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MUI Garut Pastikan Pembakaran Bendera Tauhid Terjadi Saat Peringatan Hari Santri Senin, 22 Oktober 2018 18:46 
Foto: Anggota Barisan Ansor Serbaguna (Banser) membakar bendera tauhid saat peringatan Hari Santri Nasional (HSN) di GarutKIBLAT.NET, Garut – Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Kabupaten Garut segera melakukan investigasi menyusul beredarnya video pembakaran bendera tauhid yang dilakukan oleh anggota Barisan Ansor Serba Guna (Banser). Temuan awal menyebutkan pembakaran dilakukan di arena peringatan Hari Santri Nasional (HSN) di Kecamatan Limbangan, Kabupaten Garut.“Sedang dilakukan investigasi, mengumpulkan data fakta di lapangan,” kata Ketua MUI Kabupaten Garut KH Sirojul Munir kepada Kiblat melalui sambungan telepon, Senin (22/10/2018).Ketua MUI Kabupaten Garut memastikan pembakaran itu dilakukan anggota Banser saat acara peringatan Hari Santri Nasional (HSN) di salah satu kecamatan di Garut. “Ini insidennya terjadi di Kecamatan Limbangan,” terangnya.Kiai Munir menuturkan MUI Kabupaten Garut telah menerjunkan tim untuk menelusuri fakta di lapangan. Penelusuran dilakukan untuk menggali informasi dari para saksi dan mengumpulkan data.Data yang dikumpulkan tersebut nantinya akan dibahas di rapat pleno MUI Kabupaten Garut. Nantinya, semua elemen akan diundang dalam rapat setelah data yang dihimpun lengkap.“Kami secara pribadi belum bisa menyimpulkan, secepatnya kami akan segera melakukan pleno,” tandas Kiai Munir.Reporter: Imam S.
Editor: Wildan MustofaMUI Garut Pastikan Pembakaran Bendera Tauhid Terjadi Saat Peringatan Hari Santri - Kiblat

Yaqut Peringatkan Kader Ansor Tak Lagi Lakukan Pembakaran Bendera Tauhid Senin, 22 Oktober 2018 20:22 
Foto: Ketua Gerakan Pemuda (GP) Ansor Yaqut Cholil QoumasKIBLAT.NET, Jakarta – Ketua Gerakan Pemuda (GP) Ansor Yaqut Cholil Qoumas memperingatkan para kadernya untuk tidak lagi melakukan pembakaran bendera tauhid. Dia menegaskan peristiwa di Garut tak boleh terulang.“Saya sudah peringatkan ke kader di bawah, untuk tidak lagi melakukan pembakaran bendera apapun,” kata Yaqut saat dihubungi, Senin (22/10/2018).Jika anggota Barisan Ansor Serbaguna (Banser) menemukan bendera-bendera bertuliskan kalimat tauhid, Yaqut memerintahkan untuk menyerahkan kepada aparat keamanan. Dia pun menekankan kadernya tidak boleh lagi membakar bendera semacam itu.“Tidak boleh lagi ada pembakaran-pembakaran seperti kejadian di Garut itu,” imbuh Gus Yaqut, sapaan Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.Peringatan Hari Santri Nasionl (HSN) diwarni dengan beredarnya video anggota Barisan Ansor Serbaguna (Banser) Garut yang membakar bendera dan ikat kepala bergambar kalimat tauhid. Dalam video yang viral di media sosial tersebut anggota Banser melakukan pembakaran sambil menyanyikan Mars NU.Ketua GP Ansor Yaqut Cholil Qoumas membenarkan bahwa itu anggotanya. Namun, dia menyebutkan masih menelusuri motif dari pembakaran tersebut“Kita sedang telusuri, karena yang di video itu juga potongan,” kata Yaqut.Reporter: Taufiq Ishaq
Editor: Imam S.
Yaqut Peringatkan Kader Ansor Tak Lagi Lakukan Pembakaran Bendera Tauhid - Kiblat

