Bohong Cara Tidak Menghalalkan Hukum 9186
Rasulullah ﷺ
tumpang sekole...?nasi kandaq kedai mamak, anak mami juai pesemboq, lepaih baca jangan dok syiok, kalu-kalu SB jengok kot dapoq...
23 February 2019
Kalu PAS saman SR kali ke-2 ada can menang dak...
Kalau parti agama mengambil keputusan untuk saman Sarawak Report round kedua kerana memfitnah parti itu menerima wang RM2.5 juta untuk bayar deposit calon-calonnya dalam pilihan raya lalu, tentu saman itu akan dimenangi dengan mudah.
Pas boleh mengemukakan Najib Razak sebagai saksi utamanya. Menurut Najib beliau tidak tahu mengenai pemberian wang deposit itu. Hujah Najib boleh dijadikan hujah sokongan bagi Pas saman Sarawak Report. Najib boleh diyakini kerana ketika itu dia presiden Umno.
Cuma satu hal yang Pas perlu beri penjelasan berkaitan dengan wang sebanyak RM2.5 juta yang masuk ke dalam akaun dua atau tiga pemimpin Pas. Apakah munasabah atau alasan wang itu dimasukkan ke dalam akaun pemimpin Pas itu.

Dan apakah editor Sarawak Report, Clare Rewcastle Brown membuat tuduhan terbahru itu berdasarkan wang berkenaan?
Sebenarnya walaupun Pas dah menyatakan sokongan kepada Dr Mahathir atas prinsip Islam, namun dakwaan Clare itu tidak boleh dibiarkan begitu. Pas kena bersihkan dirinya.
Soal untuk nak dapat wang guaman (fee), jangan dirisau Pas mempunyai banyak ahli dan penyokong, kalau bagi RM0.50 seorang pun sudah cukup. Lagipun kalau nak saman, tidak perlu di London lagi cukup kalau di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Terengganu. - MSO

Najib pencuri dan penipu...
Paul Stadlem rakyat Britain bangsa YAHUDI ini bekerja selama 9 tahun mulai 2009 sebagai Public Relation Consultant kepada Najib Razak. Dia adalah pekerja kepada APCO Worldwide, syarikat ISRAEL yang diberi kontrak PR oleh Kerajaan NAJIB. Apabila BN tumbang pada PRU14, Paul Stadlen lari meninggalkan Malaysia.

Pada November 2018, Paul Stadlen menjadi orang yang dikehendaki oleh SPRM untuk siasatan. Dia tidak muncul hingga sekarang.
Pada Februari 2019, Paul Stadlen bersama² peguam Umno, Mohd Hafarizam telah didakwa di Mahkamah atas tuduhan pengubahan wang haram berjumlah RM15 juta. Paul Stadlen dilantik sebagai PR Consultant kepada Perdana Menteri, tetapi Najib menafikan bayaran RM15 juta itu adalah dari Kerajaan.

1. Jika Kerajaan yang lantik, mengapa bukan Kerajaan yang bayar upah itu?2. Najib berkata bukan dia yang bayar, tetapi mengapa cek² pembayaran datang dari akaun peribadi Najib?3. Jika Najib tidak bayar, siapa yang bayar dan mengapa pihak itu yang bayarkan?4. Mengapa Paul Stadlen perlu lari bersembunyi jika Najib atau dia tidak lakukan apa² kesalahan?5. Apa perlu Najib bersendirian mempertahankan bayaran RM15 juta itu? Mengapa dia tidak minta Paul Stadlen kembali ke Malaysia untuk beri keterangan kepada SPRM?Jawapannya:-
Hanya Penyamun dan Penyangak yang faham mengapa mereka bertindak sedemikian. Sebab itulah ciri² Penyamun dan Penyangak yang sangat mencurigakan. Setiap kali Najib bercerita, jalan ceritanya sungguh meragukan. - f/bk

The Sarawak Oil Grab Is Petros the 1MDB of Sarawak?...
As Malaysia’s 14th General Election was fast approaching in May 2018, Prime Minister Najib Razak became desperate to cling on to power to avoid the hole in 1MDB and other scams to steal the people’s money being blown open. Politically, he needed to secure Sarawak which contributed the 25 parliamentary seats in the previous elections in 2013. Many seats from the East Malaysian state were located in rural areas with an electorate unlikely to be in touch with scandals and corruption plaguing his government. He promised Sarawak Barisan Nasional government a lot more than just an LRT network in Kuching and road connectivity from Sibu to Kapit.
He promised the Sarawak ruling political elite control over its oil money. And so, Petros was created as a vehicle to siphon oil money away. But how would Petros, a company without any knowledge of the oil and gas sector, aim to take over Petronas’ role in Sarawak? Simple – through tactics that was commonly used by Najib Razak and cronies to siphon millions of ringgit for theirs benefit. A tactic that the Malaysian public became very aware following the 1MDB scandal.Taib MahmudRight on top of the list is Taib Mahmud, the governor of Sarawak. Taib needed money (RM1.35 billion) to replenish the hole left by some bad investments between 2006 and 2008 by his family controlled Utama Banking Group (“UBG”).
These bad investments included:
1. a 49% stake in Putrajaya Perdana Berhad for RM332 million and a further 51% stake for RM343 million
2. a 45% stake in Loh and Loh Corp Bhd for RM124 million and a further 51% stake for RM205 million
3. Unity Capital Partners for RM350 million
In a now unsurprising discovery, these acquisitions were orchestrated by Jho Low, a Malaysian wheeler dealer who had earlier bought these stakes for much less before selling them to UBG. Jho Low then used the profits to steer himself into 1MDB and control its funds with the blessings of Najib Razak who headed 1MDB.
Taib Mahmud later discovered that Jho Low had profited at his expense and demanded the money back. Eventually Taib’s family got back RM456 million in 2010 after all these stakes were sold off losing approximately RM400 million in the process. Since this was a hole created by a Najib associate, Najib was forced into a corner to recover the losses.
Thus, a plan was hatched to tap into Sarawak’s oil and gas sector. Petros was PR-ed by Taib’s favorite firm – the now disgraced Bell Pottinger (now re-branded here as Klareco) – to take over Petronas’ role in Sarawak with the help of its partners Brooke Dockyard and Engineering Works Corporation (“Brooke”) and Upland Resources (“Upland”). Together they would replace well established production sharing contracts with under table deals done with cronies.
Brooke’s Chairman, Abang Haji Abdul Karim is the brother of Abang Johari, the present Chief Minister of Sarawak.

