Mahathir S Last Christmas

 Tun Daim's Ilham Tower was seized by MACC for investigation into corruption and money laundering. The talk is Daim refused to declare fully his assets after being given fair time with several extensions. Under Section 32 of  the MACC Act, the refusal to cooperate is tantamount to offenses and the undeclared properties, local and abroad, could be seized.
Apparently the social media is a buzz with claims that the bulk of the RM2.7 billion property was self funded by the owner. Media reported many properties and asset will eventually be seized. Many years ago, Daim claimed he is unperturbed by any investigations. He had undergone it under three past Prime Ministers and came out clean.
Daim side have been sending people to hint threats that he will retaliate either causing market to depress or economic sabotage or escalate his planned coup d'etat in which he is unafraid to spend. He holds cash and financial assets, but was never interested to have a grip on the economy by holding on a long term basis of any businesses. 
Over the decades, his unscruplous dealings has built a legion of haters and an army of corporate enemies. He is not fighting just Anwar and MACC. Nevertheless, since money and assets of Bersatu and its leaders are frozen, only Daim and Mahathir could finance any political operation to topple Anwar including bribing the much talked about 15 UMNO MPs gathered by Hishamuddin. 

Last week hints picked up on Tic Tok, in which sources claimed there could be some truth, that Mahathir could be facing a barrage of charges. A little bird claimed if it is not 200 charges, at least 20 charges were described as solid. 
This is not including his civil lawsuit against Anwar but the preparation for the lawsuit may have open more leads for investigations. Talk is he and Muhyiddin will be sued for cancelling the HSR that resulted in Malaysia having to pay Singapore penalty of RM350 million. 
The Sultan of Johor is still not over losing Pulau Batu Putih, constitutional amendments taking away the power of Sultans, and Mahathir's insults on Forest City project in Johor Baru. It certainly could be the Last Christmas for the dynamic duo Mahathir and Daim before they emulate Najib as a regular attendee as OKT in court.

Throughout the 90s the duo ran rampage on the Malaysian economy to squnder and embezzle every possible opportunity.
Their modus operandi was to seize every major initiatives at all levels using proxies, fund it using public funds/banks under their control, vehicle to profit using the stock market, and cashout by dumping back to public funds and newly instituted ones like Khazanah Nasional.
Mahathir sense that he is a target and has found PAS as the donkey for him to ride on. He has put together a strategy as forseen by Facebooker Joe Artis. Translated to English below:

Mahathir's last strategy before facing court case... 
Dr Mahathir is moving all political steps towards the country's political instability.This is what is happening.Whatever issue is played by the opposition or opposition social media activists at this time is a blueprint compiled by Dr Mahathir as the main mastermind.
Dr Mahathir knows that in January 2024 there will be a transition of power in the Istana Negara. Dr Mahathir is quite frightened by this transfer of power. Dr Mahathir had to make every effort to have a shift in political power at the Putrajaya level.
What is Dr Mahathir doing behind the scenes?
After Dr Mahathir received support from the main leaders of PAS and PPBM, Dr Mahathir revived the 1998 defamation script to make the country's political instability agenda a success.
Starting with the announcement that Dr Samsuri can become prime minister before GE 16 in the Kemaman by-election campaign. This is not just talk. It was the beginning of an all-out attack on the Unity Government and it had been so meticulously planned.

Mahathir is Attacking From Various Angles
Dr Mahathir has also held a series of meetings with opposition social media activists who will launch a nerve attack. At the same time, Dr Mahathir sent Khairudin to meet with some key UMNO leaders such as Isham Jalil.
Recently PAS President Hadi Awang issued a statement trying to equate the Unity Government with Israel. This is all part of a planned attack.The day before Muhyiddin made a proposal for UMNO to reassess the position of cooperation with Pakatan Harapan. Followed by Isham Jalil's statement that he wants UMNO out of the Unity Government coalition.
Papagomo continues to play the 3R issue on the Tiktok platform and social media.Trying to inflame the spirit of racism, radical religious extremists by trying to link the palace. Papagomo's main task is to constantly play conspiracy theories by burning enthusiasm to sow extremist and radical values ​​among young voters. It is best to prosecute these extremists under the Sedition Act and the Communications Act. That is the best way to maintain public order.
Parpukari Cili Kasi Taruk Salim was tasked by Dr Mahathir to replay the sodomy issue by repeating video material, actors who had been involved. We are not surprised why many videos related to sex defamation have started playing on social media belonging to opposition accounts. Undeniably, he is a die-hard fan of Dr Mahathir.
This started with Chegubard's attack trying to link the CIA and IMF issues. Even Chegubard has also issued a fatwa that PMX is the Dajjal.