MUI: Bakar Bendera Tauhid Hukumnya Haram Senin, 22 Oktober 2018 21:35 
Foto: Ketua MUI Garut KH Sirojul Munir (foto: Fokus Jabar)KIBLAT.NET, Garut – Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Kabupaten Garut menegaskan kalimat tauhid semestinya dimuliakan, dan tindakan membakar bendera bertuliskan kalimat laa ilaaha illallah dengan kebencian hukumnya haram.Ketua MUI Kabupaten Garut KH Sirojul Munir menyatakan kalimat tauhid tak boleh dihinakan. “Harus dimuliakan, tidak boleh dihinakan semacam itu,” ungkapnya kepada Kiblat melalui sambungan telepon, Senin (22/10/2018).Pernyataan tersebut disampaikan Kiai Munir menyusul terjadinya pembakaran bendera tauhid yang dilakukan anggota Banser. Perbuatan itu dilakukan saat acara peringatan hari santri di Kecamatan Limbangan, Kabupaten Garut.Saat ditanya perihal hukum membakar bendera tauhid, Ketua MUI Kabupaten Garut menegaskan perbuatan tersebut haram. “Kalau ada unsur kebencian terhadap kalimat tauhidnya itu haram hukumnya, zalim. Berarti musuh kita,” tandas Kiai Munir.Dalam kasus pembakaran bendera tauhid yang dilakukan anggota Banser, MUI Kabupaten Garut masih melakukan investigasi. Kiai Munir menyebut tim yang diturunkan belum mendapatkan informasi apakah ada unsur kebencian terhadap kalimat tauhid dalam aksi itu. Sedangkan jika dalihnya bendera itu dianggap milik Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), maka kalimat yang sama juga digunakan dalam simbol kelompok lain, seperti Sarikat Islam.“Kami secara pribadi belum bisa menyimpulkan, secepatnya kami akan segera melakukan pleno,” tandas Kiai Munir.Menurut Kiai Munir, MUI Kabupaten Garut nantinya akan berkoordinasi dengan pihak kepolisian untuk menindaklanjuti pembakaran bendera tauhid oleh anggota Banser. Dia juga meminta masyarakat untuk bersabar menyikapi kasus tersebut.
BACA JUGA  Pesan Berharga Ketua MUI Sulteng Pasca Bencana Melanda: Ber-istighfar lah!Reporter: Imam S.
Editor: Wildan Mustofa
MUI: Bakar Bendera Tauhid Hukumnya Haram - Kiblat

Banser Bakar Bendera Tauhid, Ketua GP Ansor: Itu Video Potongan Senin, 22 Oktober 2018 18:20 
Foto: Ketua Umum GP Ansor Yaqut Cholil QoumasKIBLAT.NET, Jakarta – Sebuh video yang menunjukkn anggota Barisan Ansor Serbaguna (Banser) membakar bendera bertuliskan kalimat tauhid tersebar di media sosial, bertepatan dengan peringatan Hari Santri Nasional. Ketua Gerakan Pemuda Ansor buka suara terkait video yang berlokasi di Garut tersebut.Selain membakar bendera laa ilaaha illallah, anggota Banser dalam video tersebut juga terlihat membakat ikat kepala bertuliskan kalimat tauhid. Aksi pembakaran itu diiringi dengan nyanyian Mars NU.Ketua GP Ansor, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas membenarkan bahwa itu anggotanya. Namun, ia menyebutkan masih menelusuri motif dari aksi pembakaran yang dilakukan tersebut.“Kita sedang telusuri, karena yang di video itu juga potongan,” kata Yaqut saat dihubungi pada Senin (22/10/2018).“Karena juga tidak tampak dari mana mereka dapat bendera HTI tersebut,” tuturnya.Tindakan pembakaran ini pun langsung mendapat respon dari kalangan masyarakat. Salah satunya dari Ketua Komisi Dakwah Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), KH. Cholil Nafis. Ia menegaskan bahwa pembakaran tersebut tidak elok.“Sebaiknya bendera itu cukup dirampas dan disimpan karena telah menyusup kekerumunan massa para santri, meskipun indikasinya itu bendera HTI. Sebab kain itu bertuliskan kalimat tauhid sehingga kurang elok dan disalah persepsikan oleh orang lain,” ucapnya di akun twitter pribadinya, @cholilnafis.Reporter: Taufiq Ishaq
Editor: Imam S.
Banser Bakar Bendera Tauhid, Ketua GP Ansor: Itu Video Potongan - Kiblat