Norza Zakaria
Upland was a little known company which is listed on the London Stock Exchange. The chairman was Norza Zakaria who was well known in Najib’s and his wife, Rosmah Mansor’s circles. Norza Zakaria (current Badminton Association of Malaysia & Olympic Council of Malaysia chairman as well) was appointed as the Non-Executive Chairman of Upland in October 2015 and had a 20.5% stake in the company. A slightly larger stake than another well-known Malaysian entity called Tune Assets Ltd, led by Tony Fernandes which held a 16.2% stake.
The plan was simple. Brooke and Upland would sign an MOU to jointly assess, explore and develop Sarawak’s oil and gas resources with the overseer being Petros. Together they would bleed the sector to death, fill the coffers of Taib and his cronies and in return Taib will ensure Najib and his Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition get 25 if not more seats from Sarawak come Election Day on 9 May 2018.
However, this did not go according to plan on 9 May. Sick of Najib Razak’s deceit and thieving, the Malaysian public voted to oust him. Sarawak fell. Taib Mahmud was not able to keep his promise of 25 seats.
As is now evident, Petros has not made a single statement of its plans, and neither has the CEO or Board come out publicly to explain how it will benefit ordinary Sarawakians. What will become of Petros now? - AOGM

cheers. Posted by ali allah ditta at 12:12:00 AM Tumpang sekole...?: Kalu PAS saman SR kali ke-2 ada can menang dak...
22 February 2019
Lepas isu RM90 juta disiasat, PAS ‘minta nyawa’ pada PM...

Selepas episod Nik Mohamad Abduh Nik Mat kantoi berbohong sehingga membawa kepada siasatan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) terhadap PAS berhubung dana RM90 juta daripada UMNO, PAS kini mencipta pula drama dan naratif pembohongan baru.
Semua ini dilakukan PAS semata-mata untuk menyelamatkan tembolok mereka selepas habis semua pekung pecah.
Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang sudah mencium bau bahaya berikut langkah SPRM yang dilaporkan mahu menyiasat penderma tetap dan kroni partinya itu.
Abdul Hadi membuat keputusan untuk bertemu Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad atas alasan kononnya mahu membincangkan hal berkaitan pentadbiran.

Ini adalah Abdul Hadi yang sama yang pernah menyeru agar pengundi menolak Dr Mahathir pada PRU lepas. Pun begitu, tembelang Abdul Hadi bocor. Pertemuan itu bukan sekadar tentang soal pentadbiran tetapi lebih jauh dari itu. PAS dikatakan menyatakan sokongan pula menerusi draf bertulis bahawa akan menyokong kepimpinan Dr Mahathir jika timbul undi tidak percaya terhadap Presiden Pakatan Harapan itu. Ia sekadar untuk mencipta persepsi bahawa kononnya wujud perpecahan dalam Pakatan Harapan.

Memang putaq alam...
Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng dan Presiden PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menolak pembohongan tersebut dan menyifatkan ia sebagai helah PAS untuk menutup isu RM90 juta.
Politik PAS begitu dinamik, daripada menggunakan alasan berbohong demi menjaga kemaslahatan sehingga mencipta cerita karut bahawa kononnya Pakatan Harapan diambang perpecahan.
Semua ini dilakukan untuk menutup cerita pembohongan dan isu RM90 juta yang membelit parti itu kini.
Entah apa lagi yang tinggal dalam kamus kewujudan PAS, mungkin hampir tidak ada, apatah lagi integritinya sendiri. –

Deposit PAS untuk PRU14 dibiayai oleh UMNO...
Deposit untuk PAS bertanding dengan rekod jumlah kerusi tertinggi pada pilihan raya umum ke-14 dibiayai oleh Umno, dakwa Sarawak Report. Portal pendedah maklumat itu melaporkan seorang pembantu bendahari Umno, Salleh Said Keruak telah memasukkan wang tunai RM2.5 juta ke dalam akaun Bank Islam milik PAS. "Sarawak Report mendapat pengesahan bahawa wang yang dibayar kepada PAS itu digunakan sebagai membayar deposit pilihan raya untuk calon parti yang bertanding dengan rekod jumlah kerusi terbesar.
“Kira-kira sejuta ringgit lagi juga dimasukkan secara tunai oleh Umno ke dalam akaun PAS pada masa yang sama dengan cara sama," katanya. Menurut Sarawak Report, pada 21 Mac, tiga minggu sebelum Hadi membuat kenyataan itu, seorang utusan dari UMNO bernama Shamsul Zairil bin Kamaruddin (yang bekerja untuk Bendahari UMNO Salleh Keruak) membawa beg berisi RM2. 5 juta tunai masuk ke dalam akaun PAS dalam Bank Islam.

Deposit itu telah didokumenkan dengan jelas dan tidak ada penafian oleh UMNO atau Shamsul bahawa dia mendepositkan wang itu, yang dipercayai adalah arahan langsung pemimpin UMNO Najib Razak. Hadi sendiri mengakui bahawa PAS menerima wang itu, tetapi menafikan wang itu berasal dari UMNO. Bagaimanapun, dalam kenyataan mahkamahnya, Hadi tukar cerita dengan mengatakan bahawa dia tidak tahu dari mana wang itu datang.
'Wang Tunai Umno' kepada PAS yang disalurkan pada Mac 2018 digunakan sebagai wang deposit untuk calon2 PAS dalam PRU14. Sarawak Report juga mengesahkan bahawa satu juta atau lebih ringgit kemudiannya juga didepositkan secara tunai oleh UMNO ke dalam akaun PAS sekitar masa yang sama dengan cara yang sama.
Pada pilihan raya umum lalu, PAS bertanding di 155 kerusi, kerusi Parlimen paling banyak yang dipertandingkan oleh mana-mana parti di negara ini. Deposit untuk bertanding kerusi parlimen adalah RM10,000 manakala kerusi negeri pula bernilai RM5,000.

