Selamat Hari Raya Victor Chin

Ruichi Sakamoto's composition for the 1983 movie, Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence became a Christmas music in the US, Britain and Japan. 
The movie title is pun using the coming Hari Raya celebration to dedicate to the man in pursuit, Victor Chin. 
Set during World War II, the movie depicted a British colonel who "tries to bridge the cultural divides between a British P.O.W. and the Japanese camp commander in order to avoid blood-shed." 
The current Malaysian setting is the head of Corporate Mafia attempting to avoid financial blood-shed. 
He is already facing dissension within his fold, Banks pulling back credit lines, and dam bursting that could lead him and his syndicate of criminal involving network into law enforcement rounded up and charged for crimes. 
The pressure on government to act is piling up from within the law enforcement community, institutional investors, off-shore funds, and eventually public when they are shocked from the latter coverage.   
The Mafia label by a whistle blowing blog against his syndicate group described the modus operandi they move-in into targeted companies.
It is done in collusion with investigating officers of MACC to apply AMLA and subsequently plunder the companies and reduced them to PN17 to the verge of bankruptcy. 

The manner The Corporate Secret blog was revealing detailed information that could only be obtained from extensive investigation effort and sizeable research team.
It strengthen the belief this is no ordinary website by investigative bloggers or website or even newspaper (media they called it today). 
It is definitely beyond this blogger, who could only add-on few minute details to the happening. In areas we have knowledge of, the blog seemed to know more and have the background that trace back to earlier happenings and other angles to the issue.  
And one can only assume their days are numbered as one by one mentioned explicitly the names of the MACC I.O.s, person-in-charge, and masterminds, DPPs, key people in the group linking the syndicate with people in Bursa Malaysia, BNM, SC, PDRM, and AG Chambers, and all the way to a judge.  
The firework has not happened yet. Its awaiting the mercun for Hari Raya Aidil Fitri to get lighted first. 
It is widely speculated there will be massive cekut mencekut (round-up) after Hari Raya that will have an impactful implication on the political scene and foil any attempt to topple the present government. 
Suspect the arrest of Victor Chin and the gang will precede the clean-up of government. Anwar Ibrahim need to convince the corporate people that he is serious with his Madani agenda and the market awaits his action to clean-up the capital market of criminals. 
So, Selamat Hari Raya to Victor Chin. 
Before the political round-up which could include PAS, the few government-side arrests could be the precursor. Tap on your own wrist before whacking the other side. 
The Corporate Mafia round-up is a suitable follow-up because their operation tie in with criminal activities with links to PPBM. Maybe the reason Mahathir is suing Anwar in court to spoil the plot.   
No need to turn the pursuit on criminals into a political issue, but the Perikatan Nasional fund raising event at Mount Austin during the Johor by-election was a clue to links with PPBM. 
The organiser is linked to Wan Kuok, the Macau triad. There was the presence of Kenneth Voon, stock market syndicate. The major Penang drug bust in 2019 is linked to PPBM, and via Hong Seng Consolidated, linked directly into the Corporate Mafia.    
The "Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence"-esque Ramadhan and Hari Raya bridging effort by Victor Chin was a work in progress.  
Francis Leong may have brought in Kenneth Voon and used the proceed from sales of his block in Green Packet to salvage the share prices of Revenue Group Berhad. Was the company money also used to prop up the shares via their money lending licensed subsidiary Revenue Harvest?
While at the same time, Francis attempted to de-establish links to Victor Chin and other members by resigning from the  Board of Director of Victor's companies on the pretext to focus in reviving Revenue.
Francis gave assurance to the public that Revenue's payment gateway operation will continue as usual but can they after June? 
Not even a three fold increase will convince the contract staff to stay on. Banks, credit card companies and BNM knows. Only the investors walking on terompah will believe Francis.
Revenue founder Eddie Ng is totally out of the company. However, his attempt to get MACC IOs to fix up his former partner for his own wrongdoing fell flat on their face. 
The IOs investigating Revenue togther with the junior officer, who made the MACC report to initiate investigation and led to the ridiculous charge for lucky draw car, are in shit trouble with the law. 
Same with the former Perak CPO, Ng Keok Chai who resigned from other companies of Corporate Mafia group of companies to focus effort in Classita (formerly Caely) with other former police comrades. 
Focus they need to because the minority shareholders they face off against are gang leaders of KL, Koo Tee Yam and Petaling Jaya's PJ Ming.    
Words on the street is that among the many past victims of Victor Chin, one has put out a contract on him. 
He is going around with a 10 men bodyguard team. Where he need to have secret meetings without anyone following, he will have to go through the cumbersome effort to ward off trails and get around conspicuously. 

The investigation paper by police on Caely have been submitted to AG. More coming.
The blog believed Chong Long Men is buying time using soon to be retired Manoj Kuraj, an inner circle of Gani Patail in his heydays as AG. 
They could buy time to bluff Anwar's liaison officer, for instance that police need to get few more evidences though nothing may have actually been requested. 
After Raya, Ayob Khan will assume the position of PDRM Director of Criminal Investigation. 
The "tebar roti canai" up and coming IGP only need to execute the script. He knows which card to use. Hopefully the one suggested by this blog's earlier.
Better enjoy the ketupat and rendang while you can, Victor Chin cause you are going down. 
You can block and bribe the path through MACC, but ain't nuthin' could stop something too hot that both SC and LHDN are finally moving in. Nevermind Bursa Malaysia could be lulled by the people at the top, which is operationally led by a drunkard.
Time is not on the Corporate Mafia side. 
Nuclearbursaman is right to labeled them as low-end and no class pirates. Too sloppy and not thought through. They can eksyen because they haven't found their match yet. 
Since their eventual downfall is due to underestimating the resourcefulness of  two nerds and IT geeks, they ain't no gangster....  

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