صلى الله عليه وسلم -صلى_الله_عليه_وسلمArabic: ·(Islam, eulogy) "God bless him and grant him salvation!"; abbreviated as SAW or s.; used following the first mention, but among pious Muslims typically ...ﷺ | arabic ligature sallallahou alayhe wasallam (U+FDFAﷺ | | arabic ligature sallallahou alayhe wasallam (U+FDFA) @ Graphemicaد. فيصل الرشيدي on Twitter: "طريقة إضافة رمز (ﷺ): انسخ لفظ (ﷺ) with a location. You can add location information to your Tweets, such as your city or precise location, from the web and via third-party applications.رمز ﷺ (@1SALAFI1) | latest Tweets from رمز ﷺ (@1SALAFI1). هذا حساب لنشر رمز صلى الله عليه وسلم في كل تويتر وقف على والداي رحمها الله ، رتويت"ﷺ" U+FDFA Arabic Ligature Sallallahou Alayhe Wasallam Ligature Yeh with Hamza Above with Meem Isolated FormSelawat - ﷺ ‘ala an-Nabi means "prayers of peace and blessings upon the our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ". Sufficient is the above verse to recognise the immensity of sending prayers of peace and blessings upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, if only one were to ponder.Peace be upon him - Arabic phrase ʿalayhi s-salām (عليه السلام), which translates as "peace be upon him" is a conventionally complimentary phrase or durood attached to the names of the prophets in Islam. The English phrase is also given the abbreviation PBUH in English-language writing.The Likeness of Abraham ﷺ -  › Islamic ThoughtThe Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) said: “None of you truly believes until I am more beloved to him than his father, his child and all the people.” [1] In this series we embark on a journey to increase our knowledge of the Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam), to view him as the ...The Prophecies of the Prophet ﷺ: Proofs of Prophethood Series | the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Grantor of Mercy. Abstract. Some of the greatest and most convincing testimonies to the prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ are the multiple occasions on which he correctly predicted future events.QUAND N'GOLO KANTÉ NOUS MONTRE LE COMPORTEMENT DU PROPHÈTE ﷺ⬇️ PLUS D'INFORMATIONS ⬇️ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Abonne-toi pour ne rater aucune vidéo ⬇️ ...Also Tryقصة الرسول محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم بالصورDianggap Menistakan Agama, Komika Coki Pardede dan Tretan Muslim Dipolisikan Senin, 22 Oktober 2018 17:54 
Foto: Coki Pardede dan Tretan MuslimKIBLAT.NET, Jakarta – Komika Tretan Muslim dan Coki Pardede akhirnya dipolisikan atas dugaan ujaran kebencian dan penistaan agama. Laporan polisi ini dibuat di Subdit V Siber Ditreskrimsus Polda Jawa Timur atas nama Agus Fachruddin.Dalam Surat Keterangan Penerimaan Pengaduan yang diterima pada Senin (22/10/2018), Pelapor menekankan bahwa Coki Pardede dan Tretan Muslim menyinggung kata “neraka” dan “cacing pita menjadi mualaf setelah daging babi disiram dengan kurma”.Dalam surat tersebut dipaparkan bahwa pada tanggal 21 Oktober 2018 pengadu mengetahui dari grup whatsapp terkait dengan video di akun instagram dengan nama Tretan Muslim dan Coki Pardede yang berisi ujaran kebencian. Yang dianggap ujaran kebencian di sini adalah video pertama berdurasi 57 detik, teradu menghina sahabat nabi.Kemudian, dalam video kedua di detik 13, teradu berkata bahwa di daging babi ada teriakan “Neraka, neraka”. Dan cacing pita menjadi mualaf setelah disiram kurma.Reporter: Taufiq Ishaq
Editor: Izhar ZulfikarDianggap Menistakan Agama, Komika Coki Pardede dan Tretan Muslim Dipolisikan - Kiblat

Sisipan Berita Malaysia: 
A bridge too far-fetched?
Monday, October 22nd, 2018 at , Column | Opinion