Hadi masih bertegas bahawa tidak ada pakatan sulit semasa pilihan raya antara PAS dan UMNO. PAS masih mendakwa pada PRU14 PAS menjadi parti pembangkang untuk menentang UMNO / BN. Hadi juga menegaskan bahawa keputusan PAS bertanding di semua kerusi persekutuan dan negeri tidak ada kaitan dengan rancangan untuk memecah undi pembangkang bagi pihak UMNO. Hadi dalam pernyataannya bersumpah mengakui bahawa kos untuk bertanding adalah tinggi dan mendakwa wang untuk deposit kerusi itu datang dari sumbangan ahli2nya.
Sesungguhnya UMNOlah secara rahsia memberi wang kepada PAS untuk deposit kerusi2 itu dalam PRU14. Sejurus selepas pilihan raya, kedua-dua pihak mula bersatu secara terbuka bersama-sama sekutu, walaupun setakat mereka menyokong sikap masing-masing calon pada pilihan raya kecil di mana hanya beberapa minggu lalu mereka bertindak sebagai lawan politik.

Kini timbul persoalan sama ada sikap baru Hadi untuk menyokong UMNO semata-mata disebabkan kesediaan secara tiba-tiba "untuk melupakan kesalahan lalu dan menyatukan orang Islam" atau hanya persoalan persahabatan yang dibeli dalam bentuk wang ringgit yang diterima secara tunai daripada UMNO masuk ke dalam akaun PAS untuk deposit PRU14 seperti yang sebut oleh orang kuat Hadi, Nik Abduh dalam rakaman audionya. Pada mulanya Nik Abduh menafikan rakaman audio itu bukan tulen, tetapi fitnah semata2.
Apabila Hadi menarik balik saman, pihak peguam PAS mengesahkan bahawa rakaman audio Nik Abduh adalah tulen dan disahkan oleh Setiausaha Agong PAS barulah Nik Abduh mengesahkan yang rakaman audio itu adalah benar dan tulen, lantas Nik Abduh mengakui bahawa "Hadi restu saya nafi rakaman audio" - SR/mk (Artikel di atas adalah terjemahan diadaptasikan dari Sarawak Report berjudul "UMNO Donations To PAS Were Used To Pay Election Deposits " dengan beberapa ubahsuaian - tumpang sekole)
Saya nak tengok PAS sokong saya atau tidak - Dr M

Najib’s Crooked Lawyer Who Once Gifted RM2.2 Billion Expressway Project Charged For Money Laundering...Hafarizam Harun is perhaps one of a few lucky lawyers who become a billionaire for fixing problems for UMNO (once the dominant political party) and Najib Razak (once the most powerful man in Malaysia). However, his lucky star is no longer smiling after the downfall of his boss, former Prime Minister Najib in the May General Election last year. Karma has come knocking on his door.
The 47-year-old UMNO’s top lawyer has been charged today (Feb 21) with two counts of money laundering – depositing RM15 million (US$3.7 million; £2.8 million) via three cheques from former Prime Minister Najib Razak into his law firm’s bank account. Hafarizam faces imprisonment up to 15 years and a fine of not less than five times the sum, if he is convicted.
In the first charge, Hafarizam deposited proceeds of unlawful activity totalling RM11.5 million through two AmIslamic Bank Bhd cheques belonging to Najib into a client account of Messrs Hafarizam Wan & Aisha Mubarak at CIMB Bank Bhd. In the second charge, he was accused of committing the same offence involving RM3.5 million, which saw a cheque from Najib deposited into the law firm’s account.
Like the so-called hotshot lawyer Shafee Abdullah engaged to defend Najib on charges of stealing and plundering the national coffers in relation to the infamous 1MDB scandal, Mr. Hafarizam was Najib’s preferred lawyer when his service was required to rape and corrupt the judiciary system in order to deliver the desired results in favour of the government of the day.
Mr. Hafarizam is the same lawyer who worked together with Mr. Shafee in the 2009 Perak Constitutional Crisis which brought down the now-defunct Pakatan Rakyat government so that Najib could snatch back the Perak state using illegal and despicable methods, including the removal of Speaker Sivakumar forcefully and thuggishly.
Together with then-Chief Justice Zaki Azmi, the trio had succeeded in the political coup in Perak, arguably one of the most shameful acts of corruption in the judiciary system. As a reward for their roles, a RM2.2 billion contract for the 50-km Kinrara-Damansara Expressway (Kidex) project was gifted to Emrail Sdn Bhd and Zabima Engineering Sdn Bhd – both without any highway construction experience.