Ongoing Attack Plot...
This is a summary of the political plot that is happening during and after the Kemaman by-election:
Chegubard – CIA, IMF and Dajjal issue.Papagomo – 3R issue trying to link Istana.Parpukari Salim - sex defamation issue.
Bersatu PPBM President, Muhyiddin Yassin - wants UMNO to withdraw from cooperation with PH - DAP. PAS President Hadi Awang - The Unity Government is not only liberal but is similar to Israel. The same slanderous script that has been repeated since 1998.
The propaganda of extremism and radical religious extremists, such a terrible race is being played after the Kemaman by-election to change the prime minister under any circumstances. The end justifies the means.
Who is the mastermind behind this political movement? None other than Dr Mahathir. So what action from the government? Want to let this extremist faction continue to play all these issues again?
The Unity Government has done so much for this tribe that they dare to act out of bounds. Will the government continue to leave them alone with their hard line? Or need to act hard for the greater good of the country. This is no longer a political consideration, but rather a decision in the interest of the country. - thick-brick.blogspot
Cubaan tebuk atap: PN atur "Langkah Dubai"...
Bimbang dengan Kerajaan Perpaduan yang semakin stabil dan diterima oleh rakyat, pembangkang kini menggerakkan satu lagi usaha merampas kuasa secara ‘tebuk atap’.Terbaru beberapa Ahli Parlimen Perikatan Nasional (PN) kini berada di Dubai terlibat dalam pertemuan tertutup. Ia dipercayai turut dihadiri oleh dua Ahli Parlimen BN dan akan juga bertindak sebagai mewakili kelompok tertentu.
Kalau suatu ketika dulu, PN pernah mendapat kuasa memerintah melalui Langkah Sheraton atau Sheraton Move, kali ini pula melalui apa yang dipanggil sebagai LangkahDubai. Difahamkan kelompok Ahli Parlimen itu sedang berusaha untuk mengadakan sembah mengadap ke atas Yang diPertuan Agong (YDPA) yang telah berada di Dubai bagi urusan lain. Tidak pasti sama ada mereka berpeluang untuk menghadap baginda Tuanku tetapi setakat ini, ia nampak sukar. 
Tempoh YDPA Al-Sultan Abdullah akan berakhir 31 Januari 2024 sebelum diambilalih oleh Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar. Perkembangan terbaru ini memperlihatkan betapa PN terdesak untuk merebut kuasa dengan mencabuli proses demokrasi. Melalui gerakan yang diatur, beberapa pemimpin Pas dan Bersatu cuba mendapatkan sokongan sebahagian Ahli Parlimen BN dan Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu Sarawak (PBB).
Antara tawaran yang diberikan kepada BN (termasuk MCA dan MIC) ialah jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan menteri kabinet kanan kepada beberapa pemimpin serta pengampunan kepada bekas Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. 
Langkah tersebut antara lain bertujuan menarik sokongan orang Melayu dan akar umbi UMNO khususnya, bagi menyokong pembentukan kerajaan baharu nanti. Ternyata PN mahu memanipulasi isu pengampunan dan pembebasan Najib bagi kepentingan politik sempit iaitu hanya untuk tujuan mendapatkan kuasa. 
Turut dirangka adalah mewujudkan semula Muafakat Nasional sebagaimana pernah dirintis oleh UMNO dan Pas selepas PRU-14. Seorang bekas Perdana Menteri dan bekas menteri kanan daripada UMNO adalah di antara beberapa pemimpin UMNO yang bekerjasama dengan PN bagi menjayakan percaturan terbaru ini. Kedua-duanya mengambil pendekatan baling batu sembunyi tangan namun perkara tersebut dapat dihidu lebih awal. 
Beberapa pemimpin UMNO termasuk yang tidak berpuas hati dan kecewa dengan rombakan Kabinet baru-baru ini, turut diambil kesempatan oleh PN dengan menawarkan kedudukan lebih baik. Menurut sumber, PN juga sedia menawarkan jawatan Perdana Menteri kepada PBB dan autonomi yang lebih besar selain 20 peratus royalti hasil minyak kepada Sarawak.