The 6-lane scenic bridge could perhaps reduce the pain of those commuting daily between Malaysia and SingaporeBy ZAINAL ALAM KADIR / Pic By BLOOMBERGIn June 2010, the Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar, made a very compelling plea to the federal government to reconsider the construction of the scenic bridge, a project mooted by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in 1996, in place of the Johor-Singapore Causeway.The Sultan said the bridge, which was cancelled in 2006 by the then Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, could be the missing piece that would complete the Johor Baru Sentral (also known as JB Sentral) — an integrated transport hub located at Bukit Chagar between Jalan Tun Abdul Razak and Jalan Jim Quee, right smack in the heart of Johor Baru.I am with him. No, not because I am from Johor and that I have to agree because he is my Sultan, but I personally believe that the project needs to
be completed for all the right reasons.If you’re not from Johor and have very minimal contact with my state, I strongly believe that you do not really have the right to criticise the project.Think of all those poor souls who have to cross the Causeway everyday to eke out a living, and you might have an inkling of how important the bridge is.Visit any part of Iskandar Malaysia, the 2,216.3 sq km economic corridor in the southern part of Johor that stretches from the most western end of Kukup to the furthest tip of Tanjung Pelepas, and you’d get the big picture.In between the tips are the thriving townships of Pasir Gudang, Permas Jaya, Iskandar Puteri, Tanjung Langsat, as well as the ever-so-busy Johor Baru city centre — all waterfront locations that have the potential to be even greater.If the waters are clean and clearer, that is.The more discerning visitors who have been to Puteri Harbour in Iskandar Puteri might tell you how disappointed they were with the water quality at the marina.When I was there several months ago, I could sense that the place was rather lifeless, to put it mildly.Except for perhaps LegoLand Malaysia, that seems to be the lifeline for most of the businesses there, Iskandar Puteri does not seem to be as thriving as it was envisioned to be.Well, would you park your expensive yacht (picture the Equanimity) or fancy boats in a marina that is menacingly dark and murky?“Why is the water not that clear?”I once asked a senior management personnel who was attached to one of the area’s main developers.“The water is stagnant. If we don’t have the Causeway, we might have a better looking marina,” he responded flatly.If you ever get the chance to visit Johor Baru, I implore you to open your eyes a little and observe the details that could make the city even more majestic.Take a walk towards the City Square and check out the beautification project that has been going on along Sungai Segget.You have to find the river first, though — which might be futile as it is now covered with slabs of concrete.For the uninitiated, the 4,280m Sungai Segget starts from the current Johor Baru Chinese Cemetery, through the downtown of the city. Sad to say, before it was covered up, it had a nasty reputation as one of the foulest-smelling rivers in the country.The beautification project, awarded to one major developer along with the refurbishment of several older buildings, as well as the erection of newer commercial properties in the area, proved to be pretty tricky.“There’s nothing much we can do to clean the river. The water is not moving…the only way for us to return the river to its old glory is to replace the Causeway with a proper bridge,” one of the developer’s senior personnel told me during a chance meeting.I’d also like to suggest that you take a drive to Senibong for a hearty seafood dinner.As you savour your meal, take a deep breath and try your best to enjoy the entire experience (you might also see the glittering lights of Singapore from the eatery).Chances are, your seafood might not be the only aroma you’d enjoy.Yup, you guessed it. Everyone there would nonchalantly point their fingers towards the Causeway — a relic, so to speak — that has certainly seen better days since it was opened in 1923.Oh, did I tell you about Danga Bay?I used to enjoy going there before the current heavy commercial developments took over the area, replacing the earlier idea of a marina which included a nice boardwalk that allowed visitors
to take a stroll along the waterfront (something that people in Kota Kinabalu would enjoy these days).Since the bridge project was scrapped, not many really see the whole point of keeping the waterfront for the ordinary folks to enjoy, I guess.In its place now are tall condominiums and commercial buildings that are blocking the once panoramic view that could be enjoyed as one travelled along the Sultan Iskandar Highway heading to the north.Still, I always imagined standing on one of the balconies in one of those glorious modern buildings looking out towards Selat Tebrau, or the Straits of Johor if you may, marvelling at the sunset with boats and smaller vessels passing by as they move towards the east with no Causeway blocking the waterway.There are more examples, but I think you get the point.So, what really happened to the scenic bridge (or the crooked bridge, as how many would describe it)?When Dr Mahathir mooted the idea, it was aimed at improving traffic flow for both sides, while allowing stagnant water to flow and improve the marine environment.The bridge is also high enough to let ships sail across Selat Tebrau, which would be a major boost for Johor’s two ports as well.Singapore had never agreed to the complete demolition of the Causeway without other bilateral issues also being sorted out as a package.Dr Mahathir’s successor, Abdullah, had first tried to go ahead with a full bridge, while allowing Singapore’s military to use the Johor airspace.However, due to pushback against the idea, Abdullah in 2006 returned to the concept of the scenic bridge (as he called it), to be built only in Malaysian territory.He made an amazing turnaround less than three months later, announcing that the entire bridge project would be abandoned despite the estimated RM100 million already committed, citing public concerns over the sale of sand to Singapore and the use of airspace by the republic.The bridge is not that long — 1.4km to be exact — and I reckon it would not be too hard to build (compared to the many other complicated mega projects being engineered and constructed all over the country).The six-lane bridge could perhaps reduce the pain of those commuting daily between the two countries, and perhaps increase the number of traffic into Johor Baru which is certainly good for business.The piling work was already done when Abdullah announced the cancellation, so I guess it is just a matter of sticking to the original plan and hitting the home-run.Since construction materials have been exempted from the Sales and Services Tax, I guess the cost would not balloon as much.For the record, I am from Muar, currently dubbed as the cleanest town in South-East Asia and located in the northern part of Johor.If you’ve been to my beautiful birthplace, you’d notice how clear our great Muar River is and how scenic life is there.I am looking forward to the day I can say the same about Johor Baru.Zainal Alam Kadir is the associate editor of The Malaysian Reserve.A bridge too far-fetched?

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