Zaki Azmi – Former Chief JusticeAs it turned out, Zaki’s wife, Nik Sazlina Mohd Zain, was director of Zabima Engineering, while Hafarizam personally admitted and confirmed he sits as director of both companies. Although the disgraced UMNO lawyer Hafarizam Harun had rubbished he and Chief Justice Zaki Azmi got the windfall for bending the rule of law to help UMNO, the fact remains that their roles was “tainted with mala fide (bad faith).”
One doesn’t need Einstein to see that corruption and cronyism were involved in their roles in the 2009 Perak Crisis that saw the state government switch from then-Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to Barisan Nasional (BN). Hafarizam shamelessly claimed that the highway contract was awarded to him after the company proved itself with its track records, despite the fact they had none.
When Mahathir (then opposition) filed a lawsuit against Najib Razak, seeking the crook to pay RM42 million in aggravated damages and RM2.6 billion in exemplary damages to the Government for compromising various institutions involved in investigating 1MDB, Hafarizam Harun argued that Najib was not a public officer in his capacity as the Prime Minister and Finance Minister, hence he cannot be sued.
Amazingly but expectedly, the High Court and Court of Appeal agreed with the Najib lawyer’s argument and dismissed the appeal brought by Mahathir in 2017. After the recent exposure of top judges’ involvement in scam activities, it’s safe to presume that all the judges involved in throwing out the suit had either been bribed or pressured to deliver a verdict favourable to Najib Razak.
After opposition Pakatan Harapan stunningly won the May General Election last May, a request to review the Federal Court’s earlier decision in refusing to grant Mahathir leave to appeal, in a bid to reinstate their suit against Najib which was struck out by the High Court and Court of Appeal, has been granted and a hearing has been rescheduled to April 23 this year.
Twisting and spinning that Najib cannot be sued because the premier was not a public officer was definitely cunning, although such attempt was laughable. At the peak of 1MDB scandal, people’s jaws dropped to the floor when the legal eagle proclaimed that Najib’s signature on 1MDB documents does not necessarily mean that the prime minister has knowledge on 1MDB matters.

Shafee Abdullah Najib's Lawyer
Make no mistake. Like his buddy Shafee Abdullah, Hafarizam Harun’s extraordinary success in the courtroom was possible primarily because almost all the judges – from the lowest to the highest court – have been fabulously perverted. Hafarizam and Shafee were merely village champions who could bully their opponents because the referees had been bought and were under political master’s payroll.
The serious test came when a furiously mad Najib Razak decided to sue the Wall Street Journal over articles linking him to 1MDB scandal. Hafarizam, whose law firm was acting for the Prime Minister, fumbled and stumbled spectacularly when the so-called local legal eagle faced foreign forces for the first time. He childishly sent a letter to the WSJ legal team seeking clarification.
Yes, the village champion Hafarizam and his team actually embarrassed themselves in 2015 when they sought clarification from the WSJ and Dow Jones as to whether their article meant that Najib had misappropriated funds. The Wall Street Journal simply replied that it saw no need to provide any confirmation as its news report and a subsequent opinion piece “speak for themselves”.
Counsellor Hafarizam had even flown to the U.S. on an exploratory mission in relation to Najib’s case against the WSJ. And because the WSJ did not bother to respond to Najib’s silly letter, the lawyer conveniently announced that it would be difficult for him to advise Najib since the WSJ refused to clarify the allegations that almost US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) in 1MDB funds were channelled into Najib’s personal accounts.
Needless to say, the lawsuit never took off and died a natural death. Against a foreign independent judiciary system such as one in the United States, Najib’s favourite lawyer was powerless and did not stand a chance. Without the ability of bribing corrupt judges in the U.S., Hafarizam Harun could not cast his magic to win the case against the Wall Street Journal for his client.
Besides being the crooked lawyer, Hafarizam was also known to be a sexist. When Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) President Wan Azizah Wan Ismail was rumoured to take over Selangor leadership from Abdul Khalid Ibrahim in 2014, the UMNO legal adviser said a woman cannot become Selangor Mentri Besar because their “menstrual cycle” would get in the way of certain official duties. - FT

Berhala pun pandai masuk ke surau nak berjemaah. Anda tu bila pula nak datang surau? Story kat sini...

cheers. Posted by ali allah ditta at 12:12:00 AM tumpang sekole...?: Lepas isu RM90 juta disiasat, PAS ‘minta nyawa’ pada PM...
21 February 2019
Hadi,the king maker nak jadi lilin, lilin tipu sunat...

Kata Hj Hadi.. dia sanggup jadi lilin membakar diri.. kononnya demi penyatuan Ummat Islam.. Hakikatnya Politik Haji Hadi sejak zaman mudanya.. Ibarat Kecewa membunuh diri..
Sejarah Politik Haji Hadi bukan lah dikenal sebagai tokoh Perpaduan, Tetapi seperti kata Tok Guru Nik Aziz tentang agenda Perpaduan PAS-UMNO.. Haji Hadi ini adalah bapa perpecahan Ummat Islam..
Dari Sejarah Amanat Haji Hadi, Dia lah bapa pepecahan Ummat Islam.. menyemarakkan semangat Ashabiyah dan budaya Takfiri.. Ummat Islam Solat 2 Imam, Kafir mengkafir, Bercerai sebab Politik, Tak makan sembelihan UMNO, Sehingga mengangkat senjata dalam peristiwa Memali adalah akibat Amanat Haji Hadi..
Haji Hadi Bukan saja gagal menyatukan Ummat Islam, Hakikatnya Parti PAS sendiri berpecah selepas kematian Almarhum Tok Guru Nik Aziz akibat perbuatan Takfiri dan pentaksub Haji Hadi.. akibat dari Amanat Haji Hadi 2.0...
Sebelum PRU 14, bukan sahaja Bersatu, hatta PKR memujuk PAS supaya bersama, bersatu menentang kerajaan UMNO.. Ketika itu dia menjadi khadam UMNO dan Najib memecahkan Undi dalam usaha menyelamatkan UMNO..
Tidak cukup dengan itu, Ketika semua komponen PH bersatu hati nak jatuhkan UMNO dan regim Najib..sebelum PRU 14 dia melaga lagakan antara Tun Mahathir dan DS Anwar yang ketika itu dipenjara.. dia memperolok olokkan simbol PKR itu sebagai simbol mata lebam, Lebam biru lebam merah.. kata dia Lakonan Hindustan..
Akhirnya rancangan Jahat Hj Hadi bagi memecahkan kebersamaan Rakyat dalam menumbangkan Regim Najib dan UMNO tidak dizinkan Allah.. Rupanya dendam Kesumat Haji Hadi ini masih menebal.. iri hatinya kepada Ds Anwar tidak pernah luntur.. Memang sifat Iblis, mereka akan terus menghasut.. mereka akan terus sebarkan kebencian.. pecah belah..
Wahai Haji Hadi..Berhentilah menghasut manusia..Apa pun, Kita Doakan sebelum berakhir usia Haji Hadi.. agar dia sempat bertaubat atas kerja kerja jahat dia selama ini memecahkan Ummat Islam...- f/bk

