice of other parties provided they have the necessary prerequisites – appointments made on merit. Not all the incumbents were ineffectual or bungling idiots who had attempted to put their hands in the cashbox. So, why the change?
Sir, you have been in the cabinet for a long, long time. You have headed so many ministries, and your experience is impressive and the knowledge from dealing with people from all walks of life would make you the right man to make the right decisions. So, the phrase “fit and proper person test” would not be alien to you. Why isn’t this simple test being carried out? We would be able to get the crème de la crème of our talent.

Initially, we were reluctant in wanting to venture into saying this. Knowing our “business culture”, cronies will be lining up for contracts. Of course, they would charge a hefty fee and demand for the spoils to be shared. However, you have faltered, remained silent as incompetent and unqualified people have been allowed to occupy the hot seats, and you gave in to some ridiculous demands.

Almost daily, near demands come to the fore. We are told that a group in Sabah has made demands for posts in federal statutory bodies and a senatorship for an ex-minister who was defeated in the last hustings. But the credentials of some are far from acceptable. Each is carrying baggage – real huge and heavy ones.

Elsewhere, a kleptocrat is beating the war drums with snide remarks and his expectations of getting away with charges of felony. Instead of ignoring and containing the baloney, he gets your ear too.
Mr Prime Minister, this country is going back to bad old days of governance which you abhorred. You were unceremoniously removed for your bold stand against everything that was wrong. The people applauded you and supported you for your principled stand of foregoing all the power and perks that came as the country’s no 2.

You didn’t walk away like a coward and sell your conscience. You stood your ground and said your piece and they were compelled to get rid of you.

What has since gone wrong? What has made you change? You wouldn’t want to admit it but many feel that you are being held to ransom by some opportunistic political groups with their own agenda. If you stand up to these unprincipled guys, the rakyat will rise again in your support for a clean, honest and trustworthy government.

As you are aware, the nation is suffering from effects of the coronavirus but what is more contagious is a disease called the “truth deficiency syndrome” which brought the Barisan Nasional government almost two years ago. With the change in May 2018, it was contained but whatever traces remaining are imploding without control.

Are you going to contain this disorder by standing up, speaking up and making the right decisions? Or are you going to allow this government to operate on autopilot or remote control until there is no time to retreat? The choice is yours. - R.Nadeswaran,mk
Duit Deposit Bazar Ramadan Sudah Di Telan Buaya...Minister  should stop trying to cheat poor Ramadan bazaar traders’ deposit money. After insisting Ramadan bazaars wont be cancelled, Minister no choice but to ban it

As early as March 31,  Minister arrogantly said – “Just because Singapore no bazaars does not mean we say same thing.” Then Negeri Sembilan first state to cancel Ramadan bazaar, state of Terengganu followed suit

By April 2, Melaka, Kedah, Selangor cancel all Ramadan bazaars. April 14, almost all states banned Ramadan bazaars.

But different story at federal government. Federal government still considering options
very keen to have Ramadan bazaars

Ministers boys sold permits to traders in 66 locations in KL, Putrajaya. Minister convinced he could bulldoze the event His ministry reportedly planned to meet hawker associations to finalise stalls. Then on April 16 Minister finally threw in towel,no Ramadan bazaars in FT in any form this year

Yearly Ramadan bazaar provides opportunity for cronies to make killing,in March Minister revealed 66 locations could accommodate 50 stalls each. The calculator says that would be 3,300 permits up for grab. But the story of cash cow has just begun

Last year DBKL stubbornly wanted to be in charge of 2019 Ramadan bazaar.

Former FT Minister Khalid Samad exposed the reason, rental per lot RM500, could be "resold" for RM30,000 (depending on location)  after going through chain of "rent-seekers" DBKL, with UMNO parasites, middle men, would resell permit

3,300 permits could fetch as much as RM99 million in free cash. Even at RM2,000 a piece, 3,300 lots could fetch RM6.6 million

- traders have demanded refund of their deposits
- now Ramadan Bazaar is officially cancelled.
- traders unhappy rental deposits carried forward to next year
- why should traders’ rental money be locked up for a year
- to deny traders their rightful money is pathetic, despicable and corrupt
- PM Muhyiddin should be ashamed minister trying to cheat poor traders
- Minister's minions had already split money and spent it
- impossible to fully refund back to traders (This is adapted from Finance Twitter) - OSTB

cheers.Posted by ali allah ditta at 12:02:00 AM tumpang sekole...?: Bang Ramlee tunjuk kat mana 500 negara baru itu..
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Covid 19 Tolong Bawa Kami Pulang Atau Kami Semua Dipenjarakan

