Turning Umno Into A Killing Field

I AM perturbed by recent news that some Umno divisions, especially in Johor want to use the proposed constitution to purge elected-president Zahid Hamidi and former president Najib Razak, and to elect new top leaders.

How could that be? Are Umno division and state leaders speaking for their self-vested interest or echoing the grassroots?

Johor Umno chief Hasni Mohammad on Sunday revealed how a majority of the party's state rank-and-file had wished for a leadership change although the proposed amendment will not be used as an attempt to get rid of anyone.

Zahid got warm welcome officiating the Kepong and Masjid Tanah delegate meeting on Saturday and Sunday, a sign that members have distanced themselves from his personal court cases. No more talks and questions about it, and Zahid was received as the party president, like others.

I wonder why the issue of leadership heated up at times when Umno is a deep shit situation, and why segmentation is fast growing despite Umno is no longer in power now? Why are there so many power craze leaders within the party, championing different anecdote of bandwagons?

On Saturday, Pas endorsed the cooperation with Umno for the coming 15th general election. They are willing to forget the past for the sake of the Malays and Islam but bickering in Umno is escalating to despicable degree.

Whether it is in Johor, Perak, Pahang or elsewhere, the issue of leadership seems to rise more often that it pushes down the government propaganda over the purportedly Azmin sex scandal, the empty promises and the lies in-store.

Where are these Umno self-proclaimed heroes heading to? A new party should Zahid remains as president or another exodus?

For them, a rickety is not their main problem, self interest is. To them, any changes to the party leadership must be done accordingly to their whim and fancy, that it must suit their demonizing desire. Just shut up the majority whose objective is to make Umno rises again.

I think its fair to summarise such actions as a plot to turn Umno into a 'killing field'. Backstabbing and badmouthing each other will continue to rage on as long as their quests are not met. Not to mention the move to pick certain leaders as members of a new 'Cabinet lineup' should Mohamad Hasan is made prime minister.

Tok Mat himself has denied the chart produced by a 'frasco' in Umno, while Pas president Hadi Awang has refuted himself and Najib being advisors to the new Cabinet. What is all this? Domestic propaganda to further break the party apart.

What make them so convinced that the leaders of their choice meet criterion on the majority? Ooopsss... they never considered the majority, for they want to make Umno as another Nazi where corporate and legalistic entity stays!

Where is Pas in this shattering dream? And what will be the future of Umno in the hands of the power-greed leaders?

Only time will tell...

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