Bayang kan 60 Tahun Hj Hadi tak boleh jejak sekolah dia sendiri.. hatta masa Haji Hadi jadi MB Terengganu dulu.. walhal Sekolah tu kawasan Parlimen dia.. Sekolah dia dulu.. Jadi MB pun tak boleh nak masuk ke Sekolah.. itu zaman BN UMNO..
Mcm tu Lah kejamnya UMNO bila Masjid2 di Kelantan halang Tok Guru Nik Aziz berkuliah.. walhal Tok Guru Nik Aziz tu adalah Tok Guru..Guru agama.. hatta RTM Kelantan, Tok Guru Nik Aziz nak ucap Selamat hari raya pun tak pernah diberi ruang.. Itulah Zaman UMNO dulu..
hari ni Hj Hadi nak masuk Universiti..masuk UIA pun boleh buat Talk.. Awani dan RTM bagi ruang.. hatta boleh pulak rasmi mesyuarat PIBG..
Tapi heran bila PH buat Perubahan....Bila Demokrasi dibuka.. Bila kebebasan diberi.. Depa kata kita lagi teruk.. Lagi kejam dari UMNO.. Tak ker gila puak ni.. Ni lah gambaran Puak Khawarij dan Ruwaibidhah.. Tak reti bersyukur.. yang betui nya depa ni guna agama hanya untuk kuasa dan duit..- f/bk

UMNO Incredibly Upset For Being Played and Betrayed By Ally PAS...Mahathir’s simple stunt may have won his party the Semenyih by-election, before the actual voting even begun. His little stunt, telling all and sundry that opposition PAS, the only Islamist party in the country, has promised – in writing – not to help UMNO in the coming Semenyih by-election, was a clever chess move not expected by PAS, let alone UMNO.
Ever since the Islamist party president Abdul Hadi Awang chickens out from his defamation suit against Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle Brown over an article accusing him of accepting the RM90 million bribes from UMNO ahead of the May 9 election last year to switch sides, the man who would like to think of himself as the “holiest man” has been scraping the bottom of the barrel.
While Mr. Hadi realised his U-turn from the lawsuit against the British journalist would invite some criticism and mockery, even insults, he hadn’t imagined it would turn into such a huge scandal. From denying that PAS would abandon its ally UMNO, to promise of “only a certain degree of commitment” in supporting UMNO, the Islamist party is caught lying too much that its tongue got twisted badly.
Now, PAS has pledged to support Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad until the next 15th General Election. This is a promise not even Hadi’s best friend, ousted ex-PM Najib Razak, had gotten despite the Islamist party was gifted at least RM90 million bribes. Crooked Najib must have been beating himself up pretty badly for the type of friend he had made.
With friends like PAS, does UMNO need enemies? Even PM Mahathir was surprised at how low Hadi Awang and his gang members would go at sucking up to him. This is perhaps the first time in the history of mankind that an opposition party wanted the ruling party to continue ruling so badly that it defies the laws of physics. Does PAS still realise they are the opposition party?

It was like Hillary Clinton suddenly announces her undivided support and undying loyalty for Donald Trump. Can you see how ridiculous and hilarious Hadi Awang has made his Islamist party? It’s only recently that Mahathir was PAS’ greatest enemy, but with a snap of a finger, Holy Man Hadi tells his 2-million gullible followers to protect Mahathir with their own lives.
There is a reason why Najib Razak and Hadi Awang could click so well – both are serial liars. PAS argued that it is in the interest of race and religion that Mahathir must be supported. Did Mahathir become Malay, converted to Muslim and believes in Islam only last month? If not, why didn’t PAS support the 93-year-old man before that, but only after the out-of-court settlement with Sarawak Report?
Ahh, that’s because the Chinese DAP, who happens to be PAS’ once political ally, allegedly plots to bring down PM Mahathir. But wait a minute. Can DAP install a Chinese premier, considering they have only 42 parliamentary seats when you need at least 112 seats to form a simple majority government? If not, why were the PAS crooks croaking about defending Mahathir from DAP?
Interestingly, PAS had once upon a time called UMNO the “kafir” (infidels) during Mahathir’s first term as the prime minister (from 1981 to 2003), the same way they had worked with infidels DAP prior to accepting the RM90 million bribes. So now, UMNO and Mahathir are no longer infidels, but DAP is? Will PAS still call DAP the infidel if the Islamist party is invited to join the government, of which DAP is part of?
However, Mahathir is happily working with the so-called infidel DAP. So, is PAS trying to say the man they’ve pledged to support and protect until 2023 is actually an idiot for working with the infidels? No matter how Hadi and his band of corrupted fake holy men try to spin and twist their sudden allegiance to Mahathir, the fact remains that Mahathir’s got them by the balls.

🤑👳😵Amazingly, not even crooked Ahmad Zahid Hamidi believes PAS’ story about its support for Mahathir administration in the Semenyih by-election. The UMNO president, currently on garden leave for facing 45 charges of CBT (criminal breach of trust) and money laundering involving a whopping RM114 million, said – “It’s pretty obvious that what PAS said doesn’t reflect the true story.”
Speaking to reporters after having dinner in Semenyih, Zahid said – “If people want to interpret their statement as such (throwing backing behind Pakatan), then I’m sure eventually the people are smart enough figure out what’s real and what’s fake.” Clearly, if even a guy as dumb as Zahid does not believe PAS’ fairy tales, it’s hard to see how Mahathir can lose the by-election.
Zahid Hamidi was instrumental in forming the UMNO-PAS alliance after the downfall of the previous regime, so much so he had sweet-talked and begged Hadi to work together. For PAS to say they support both UMNO and Mahathir at the same time was as good as mocking and insulting UMNO leadership’s intelligence.
UMNO is incredibly upset for being played and betrayed by PAS, the God-fearing party supposedly possesses the highest reputation, integrity and dignity among all the political parties. Instead, the Islamist party has emerged as the champion in telling lies. With PAS’ half-baked support, UMNO can kiss their chance of returning to power, even if opportunity exists before 2023. - FT