Walaupun pelbagai pihak dan rakyat telah menolak sebarang gerakan untuk menukar kerajaan secara tebuk atap demi kestabilan, PN masih berterusan melakukan usaha tersebut tanpa rasa bersalah dan malu. Terdapat desas-desus percaturan terbaru ini mendapat sokongan bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan seorang bekas menteri kanan yang kini sedang disiasat oleh pihak berkuasa. 
Antara asas kepada gerakan ini kononnya Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim gagal dalam pentadbirannya, ditolak oleh majoriti orang Islam dan faktor DAP makin berpengaruh termasuk agresif membuat pelbagai tuntutan untuk kepentingan kaum tertentu.
Sementara itu, sumber yang rapat dengan Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi yakin Langkah Dubai tidak akan membawa sebarang impak dan UMNO akan terus teguh menyokong Anwar. 
Menurut komen ramai netizen di media sosial pula, gerakan menumbangkan kerajaan seperti Langkah Dubai ini tidak akan berjaya kerana rakyat sudah bosan dengan politiking yang keterlaluan. 
Apa yang diperlukan oleh rakyat ialah kestabilan politik dan keharmonian bagi menjamin kesejahteraan negara termasuk menarik lebih banyak pelaburan asing. Berdasarkan semua petunjuk Langkah Dubai percaturan PN tidak akan berhasil malah boleh menjadi senjata makan tuan. 
Rakyat akan lebih simpati kepada kerajaan Perpaduan pimpinan Anwar yang diketahui umum bekerja keras. Sebaliknya PN dilihat asyik mahu sabotaj negara. - Zamani Zaman

Beberapa Ahli Parlimen BN dan PN berada di Dubai dalam percubaan mengadap YDPA yang juga berada di sana. PN cuba menarik GPS manakala Atuk memainkan peranan dlm percubaan terakhir utk gulingkan PMX sebelum peralihan YDPA. Langkah terakhir ini dikhabarkan masih belum berjaya
PN offer GPS jawatan PM. Parti komponen BN pulak ditawarkan jawatan TPM. MP UMNO yg tidak berpuas hati dgn pertukaran kabinet tempoh hari pula ditawarkan jawatan menteri. 
Dalang: Mantan PM & seorang ahli parlimen dari selatan - Mak Cik Hijau
Daim tak dok Diam... 
Bekas menteri kewangan Daim Zainuddin menggesa Perdana Menteri Anwar Ibrahim dan ketua pesuruhjaya SPRM Azam Baki menghormati kedaulatan undang-undang. Dia berkata demikian sebagai reaksi terhadap siasatan SPRM terhadapnya, yang disifatkan Daim sebagai political witch hunt (penganiayaan politik) atau satu bentuk kempen politik yang menyasarkan dirinya.
Dia juga menyelar kenyataan Anwar pada 22 Disember bahawa apa yang berlaku adalah “rahsia umum” dan terdapat seseorang yang “menggondol begitu banyak kekayaan”. Daim berkata, kenyataan itu cuba membayangkan dia bersalah atas kesalahan yang tidak dinyatakan. “Ini jelas menunjukkan rasa bencinya terhadap saya,” katanya dalam kenyataan.
Daim juga mendakwa SPRM tidak berhubung dengan dia atau anggota keluarganya berhubung sebab mereka disiasat. SPRM sebelum ini mengesahkan kepada media bahawa Daim sedang disiasat atas dakwaan rasuah dan pengubahan wang haram.
Agensi antirasuah itu juga telah menyita Menara Ilham, bangunan bernilai komersial tinggi, milik Daim dan keluarganya. Rampasan itu dilaporkan dikaitkan dengan siasatan antipengubahan wang haram yang bermula pada akhir Mei mengenai urus niaga korporat bernilai RM2.3 bilion pada November 1997.
Urus niaga berkenaan membabitkan syarikat senarai awam Renong Bhd dan United Engineers Malaysia Bhd (UEM). SPRM juga dilaporkan sedang meneliti perniagaan Daim dan bagaimana tokoh korporat itu memperoleh semua asetnya. Baca seterusnya...

Put it this way, his past has finally caught up with him. Everyone in the country had an inkling of what was going on but no one dared to touch him due to the power he wielded being the old man hatchet man and financial adviser. I suspect Anwar was a victim of their vengeance.If he has nothing to hide, he should not be afraid. On the contrary, if he has plenty to hide he should not sound arrogant and whines about being persecuted and blame Anwar. In politics, don't treat your opponents like crap because of your immense power. One day he will surely turn the table on you when he gained power and you have lost yours. - Headhunter
Kalau tak bersalah tak perlu bimbang, hadapi mengikut aturan undang-undang - Prejudice
Diam, MACC had requested the info off you so many times that you just remained silent which gave them no choice anyone else wud have resulted with an immediate arrest... So they still accorded you some respectability. If you are honest you certainly don't have anything to worry about. Plain Simple - Walid Jumblatt
Another baby has been massacred by the Israeli aggression on Gaza...
Isreal are a disgrace to humanity...
A  father cant say goodbye to his child...
The mass killing continues...
The supremacist self proclaimed "the chosen people" think those kids are inferior human beings.This is 21st century western backed genocide...
 See what they doing to women of Gaza... 

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