Covid 19 Tolong Bawa Kami Pulang Atau Kami Semua Dipenjarakan

papar berkaitan - pada 16/4/2020 - jumlah : 256 hits
Sekumpulan jemaah tabligh yang ketika ini berada di India merayu kepada kerajaan Malaysia supaya segera membawa mereka pulang ke tanah air Salah seorang daripada jemaah berkenaan yang dikenali sebagai Ibnu Hussin berkata beliau bersama enam...
Mudik Diam Diam Naik Mobil Atau Motor Pribadi Ke Kota Solo Diburu Polisi

Mudik Diam Diam Naik Mobil Atau Motor Pribadi Ke Kota Solo Diburu Polisi

papar berkaitan - pada 26/4/2020 - jumlah : 352 hits
Pemudik yang memasuki kota Solo Jawa Tengah bakal didata dan telah disiapkan rumah karantina Bukan hanya pemudik yang menaiki angkutan umum bagi pemudik yang menggunakan mobil atau motor pribadi pun akan diburu Polresta Solo pun telah menyi...
Presiden Iguru Berharap Kerajaan Laksanakan Skim Wakaf Sediakan Peranti Atau Internet Untuk Pelajar Yang Memerlukan

Presiden Iguru Berharap Kerajaan Laksanakan Skim Wakaf Sediakan Peranti Atau Internet Untuk Pelajar Yang Memerlukan

papar berkaitan - pada 22/4/2020 - jumlah : 224 hits
Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan kini sudah memasuki hari ke 36 setelah dikuatkuasakan sejak 18 Mac yang lalu Sepanjang PKP berlangsung pelbagai sektor terpaksa dijalankan secara dalam talian Salah satunya merupakan sektor pendidikan yang memper...
Kkm Belum Buat Keputusan Untuk Sambung Pkp Atau Tidak Datuk Dr Noor Hisham

Kkm Belum Buat Keputusan Untuk Sambung Pkp Atau Tidak Datuk Dr Noor Hisham

papar berkaitan - pada 22/4/2020 - jumlah : 451 hits
PUTRAJAYA Tiada sebarang jaminan dapat diberikan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia sama ada Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan bakal ditamatkan pada 28 April ini atau ia dilanjutkan Bagaimanapun Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah ...
Belum Pasti Pkp Tamat Atau Dilanjutkan Yang Pasti Penjarakan Sosial Kerap Basuh Tangan Kkm

Belum Pasti Pkp Tamat Atau Dilanjutkan Yang Pasti Penjarakan Sosial Kerap Basuh Tangan Kkm

papar berkaitan - pada 21/4/2020 - jumlah : 403 hits
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia belum memastikan sama ada Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan akan ditamatkan atau dilanjutkan dalam masa terdekat Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Datuk Dr Noor Hisham berkata keputusan tersebut bergantung kepada data data y...
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Nekat Mudik Lebaran Disuruh Putar Balik Atau Denda Rp 100 Juta

papar berkaitan - pada 22/4/2020 - jumlah : 297 hits
Presiden RI Joko Widodo secara resmi mengumumkan bahwa aktivitas perpindahan dari satu daerah ke daerah lain pada Hari Raya Idul Fitri atau mudik tahun ini berstatus dilarang Keputusan tersebut disampaikan langsung olehnya dalam rapat terba...
30 Idea Resepi Berbuka Atau Sahur Sepanjang Ramadan Tak Kering Idea Nak Masak Apa

30 Idea Resepi Berbuka Atau Sahur Sepanjang Ramadan Tak Kering Idea Nak Masak Apa

papar berkaitan - pada 25/4/2020 - jumlah : 542 hits
Bulan Ramadhan adalah bulan yang amat ditunggu tunggu oleh umat Islam di seluruh dunia Ini kerana bulan mulia ini memberi seribu mukjizat terhadap semua dan juga semasa ini lah umat Islam mengejar untuk membuat pahala Bila tiba ramadhan uma...
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