Laporan Audit Pun Diputaq Belit Dek Mr Mo1
Awang Selamat (Utusan Mal) amat terkejut apabila mendapat berita bahawa Ketua Audit Negara, Dr. Madinah Mohamad telah memaklumkan kepada Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara (PAC) bahawa laporan audit 1MDB yang dibentangkan kepada PAC dan Kabinet sebelum ini adalah merupakan satu laporan yang telah dipinda.
Dr. Madinah mendedahkan bahawa laporan asal ini telah beliau terima daripada saudari Nor Salwani, Pengarah Sektor Audit Tadbir Urus selepas beliau mengambil alih jawatan Ketua Audit Negara daripada Ambrin Buang.
Lebih mengejutkan lagi ialah keputusan untuk meminda laporan ini katanya telah dibuat oleh Najib Razak sebagai Perdana Menteri ketika itu dengan turut disokong oleh bekas Ketua Audit Negara, Ambrin Buang, bekas Ketua Setiausaha Negara (KSN), Dr. Ali Hamsa, bekas Ketua Pesuruhjaya Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), Dzulkifli Ahmad dan bekas Ketua Setiausaha Sulit Kanan Perdana Menteri, Shukri Mohd. Salleh.
Keputusan itu dibuat oleh mereka dalam satu mesyuarat yang diadakan di Pejabat Perdana Menteri. Bagi Awang, sekiranya ia benar-benar berlaku, ini merupakan satu pengkhianatan tertinggi ke atas amanah yang dipertanggungjawabkan oleh rakyat dan negara kepada Najib dan para penjawat awam.

Atas tahap integriti yang tebal membuatkan Saadatul Nafisah menyimpan salinan asal penyelewengan 1MDB Najib Razak
Lebih-lebih lagi sebagai penjawat awam yang termaktub dengan sumpah dan janji perkhidmatan, mereka yang terlibat telah mencalar dan menconteng arang kepada imej perkhidmatan awam.
Lebih mengecewakan ialah Ali sebagai Ketua Setiausaha Negara (KSN) yang bertanggungjawab mengepalai kira-kira 1.6 juta penjawat awam di negara ini seharusnya menunjukkan contoh baik dan berintegriti tinggi.
Kita masih ingat apabila Ali dilantik sebagai KSN pada tahun 2012, ramai yang terkejut kerana terdapat beberapa nama pegawai lebih kanan daripada beliau turut disebut-sebut ketika itu.
Sudah tentu beliau dipilih kerana menjadi orang kepercayaan Perdana Menteri dan seharusnya beliau menjadi penasihat yang baik dan telus untuk menjaga dan mengurus tadbir negara ini.

Awang juga kecewa dengan sikap Ambrin Buang sebagai Ketua Audit Negara ketika itu.
Seharusnya Ketua Audit Negara adalah benteng terakhir untuk memastikan bahawa sebarang bentuk salah laku urus tadbir jabatan atau kementerian dalam kerajaan dilaporkan kepada Parlimen yang merupakan institusi tertinggi di dalam negara dan Perdana Menteri yang merupakan ketua eksekutif pentadbiran.
Sikap Ambrin yang membenarkan pindaan itu dilihat sebagai satu dosa amat besar di mata rakyat. Awang berharap beliau akan serta-merta melepaskan jawatan sebagai Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Siasatan Khas Isu-Isu Tadbir Urus, Perolehan dan Kewangan Negara kerana apa jua alasan, tahap integriti Ambrin dipersoal dan tidak layak memikul tanggungjawab sebesar itu. Baca seterusnya...
Btw, dont U all agree with me that this Awang Selamat character should also be chastised for being a hypocrite...while under the old regime he too was licking Jibby's balls...- t/s
Najib juga arah sendiri laporan audit 1MDB dipinda...Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI

Sapa makan cili dia rasa pedasnya...
Pemimpin Pas pakat marah dengan ucapan Anwar Ibrahim menyentuh soal Kelompok Serban dan Janggut yang menyokong kleptokrasi.. Walhal Anwar dalam ucapannya tak sebut Pas pun, Anwar juga menyentuh kelompok yang punya deretan Sarjana yang menyokong pemimpin Korup...
Sebelum ni depa perasan wajah Pengganas dalam Polis Evo 2 ditujukan kepada puak mereka dan minta seluruh Ummat Islam bangkit kerana menghina Islam.. Kata Kelompok Ularmak Pas, mereka lupa siapa dulu yang membela Anwar.. adalah kelompok serban..
Ni Aku nak betulkan.. Masa Anwar dizalimi.. Yang membela Anwar dibela pemimpin Pemimpin Pas mempunyai fikrah yang ada dalam Amanah hari ini.. Al-marhum Ustaz Fadzil, TG Nik Aziz, Mat Sabu, Mahfuz, Husam, Salahuddin Ayub antara watak menggerakkan Reformasi..
Kalau takat terbit buku Qazaf nak Popularkan diri sendiri dalam waktu yang sama seorang pendendam kepada Anwar, lepas tu mereka ini perasan besar sangat jasa depa.. berhentilah, Itulah sebahagian Taqiyyah kelompok Khawarij seperti Taqiyyah kelompok ustaz yang meraih hasil di masjid-masjid di Selangor dulu tetapi menyemai kebencian kepada kerajaan PH...

Kalaulah bersama pemimpin Pas hari ini, dengan bersama mereka mempunyai "tuah".. Hakikatnya "sial" Umno tumbang hari ini di Putrajaya sebab bersama Pas dan Pas sendiri tumbang seluruh Negara kecuali pantai timur yg dibantu kerjasama dgn Umno...
Apakah ketika itu yg menggerak kan reformasi Nama Mokhtar Senik, Tantawi, Azli Taliban, Takiri, Zawawi. Nik Abduh ? Dusuki? Nama ni dulu menyorok kat Rumah.. Besar lagi Jasa Anwar menangkan Terengganu sampai Hadi berpeluang jadi MB Terengganu sepenggal..
Betul lah... Apa yang diceritakan di dalam Polis Evo 2, dan apa yang dsampaikan Anwar memang "real" itulah kelompok Jahat, Ulamat Jahat, Kelompok Takfiri dan Khawarij yg wujud dalam Pas hari ini.. Jadi kami pun tak merasa hairan jika Pas melompat marah.. sebab itulah Hakikatnya. - Ahmad Muslim Badawi Badawi 🙂
Ashamed to be a Malay Muslim Malaysian...
Over the last two weeks, the issue of Icerd had received significant prominence. What appears to be an issue that requires proper legal and intellectual discourse has been hijacked by politicians, leading to the loss of the objectivity of the original issue.
The politicians' propaganda was misleading and had stirred up unnecessary emotions. The facts have been blurred, and the reality is politicians have only one agenda: to create unrest and seize power using race and religious issues.
The facts on Icerd are very clear and are available on the world-wide-web and yet many chose not to read it themselves but rely on the propaganda made by political leaders. The facts show that Malaysia is one of the 14 countries world-wide alongside North Korea, Myanmar and Sudan that did not ratify Icerd. It makes us looks bad to be in the same boat as such countries.
The facts also show that 55 out of 57 Muslim countries agreed to ratify Icerd. Is Islam in Malaysia different from Islam practised worldwide? Why is it that the 55 countries chose to ratify it? Only two Muslim countries chose not to - Malaysia and Brunei. There are 36 countries with constitutional monarchy system that have signed it.
The allegation that Icerd contradicts our Federal Constitution and affects Islam and bumiputera need to be evaluated clinically with proper studies and not on the basis of emotions. Icerd has provisions within its Article 1(4). Article 153 of the Federal Constitution is ingrained in the formation of Malaysia. Something that is ingrained in the constitution cannot be touched. We accept that. It is no different from the American Constitution. Some things cannot be changed.
Quite clearly, the legal process to change it is a long-drawn one that involves parliament. The reality is Article 1(4) of Icerd is no different from Article 153 of the Federal Constitution. While I can accept the differences in views on whether Icerd ratification will have an impact on Article 153, I cannot accept the way this issue is being handled. Using race and religion shows the weakness of us Malays of which I am not proud of.