Hadi's Psycho warfare...Tun Mahathir claimed that PAS president Hadi Awang had signed an agreement not to back Umno in the Semenyih by-election. However, PAS denied the claim, arguing that the party would only support Tun M until the next general elections.
According to news reports, Mahathir agreed to meet Hadi Awang, PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan and Terengganu menteri besar Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar last Friday upon a request from Hadi. There have been wild speculations over why Hadi has wanted to meet the PM at a time Umno and PAS are working so closely together.
Some say it could be due to the case of RM90 million donation received by PAS from 1MDB, which is being probed by the MACC soon after Hadi struck an out-of-court reconciliation with Sarawak Report editor-in-chief Clare Rewcastle Brown. Hadi may be seeking the PM's "advice" over the follow-up developments.
Some others feel that the Islamist party may be seeking the federal government's assistance in view of the financial problems of Kelantan and Terengganu, especially on oil royalty. In reciprocation, PAS offers to support Mahathir's leadership.
It is not the first time Hadi has expressed his wish for Mahathir to remain as PM until the dissolution of the Parliament probably because he has something against PKR president Anwar Ibrahim and DAP when the three parties were in Pakatan Rakyat. PAS will not have good days if Anwar were to take over in two years' time. Compared to Anwar, PAS seems to be more receptive to Mahathir.
PAS also wants to seize the opportunity to accuse the other two PH component parties of trying to topple Mahathir, and for PAS to express its support for Tun M with the hope this will spark internal conflicts and skepticism within the ruling coalition. To support PPBM also goes well with Hadi's position on a Muslim-dominated government.

On the back of PAS' "offer", Mahathir has claimed that the party will not back Umno in Semenyih probably because of three reasons:
1. To sow the seed of discord between Umno and PAS. Umno leaders will begin to doubt Hadi's sincerity while the confidence of PAS members towards their president may also be affected. PAS' open statement to back Mahathir is definitely not music to Umno's ears because most Umno leaders hope Anwar's takeover will give the party some kind of relief.
2. By not supporting Umno, votes from die-hard PAS fans will not go to Umno, giving PPBM an easy win in Semenyih. PPBM has wanted to prove its support among the Malays through the Semenyih by-election, and the Umno-PAS tie-up is perceived as the single biggest stumbling block.
3. To undermine Hadi's credibility. The RM90 million political donation incident has clouded the PAS president's credibility. PAS central committee member Nik Abduh claims that Hadi has told him to deny that it was his voice in the recording admitting PAS' acceptance of Umno's donation.
PAS has denied that it has pledged not to back Umno in Semenyih, but how many people will actually trust Hadi again? After the Mahathir-Hadi meeting, some are beginning to worry that they are trying to put together a grand unity plan for the Malays. This, nevertheless, does not warrant such a concern because records show that the PM has never really liked PAS.
PAS is no match to Mahathir when it comes to political mastery. By comparison, Umno appears to be a little restless, as evidenced by the violence on nomination day against youth and sports minster Syed Saddiq. PAS is Umno's only hope to stage a comeback, but the Islamist party may just abandon it for one reason or another. Umno's ill destiny is not over yet.
That said, there should be a limit as to how far a political psycho war can go; once overboard it could easily distract the country's focus on revitalizing the economy and may even be dangerous. For instance, some PKR leaders say it is alright for PPBM to accept former Umno reps and to go into Sabah, arguing that they have never supported a proposed new law to ban party-hopping.- mysinchew

Selepas pagar kubuq TGNA di kunci kini depa melutut depan Dr.Klinik 1Malaysia.Sakan betoi Pok Mat bodek... UMNO si jantung hati PAS...

cheers. Posted by ali allah ditta at 12:21:00 AM tumpang sekole...?: Hadi,the king maker nak jadi lilin, lilin tipu sunat...
24 February 2019Hadi saja yang dok meroyan pasai usul tak percaya...Presiden PKR Anwar Ibrahim menafikan dakwaan terdapat usaha untuk membuat usul tidak percaya terhadap Perdana Menteri Dr Mahathir Mohamad di parlimen.
Ditanya sama ada beliau akan menyokong Mahathir sekiranya usul berkenaan, Anwar berkata, usul seumpamanya hanya akan datang daripada Presiden PAS Abdul Hadi Awang.
"Apa isunya? Kenapa anda bangkitkan apa yang Abdul Hadi mahu?
"Itu usul Abdul Hadi. Biar dia yang buat usul tu," kata Anwar kepada pemberita di Petaling Jaya hari ini.
Anwar juga berkata bahawa spekulasi untuk menjatuhkan Mahathir hanya percubaan PAS untuk memecahbelahkan Pakatan Harapan (PH).
"Sebab mereka gagal teruk (dalam pilihan raya) dan mereka menyokong rasuah atas nama Islam, satu-satunya pilihan adalah untuk memecahbelahkan," katanya.PAS sebelum ini mendakwa wujud usaha untuk meminggirkan Mahathir. Dakwaan itu hadir selepas perjumpaan pemimpin PAS termasuk Abdul Hadi dengan perdana menteri. - f/bk

Anwar on the 1MDB scandal and Malaysia's future'

