Yoursay Kj Should Stop Harping On How Sought After He Is


YOURSAY | ’If you cannot withstand even cyber attacks, what are you strong enough for?‘
KJ still mulling PN offer, 'uneasy' with Harapan due to cybertroopers
Mazilamani: Former Umno leader Khairy Jamaluddin, why do you care about cybertroopers?
Most of them are faceless. As such, you don't really know what parties they hail from. 
Even those who write supporting you may not be genuine. You must be well past these delusions after long years in politics.
The party you associate with now will be a translucent indication of which party you have been desiring to be with after all your years with Umno.
Frankly, you seem to be waiting for a conclusion to the coming state elections, before making up your mind.
If you decide to be with the victorious party, then be prepared for atrocious criticism from even unexpected sources.
Your dicing attitude will earn you more distrust and enemies than you can expect, branding you as an opportunist. You must take a stand now.
Vijay47: Let it not be forgotten, Khairy, that once there was a thought, for one brief shining moment, that you were of Camelot.
Despite the whispers and the long-tainted garments you wore, the rock music you played was false. Some, perhaps many, believed that you were of sterner stuff and higher promise.
Sadly, you proved again to the multitudes, that while one can take a creature from the sludge, the hyena will never change its spots.
It would seem that you have already decided to join Perikatan Nasional, as is, of course, your right.
Yet you sense that to do so immediately would reveal that you are just another (former prime minister) Muhyiddin Yassin and the like but with a touch of British accent, stiff upper lip and all.
Thus, we are treated to your new role of a cautious philosopher who must first weigh your options before delving into the inevitable.
I would have thought that you were of better honour, Khairy, not succumbing to the temptation of position.
Ahh, spotted hyenas are convinced that they are destined to be lions.
But this fear of cybertroopers. Don’t you realise how cheap and spineless you show yourself to be, offering the flimsiest of excuses?
If you cannot withstand even cyber attacks, what are you strong enough for?
Worse, you appear to hold that criticism over cyberspace is far more objectionable than raping the treasury, corruption, and racial and religious excesses.
Maybe you are deserving of more pity than a sneer.  
Incidentally, I am hardly a cybertrooper, for Pakatan Harapan, Perikatan Nasional (God forbid!) or any other quarter.
I merely write what my heart dictates and often, just to amuse myself.
Darwin Fernandez: Please, stop all your drama.
Nobody is holding you by your neck or your legs and begging you to join Harapan. 
If you have, name it when it was offered and by whom.
The only people so eager for you to join their party is the PN boys, so stop all these small boys and teh tarik stall talk.
If you don’t have confidence in PN, just say so because it just proves your intelligence.
As I always say, you talk a lot but not for the country or the people of Malaysia, only for yourself.  
KK Voter: How do you know it's Harapan cybertroopers and not PN’s.
You are stating it as though it’s a fact. What about PN’s TikTok army spreading hate?
Combined with your excuse to support PN yesterday, it seems like you already made up your mind, and it seems like you want to lay the groundwork to join PN without being seen to support the green wave 3R rhetoric.
You want to have your cake and eat it too. 
Che 21: Please, Khairy, that’s enough. For the past few months, you have been harping and glorifying yourself on how much you are wanted. 
The fact is that you’re not wanted by the party you grew up with politically.
OK, to be fair, Umno may not want you for the selfish reasons of a few leaders who feel threatened, but the people of Sungai Buloh have also clearly rejected you.
I respect you as one of the few young leaders who will genuinely help our country. Please do not make me lose this respect irretrievably.
SeniorCitizen: Khairy, I am surprised! From what I thought I knew about you from the news, I presumed the answer to any invitation to join PN would be easy - “No, thank you. I do not subscribe to your principles.”
But... being in the same party as PAS? Or even being in Bersatu for that matter?
Now, I think I know the real you - it is not about which party shares your principles, but which party can help you advance your career!
You would do well to learn from former education minister Maszlee Malik and the young Muda president Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman for what they did - or rather did not do - after the infamous Sheraton move.
They could easily have become ministers in Muhyiddin Yassin’s government, but they stood by their principles!
Being an Oxford grad, have you ever heard of an ex-Tory MP joining Labour or vice versa?
YellowMarlin8834: Anyone, everyone can say anything. Show proof that those are paid Harapan cybertroopers.
Otherwise, please accept the fact that we are only rakyat Malaysia, paying a subscription fee to Malaysiakini.
We are entitled to write what we see and how we feel. This is a basic right we have under the law.
Grow up, Khairy. You are no longer part of the fourth-floor boys and Umno sees you as having no loyalty to the party.
GoldenBird6754: If you are smart, you should tunnel your way to become the third force.
Muhyiddin and Bersatu in PN are hanging by a thin line with the senior PAS and Gerakan is a dead zombie.
Harapan and the coalition have not been your choice since day one. If you join either side, you are just being moulded into their tussle.  
Rukun_Negara: Khairy, you’re so messed up that you cannot take any view other than your own?
If you so enjoy being sweet-talked into joining PN, just go ahead, but do not accuse us here of being paid cybertroopers.
Even the once cash-rich PN government could not buy the rakyat’s conscience!
Shadowplay: What cyber troopers? Malaysiakini commentators?
Khairy, don't assume you are highly priced just because you performed quite well as the health minister in former prime minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s cabinet.
You would never be so silly to join PN, Bersatu or PAS, would you?
At the same time, Harapan has all the talent.
I don't think they will invite you to join them.
But you may write in to apply and see if the parties in Harapan will accept you.
Optimus: By saying “I want to tell Harapan cyber troopers, don’t spread fake news, it’s unethical in politics", Khairy himself is spreading fake news.
Pinning Harapan supporters as cybertroopers (as if there aren’t any PN cybertroopers out there) without evidence is in itself unethical. - Mkini

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