Ec Motion To Lower Voting Age To 18 Will Be Tabled On July 4

Ec Motion To Lower Voting Age To 18 Will Be Tabled On July 4

pada 26/6/2019 - jumlah : 240 hits
The motion to lower the voting age from 21 to 18 will be tabled in the Dewan Rakyat during the July sitting said Election Commission chairperson Azhar Azizan Harun He said the motion which would involve amending the Federal Constitution wou...
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Motion To Compel Mps To Declare Assets Will Be Tabled Tomorrow

Motion To Compel Mps To Declare Assets Will Be Tabled Tomorrow

papar berkaitan - pada 1/7/2019 - jumlah : 217 hits
A motion to compel all MPs to declare their income and assets to the MACC will be tabled in the Dewan Rakyat tomorrow says deputy speaker Nga Kor Ming He said the motion to be tabled by Minister in the Prime Minister s Department Liew Vui K...
Liew More Than 50 Of Malaysians Eligible To Vote If Voting Age Reduced From 21 To 18

Liew More Than 50 Of Malaysians Eligible To Vote If Voting Age Reduced From 21 To 18

papar berkaitan - pada 30/6/2019 - jumlah : 249 hits
PETALING JAYA More than 50 of Malaysians would be eligible to vote in the next general election if amendments to the laws are passed to lower the voting age from 21 to 18 Minister in the Prime Minister s Department Datuk Liew Vui Keong said...
Pas Will Not Support Pointless Asset Declaration Motion

Pas Will Not Support Pointless Asset Declaration Motion

papar berkaitan - pada 2/7/2019 - jumlah : 241 hits
Citing Islamic teachings PAS deputy president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man told the press on Monday that PAS will not support the special motion in the Dewan Rakyat to compel MPs to declare their income and assets JOHORTIMES MY Please Subscr...
19 Most Attractive Small Swimming Pools That Will Thrill You

19 Most Attractive Small Swimming Pools That Will Thrill You

papar berkaitan - pada 20/6/2019 - jumlah : 187 hits
If you love swimming or relaxing by the pool you probably imagined that one day you have your own pool But if your yard is small the pool looks like an unreachable dream Check out The post appeared first on
Amid Rumour Mca Split Over Pas Meet Tuan Ibrahim Says Party Will Continue Collaboration

Amid Rumour Mca Split Over Pas Meet Tuan Ibrahim Says Party Will Continue Collaboration

papar berkaitan - pada 20/6/2019 - jumlah : 240 hits
PAS said today it will continue to cooperate with Opposition parties dominated by non Muslims including MIC and MCA amid rumours that the latter party was split on whether to send representatives to its muktamar or annual congress The Islam...
If I Have Such A Follower I Will Resign And Dissolve The Party

If I Have Such A Follower I Will Resign And Dissolve The Party

papar berkaitan - pada 21/6/2019 - jumlah : 263 hits
PAS MUKTAMAR PAS rejects immoral leaders and will not hesitate to sack any of its members caught engaging in such acts declares party president Abdul Hadi Awang While Hadi did not mention any names his remarks at the 60th PAS Youth muktamar...
Android L Will Keep Your Secrets Safer

Android L Will Keep Your Secrets Safer

papar berkaitan - pada 19/6/2019 - jumlah : 232 hits
The model is talking about booking her latest gig modeling underwear in the brand latest Perfectly Fit campaign which was shot by Lachian Bailey It was such a surreal moment cried she admitted The main thing that you have to remember on thi...
Elections Will Be Pas Umno Vs Pakatan Says Tuan Ibrahim

Elections Will Be Pas Umno Vs Pakatan Says Tuan Ibrahim

papar berkaitan - pada 19/6/2019 - jumlah : 333 hits
PAS and Umno have agreed to join forces to fight the ruling Pakatan Harapan coalition in any election the Islamist party s deputy president said Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man told Utusan Malaysia in an interview published today that the two p...
Convince Non Muslims Their Rights Will Be Protected Delegate Urges

Convince Non Muslims Their Rights Will Be Protected Delegate Urges

papar berkaitan - pada 21/6/2019 - jumlah : 211 hits
PAS MUKTAMAR The protection of non Muslim rights is a religious duty for all Muslims and not just a political agenda for PAS party delegates were told today However Selangor PAS Youth delegate Ahmad Ubaidillah Abdullah said the party has fa...
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