Mahathir Has Begun Making Moves To Neutralize PAS...Between Mahathir Mohamad and Anwar Ibrahim, who will have the tendency to work with PAS, the Islamist party currently running like a headless chicken after the revelation that its top leaders had taken dirty money to the tune of RM90 million from UMNO, the party that is half-dead now after being slaughtered in the last May General Election? The answer is obvious.
Anwar was once an Islamic extremist, being co-founder of the Muslim Youth Movement (ABIM). Expectedly, his supporters were super-duper shocked when he joined UMNO in 1982, after being lured by then PM Mahathir Mohamad, a strategy to keep his enemies closer to him. He couldn’t resist the temptation of power and money waving at him at the other side.
As the clock ticks down for Najib to call for the 14th General Election, PKR supremo Anwar was still hopeful of PKR-PAS cooperation. He admitted endorsing and pushing his most trusted lieutenant, Azmin Ali, to hold talks with the Islamist party, despite writing on the wall that PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang had been bought and bribed by UMNO President Najib Razak.
Yes, Mr. Anwar actually had absolutely no confidence the Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition could defeat the evil Barisan Nasional (BN), of which UMNO was the backbone of the coalition. He argued that the decision to cooperate with PAS was to consolidate all forces to defeat BN in the general election. Hence, PKR was reduced to begging the arrogant Hadi.
Mahathir, on the other hand, expressed his confidence as early as Jan 2017, more than a year before the May 2018 nationwide election, that PH can win the 14th election – without PAS. A day earlier, Hadi Awang, who is today the same person praising and boot-licking Mahathir, declared that PAS would not cooperate with PPBM, Mahathir’s party he described as “directionless”.
Mr. Mahathir then lectured and mocked PAS as a confused party – “On one hand, they don’t want to work with anybody, while on the other they want to work with somebody.” The grand old man, obviously didn’t want to waste time on PAS, then said the opposition coalition, Pakatan Harapan (PPBM, PKR, DAP and Amanah), had to accept the fact that three-cornered fights were not avoidable.

So, while Mahathir decisively told PAS to fly kites for playing hard to get, Anwar kept stroking Hadi’s balls despite the fake holy man telling him to fly kite. There’s nothing wrong possessing soft skill like perseverance, but it goes to show Anwar is an indecisive leader when compared to Mahathir. And everyone can tell you that an indecisive boss is also a bad manager of a company.
But Mahathir has so far proven to be untrustworthy, considering he has broken dozens of promises and been driving a garbage truck around gardens collecting rubbish in the form of ex-UMNO MPs. People who despise the premier are caught in a tough situation. Are they willing to bet their last penny that Anwar is better than the world’s oldest prime minister?
The point is, given half the chance, Anwar will have no problem working with PAS but the same cannot be said about Mahathir. Therefore, it’s laughable to say that Mahathir trusts PAS more than DAP, or Hadi Awang loves Mahathir Mohamad more than Anwar Ibrahim, as what pro-opposition cybertroopers, propagandists and bloggers would like the people to believe.
Hypothetically speaking, the chance of a PAS-PKR-UMNO Malay-Muslim grand coalition is absolutely higher than a PAS-PPBM-UMNO. If not for the RM90 million scandal plaguing PAS, do you really think the “munafiq (hypocrite)” Abdul Hadi Awang would have had led his corrupted minions to PM Mahathir’s office, pledging their undying support?
Hey, it was PPBM President Muhyiddin Yassin, who labelled PAS as “munafiq” yesterday, even after days of songs of praise from the leaders of the Islamist party. But why did Muhyiddin wasn’t impressed with Hadi Awang and his boys’ sucking up to his boss? Well, if even a not-so-clever Muhyiddin could smell PAS’ untrustworthiness and desperation miles away, do you think Mahathir would fall for the trap?
Muhyiddin said – “In religious terms, people will label them munafiq because what they do is different from what they preach. We know their true position and we in Pakatan will not fall for their words, even as they claimed so because PAS is not new in Semenyih.” But is Mahathir on the same page with Muhyiddin, that PAS leaders are the “biggest munafiq” on planet Earth?

Mahathir, unlike PM-in-waiting Anwar, cannot work with PAS because he knew it has been the Islamist party that divides Malay Muslims all along. The old man once grumbled that it was PAS who called non-Muslims and non-PAS-members infidels, so much so that marriages, even “kenduri (feast)”, between PAS-Muslims and UMNO-Muslims members were banned.
It was also Mahathir who said – “PAS members are willing to make enemies of fellow Muslims, thanks to the teachings of their leaders. And that is why the Malay Muslims in Malaysia are divided until now. Until today, there are still Malays who pray separately in the same mosque. Islam did not divide them, but the politics of PAS brought to the division of the Malays. What PAS has done is unforgivable.”
That’s right, as weird as it may sound, Mahathir actually trusts Lim Kit Siang and DAP more than Abdul Hadi Awang and PAS. After the master strategist skinned two UMNO fat cats – Najib Razak and Zahid Hamidi – and broke the most corrupted party into pieces, it appears the old fox has begun his chess moves to slaughter and neutralise the devilish PAS Islamist party.
Demoralised, disillusioned and demotivated, UMNO Malay nationalist party is as good as half-dead. With its accounts frozen and Member of Parliaments continues switching sides to Mahathir’s own party, it’s hard to see how UMNO could rise from ashes in the foreseeable future. PAS, on the other hand, is actually more dangerous than UMNO, and Mahathir knew it.
The U.S. knew they were fighting a losing battle against “Radical Islamic Terrorism”, the three magic words used by President Trump previously. And there’s a reason why Indonesia faces what is known as “third generation terrorism” today. You can bomb the hell out of the terrorists, but you certainly cannot kill the ideology, or ISIS ideology to be specific.
Sarawak Report was responsible in exposing the RM90 million bribes taken by PAS from UMNO. Surprisingly, even after Hadi openly sucked up to Mahathir, the naughty editor Report editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown has continued to expose the Islamist party’s past dirty secrets. The latest revelation was evidence of PAS receiving election money from UMNO.