I believe many like-minded Malays like me can argue this case professionally in the right forum and decide whether it has an impact on Article 153. I don't need politicians who claim that as Muslims we are for discriminatory policies against people of other religions and races.
There is a big difference in being discriminatory and giving certain handicap to a segment of the society to allow it to catch up or having a law that protect the interest of Malays and Islam. Protecting the interest of Malays and Islam is definitely not the same as creating discriminatory policies against other ethnic groups in Malaysia.
The country is at its critical juncture. I think as responsible Malaysians, if we cannot help the government to improve the nation's financial position and create jobs for the people, we should at least try not to make it worst. Politicians like Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Hadi Awang are hypocrites. They have no issue with keeping silent on corruption. Does Islam allow corruption and stealing? It is because of this (corruption and stealing) that Umno was rejected at the recent general election.
Had Umno been open to internal check and balance and be transparent on matters, BN would still be ruling the country. Had Hadi been clear and follow the true teachings of Islam and not play politics, PAS would have been part of the government today.
Hadi is entirely to be blamed for missing out one of the biggest opportunities for PAS to showcase its capabilities. Now both PAS and Umno continue to play up on race and religion to ensure their survival and the public is too blind to see it. I am ashamed to be a Malay Muslim Malaysian.- Kar

For Exposing the 1MDB scandal, Mr.Tong,count yourself to be so lucky
for being alive today and in one piece...
The Edge Media Group Datuk Tong Kooi Ong has slammed Datuk Seri Najib Razak for feigning ignorance over 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB), saying that he had tried to explain the situation but was ignored by the latter. Tong said he was asked by Baling MP Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim to meet Najib after the paper’s reports on 1MDB had made many in Umno uncomfortable.
“I shared with him information that I believed was proof that it was all a scam, with Jho Low at the centre of it. I explained how the accounts were made up to report a profit and why I believed the cash was all gone,” Tong wrote.
“After about half an hour, he relented and told me he would shut down 1MDB. He didn’t say what he was going to do about the debts.
“I then proceeded to tell Najib that Jho Low must be held accountable and be prosecuted. This upset him. He immediately stood up, walked to the door and asked me to leave,” he added.
Tong said the meeting happened at 10.45pm on March 6, 2015 at Najib’s house in Jalan Duta. The meeting was only between the two of them, and Najib had started by telling him that the paper was wrong about 1MDB and no theft has happened there.
Tong also wrote that Najib’s media adviser Paul Stadlen had then met him on several occasions, where the latter had started off trying to persuade him on 1MDB but later moved to threats.
“While The Edge’s reporting was focused on 1MDB and Jho Low, Stadlen made it very clear that any attack on Jho Low was an attack on Najib, and that he was conveying this message from his boss,” he said.

In July 2015, the Home Ministry had later suspended the publishing permits of The Edge Weekly and The Edge Financial Daily. Najib had told Sinar Harian in an interview earlier this week that his relationship with Malaysia’s most wanted man Low Taek Jho was strictly professional and was forged with the country’s economic interests in mind.
The former prime minister also blamed US investment banking goliath Goldman Sachs for failing to safeguard Malaysia’s interests by not alerting his administration of Low’s efforts to defraud the Malaysian investment firm.
''Tong also wrote that Najib’s media adviser Paul Stadlen had then met him on several occasions, where the latter had started off trying to persuade him on 1MDB but later moved to threats.
“While The Edge’s reporting was focused on 1MDB and Jho Low, Stadlen made it very clear that any attack on Jho Low was an attack on Najib, and that he was conveying this message from his boss,” he said.
In July 2015, the Home Ministry had later suspended the publishing permits of The Edge Weekly and The Edge Financial Daily.'' - f/bk

Gara2 terlebih berpolitik, papantanda pun dijadikan mangsa. ADUN PAS adalah antara Exco kerajaan negeri Selangor yang meluluskan papantanda bertulisan Cina. Bila Pas sudah ditendang keluar oleh rakyat negeri Selangor pada pru14, mereka pula yang lantang menimbulkan isu ini. Matang dan sejahtera sungguh aiih..!! - f/bk

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