Pening Nak Intro Apa Bila Anak Mula Makan Puri Buah Sayur Membuka Selera
Anak mula nak mula makan bila cecah 6 bulan. 5 puri buah & sayur ini sesuai dicuba. Si kecil mesti suka!
Perkongsian daripada ibu ini boleh dijadikan panduan kepada ibu bapa yang bakal memulakan makanan pelengkap kepada bayi masing-masing. Puan ain.amykamal telah berkongsi beberapa resepi puri buah & sayur-sayuran yang boleh anda sediakan. Mudah je, ikuti perkongsian ini;
ain.amykamal Ni ain review sikit progress Aleen.. Actually ada lg yg Aleen dh passed
Tp ni ain share ape yg Aleen dh passed waktu dia 7mths
Currently: 7mths 2 weeks
Start intro to purees: 5mths 2 weeks .
Vegetables: .
Butternut Squash
Sweet Potato .
Baby Peas
Singo Pear
Medjool Dates
White Rice
Macamana nak tau baby dah ready for purees? .
Ni ain copy paste from
Korang baca lebih lg kat sana
Ain pun byk refer sana antara web yg ain paling suka since waktu Adan dulu lg
Ada byk info, food nutritions, recipes, guidances & etc

Can your baby sit up on her own? .

Is your baby able to hold her head and neck in an upright position? .

Does your baby reach for, or eye, your food while you are eating? .

Is she hungry more often and not satisfied after finishing her usual amount of breast milk or formula? .

Has her weight doubled since birth? .
Mcm Aleen, dia dh ada signs ready utk mkn tu since dia 4mths++
Tp ain hold sampai dia 5mths++
Tu pun sbnrnya igt nk cukupkn 6mths, tp dh xblh tahan dh
Waktu tu bekalkan 6x4oz pun xcukup

Ain biasa beli veggies utk Aleen kat Cold Storage or Jaya Grocer
Fruits tu kdg2 beli kat MBG
Sama ada nak beli organic atau x tu, pd ain depends pd personal choice
Sbbnya organic mmg jauh lebih mahal, bkn semua mampu
Even ain sendiri pun bkn everytime mampu
Tp kalau mampu tu, better pilih yg organic

Puan Ain juga berkongsi 6 jenis puri yang boleh disajikan kepada bayi 6 bulan ke atas.

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Butternut squash adalah 1st puree yg ain intro pd Aleen (5mths 2weeks) . Rasa dia lemak manis mcm pumpkin Ain kupas n potong butternut sama je mcm pumpkin Then ain steam & blend Butternut ni senang nk dpt texture yg very smooth, so, sesuai la utk jd 1st food . Butternut ni ain beli drpd Cold Storage (sbb tu yg paling dlt dgn ofis ain

) . Rasanya 1kg, dlm RM10 kot Tp kat grocer lain pun ada Again, sama ada nak beli organic or not tu, depends pd personal choice Mcm ain, butternut ni ain xbeli yg organic Ain beli yg biasa je sbb butternut bkn slh satu food in Dirty Dozen list, meaning dia x heavily contaminated with pesticides . Kat bwh ni info psl Butternut Squash yg ain copy paste drpd Korang blh baca lebih lg kat sana ye . Butternut is a part of the winter squash family, and are all high in carotenoids, a special class of antioxidant that may help prevent cancer and inflammation. Winter squash may also help regulate blood sugar, reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease and help improve mood due to a high content of mood-boosting Omega-3 fatty acids . Vitamins

Vitamin A – crucial for the immune system and healthy skin and eyes

Vitamin C – this potent antioxidant helps to heal small cuts and wounds and helps keep gums and teeth healthy

Vitamin B6 – this vitamin regulates the body’s natural sleep cycles and support normal brain development

Vitamin B2 – this energy-producing vitamin, also known as Riboflavin, prmotoes growth, food vision and healthy skin

Vitamin K – vital for healthy bones and the blood clotting process . Minerals

Manganese – another potent antioxidant (squash is filled with them!) that helps to form baby’s bone and cartilage

Copper – this trace mineral is only needed in small amounts, but is essential for forming red blood cells and helps support a healthy cardiovascular system

Potassium – this electrolyte mineral supports healthy cardiovascular and kidney function

Magnesium – necessary for healthy bones and the skeletal system and helps regulate energy production inside the cell . Cara nak intro purees blh swipe pic to

. . #yazleenmakan . .
A post shared by BEWARE OF LONG CAPTIONS (@ain.amykamal) on Apr 21, 2019 at 8:07pm PDT

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Sweet Potatoes pun antara 1st food yg biasanya mothers bg bila intro purees to baby Rasanya semua seller yg jual baby purees mesti akn jual sweet potatoes utk 1st stage purees . Actually xkesah pun nak guna sweet potatoes purple ke orange ke white ke Mana2 pun blh Semua pun sedap, lemak manis Tp ain suka yg purple