Whistleblower Sarawak Report apparently showed a screenshot of a bank transfer from Shamsul Zairil Kamaruddin, an aide of a former minister (UMNO Treasurer Salleh Keruak) for RM2.5 million into PAS’ account at a Bank Islam branch on March 21, about three weeks before its leader Hadi Awang testified in a London court that his party was not working with UMNO.
Why did Sarawak Report expose Hadi’s contradiction statement, directly proving that PAS had colluded with UMNO? More importantly, from where did the British journalist gets her source of information? The answer is obvious – Mahathir administration. The best part is, even Hadi Awang and his boys were clueless that Mahathir was playing them.
As a result of the money gifted by UMNO to PAS, the Islamist party contested 158 parliamentary seats and 393 state assembly seats last May, a significant increase from 78 parliamentary seats and 236 state assembly seats from the previous 13th general election in 2013. That’s a whopping 102% (parliamentary) and 66% (state) increase in election spending by PAS.
Why is this exposure important? Essentially, all of PAS’ 18 MPs and 90 state assemblypersons could be charged under Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (AMLA), if they cannot prove that the money they used did not come from UMNO. More importantly, PAS bank accounts can be frozen the same way UMNO’s accounts were frozen.
Like it or not, Mahathir has to clip the wings of PAS largely because the politics of the “munafiq” Islamist party is way more dangerous than the politics of corruption practised by UMNO. People like Hadi Awang could easily radicalise its 2-million followers. If Mahathir didn’t need PAS to win the election last year, he definitely doesn’t need PAS to stay in power today.- FT

cheers. Posted by ali allah ditta at 12:12:00 AMtumpang sekole...?: Hadi saja yang dok meroyan pasai usul tak percaya...
Minta Kejelasan Nasib Keluarga yang Ditahan Cina, Diaspora Uighur di Turki Gelar Aksi Sabtu, 23 Februari 2019 20:49
Foto: aksi damai diaspora uighur di TurkiKIBLAT.NET, Istanbul – Ribuan diaspora Uighur yang tergabung dalam Dogu Turkistan Sivil Toplum Kuruşlar Birligi (Persatuan Seluruh Organisasi Masyarakat dan Yayasan Serta Lembaga Uighur Turki) menggelar aksi di Bayazit Square, Istanbul.Unjuk rasa yang digelar pada Sabtu (23/02/2019) ini sebagai respon atas adanya kabar kematian seorang musisi terkenal Uighur, Heyit yang nyanyiannya menjadi simbol perjuangan Uighur dalam melawan penjajahan Cina dan kezhaliman mereka di Xinjiang.Pasalnya, setelah Menlu Turki angkat bicara dan diamini media media Turki soal kematian Heyit, China tiba tiba mengejutkan semua pihak dengan video baru ucapan Abdurehim Heyit yang ternyata masih hidup tanggal 10 Feb 2019 lalu. Maka, peserta aksi menuntut informasi bagaimana keadaan keluarga mereka yang ditahan pemerintah Cina.Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Ketua Persatuan Semua Wakaf dan Organisasi Uighur di Turki, Hedayatullah Oguzhan menegaskan bahwa jika Cina merasa kamp penyiksaan tidak ada, maka nasib keluarga diaspora Uighur harus diperjelas.“Hai Cina, jika kalian mengatakan bahwa kamp penyiksaan itu tidak ada dan kalian tidak pernah melakukan penyiksaan. Atau kalian mengaku bahwa kalian hanya memberikan edukasi budaya kepada Uighur dan etnis Turki lainnya di Xinjiang, maka buktikanlah dan tunjukkan bagaimana kondisi anggota anggota keluarga kami lainnya sebagaimana kalian perbuat terhadap musisi Abdurehim Heyit,” katanya saat melakukan orasi.Ia mengkritik Cina yang beperapa saat ini mengundang tokoh atau aktivis dan jurnalis ke Cina dan Xinjiang. Namun, tempat-tempatnya sudah dibatasi dan ditentukan oleh Cina. Jadi, kata dia, bukan dibiarkan bebas mencari saksi mata di dalam X injiang.
BACA JUGA Berebut Wilayah, Milisi Rusia dan Iran Saling Serang di Hama“Maka kami menuntut Cina untuk membuka pintu negaranya bagi para jurnalis independen dan bukan atas undangan atau acara settingan Cina sebagaimana yang mereka lakukan belakangan ini,” tuturnya.Terakhir, ia berpesan kepada umat Islam di Turki bahwa penindasan muslim Uighur merupakan ujian bagi ukhuwah islamiyah. Oleh sebab itu, ia berharap kepada umat Islam di Turki dan di seluruh dunia untuk terus melakukan doa yang terbaik bagi muslim Uighur.Dalam aksi ini, peserta meneriakkan yel-yel “Hidup Turkistan Timur!” dan masing-masing dari mereka nampak mengibarkan bendera dan mengenakan kaos Turkistan Timur. Tak ketinggalan, mereka juga membawa poster yang bertuliskan “Me Too Uyghur”.Kontributor: Hakan Fatih Saputra
Editor: Izhar Zulfikar
BERITA TERKAITAwas!!! Sifat Lalai Bisa Menyeretmu ke Api Neraka Ahad, 27 Januari 2019 20:29Penuh Haru, Momen Ketika Diaspora Uighur Temui Korban Tsunami Banten Kamis, 17 Januari 2019 10:27Pertemuan Diaspora Uighur dengan Fahri Hamzah Selasa, 15 Januari 2019 16:48UBN Lepas Rombongan Uighur Kunjungi Korban Tsunami Banten Selasa, 15 Januari 2019 15:20Bersama Ust. Bachtiar Nasir, Ketua Majelis Nasional Turkistan Ungkap Fakta Muslim Uighur Selasa, 15 Januari 2019 09:29
TITIANManhaj‘La Ilaha Illallah’, Ideologi Kebangkitan Islam 23 Februari 2019

ProfilIbnul Mubarok, Menghabiskan Umur di Medan Ilmu dan Jihad 16 Februari 2019

ManhajStrategi Politik Firaun 14 Februari 2019

ManhajSistem Politik Jahiliyah, Sumber Kerusakan dan Penindasan 12 Februari 2019
Minta Kejelasan Nasib Keluarga yang Ditahan Cina, Diaspora Uighur di Turki Gelar Aksi - Kiblat
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