. Ain biasanya beli kat Cold Storage Dia mmg label siap2 kat situ colour purple Kalau kat tmpt lain selalunya xde label, igtkn purple tp bila potong colour putih yg xbape putih tu Yg tu colour dia senang lebam n xcantik Tp dr segi rasa n nutrition still sama . Sweet Potatoes ni bagus utk baby yg ada mslh constipation Tp ada jgk certain mothers yg risau baby kembung bila mkn yg jenis ubi2 ni Mcm ain, semua ank ain xde mslh kembung tu Utk yg ada mslh kembung, maybe blh try simmer sweet potatoes dgn 1-2slices ginger Tp bila nak blend tu, buang la ginger tu ye Tp ain xpnh try method ni tau . Utk info psl Sweet Potatoes nutritions, blh swipe

ye Ain ada screenshot drpd Korang pun blh baca lebih lg dr web tu . #yazleenmakan . .
A post shared by BEWARE OF LONG CAPTIONS (@ain.amykamal) on Apr 21, 2019 at 8:30pm PDT

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Carrot pun sesuai jd 1st food utk baby Senang nak dpt kan Kt pun biasa mkn

. Utk Aleen, ain start dgn carrot yg orange ni Tp skrg ain dh intro purple carrot, Insya Allah esok ain share pic yg purple carrot Actually sama je orange ke purple ke Tp yg purple tu colour dia mmg pekat sgt2, even lebih pekat drpd sweet potatoes yg purple tu Mmg akn stain la kat tgn ke chopping board ke semua Messy la tp yg bagusnya, drpd situ kt tau dia mmg high in antioxidants . Utk info psl carrot, blh swipe

ye Ain ada screenshot drpd Korang pun blh baca lebih lg dr web tu . And sila swipe sampai last pic sbb ada info psl Baby Carrot jgk . #yazleenmakan . .
A post shared by BEWARE OF LONG CAPTIONS (@ain.amykamal) on Apr 21, 2019 at 8:59pm PDT

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Apples! . Ni antara 1st fruits yg mothers biasa intro to baby kan Apple ni biasala, ada yg manis, adayg masam sikit Always rasa dulu before steam or blend Tp in case ada masam sikit, blh je nanti combine dgn yg manis mcm kurma ke pear ke Tp kalau nak serve as single food tu, cari yg manis k . Apple ni top dlm Dirty Dozen List So, kalau blh, pilih yg organic Kalau blh la.. ain faham yg organic mmg sgt mahal . Nak buat puree tu, ain kupas kulit dia, potong, steam n blend Waktu proses kupas n potong tu, mana yg dh siap potong, ain terus rendam dlm air utk elakkan lebam Sementara nak tggu siap potong semua tu kan Lps tu tapis, terus steam, blend n frozenkan Colour dia akn mcm dlm gmbr ain tu Xde la lebam sgt kan . Info psl apples ni blh swipe

utk baca screenshots dr Korang blh dptkn byk info n recipe dr web tu Ain mmg byk refer web tu drpd waktu #yazdanzafri dulu lg . #yazleenmakan . .
A post shared by BEWARE OF LONG CAPTIONS (@ain.amykamal) on Apr 21, 2019 at 9:27pm PDT

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Dates a.k.a. Kurma

. Blh intro as 1st good jgk Tp ain intro pd Aleen after Aleen passed 4,5 purees . Dates ni puree wajib yg kena always ada utk ain Kalau epal masam sikit, ain balancekan dgn dates Kalau porridge mcm tawar, ain tambah dates Kalau baby constipate, ain tambah dates jgk dlm food dia (paling berkesan utk Aleen, Pear + Dates) . . Since dates ni ain guna utk balancekan rasa, ain frozenkan dia dlm cube yg lebih kecil drpd purees yg lain Sbb dates pun sgt manis kan Tambah sikit pun dh cukup . Ain suka guna Medjool Dates sbb saiz dia besaaaarrr Lps tu dia x basah sgt n xkering sgt Ain just buang biji, rendam dgn air panas, blend, tapis & frozenkan . Medjool Dates ni ain beli kat MBG Ain beli yg timbang punya sbb blh pilih sendiri 100gm, RM8.99 Biasanya ain beli 10biji dlm RM20++ . Kalau kat premium grocers biasanya ada yg jual in box Even ada yg pitted & organic Cumanya sbb medjool dates ni agk mahal, kdg2 yg dlm box tu dh jd lembik sbb lama dh on the rack . Tp xsemestinya korang kena guna Medjool Dates Korang blh guna any dates yg korang suka

: . #yazleenmakan . .
A post shared by BEWARE OF LONG CAPTIONS (@ain.amykamal) on Apr 21, 2019 at 10:09pm PDT

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Ni pulak frozen baby peas puree (blh intro as 1st food) Ain suka baby peas ni sbb dia manis Kalau ain buat puree baby peas ni, sambil2 tu mesti masuk mulut

. Ain mkn yg frozen tu gitu je . Yg utk kali ni ain guna brand Watties tp sbnrnya ain lbh suka brand Market Garden Tp xjumpa pulak yg tu Kalau xde baby peas, guna garden peas pun blh je . Utk baby peas ni ain steam, blend, tapis & frozenkan Tapis tu ain guna tapis air biasa je . Buat purees ni mcm therapy utk ain Sbb tgk colourful tu rasa happy je Lps tu bila bg baby mkn, dia mkn, lg la bertambah2 happy

. . Utk harini ain stop dulu post utk #yazleenmakan Harini ain dh settle share purees yg Aleen dh passed Esok ain share food yg ain dah start intro or plan nak intro pd Aleen bila dia masuk 7mths . .
A post shared by BEWARE OF LONG CAPTIONS (@ain.amykamal) on Apr 22, 2019 at 1:58am PDT
Sumber: ain.amykamal
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