Pesona Gelaran Meloya Belum Tertanggal Walau Pun Sembur Mantan Terbaru Pm 8596
Membumikan Laa Ilaha Illallah dalam Seluruh Aspek Kehidupan Selasa, 6 November 2018 18:39

Foto: Lailaha IllallahKIBLAT.NET – Kalimat Laa Ilaha Illallah adalah kalimat yang ringan diucapkan namun memiliki bobot yang sangat agung. Karena hakikatnya kalimat Laa Ilaha Illallah merupakan intisari ajaran Islam. Namun hari ini, kalimat ini terdistorsi sehingga hanya menjadi kalimat zikir saja, sedangkan makna dan konsekuensinya tidak melekat di setiap sendi kehidupan.
Ini adalah dampak dari arus Sekularisme yang menghantam negeri-negeri kaum muslimin. Orang-orang sekuler ingin membatasi Islam sebatas keyakinan dalam hati saja, atau tata cara ibadah saja, tanpa melebar ke semua urusan. Mereka juga membatasi untuk berpolitik, yaitu menjauhkan unsur agama dari urusan politik. Melarang beragama secara berlebihan dan melarang untuk kembali kepada inti ajaran yang Allah turunkan.
Dampak Ghozwul Fikri
Kita sadar bahwa pasca runtuhnya Khilafah Islamiyah, arus Sekularisme mengalir deras ke negeri-negeri kaum muslimin. Pemikiran Sekularisme yang mengarah kepada pemisahan Islam dan dan negara, mendapat perlawanan dari umat Islam. Sehingga kampanye menegakkan syariat Islam menjadi isu sentral umat Islam di seluruh dunia.
Namun fokusnya umat Islam dalam upaya pemberlakuan syariat Islam, perlu mendapat evaluasi. Karena di lapangan ditemukan beberapa praktek yang salah dari upaya ini. Ada yang berpendapat bahwa hadirnya pengadilan-pengadilan syariat adalah satu-satunya solusi. Sementara sebagian lain memahami bahwa syariat Islam hanya sebatas hudud saja. Sehingga perhatian kepada aspek-aspek tauhid yang lain menjadi berkurang.
Jika kita temukan Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyyah yang fokus pada permasalahan asma wa sifat, hal itu disebabkan permasalahan tersebut menjadi fitnah pada masa itu.Namun, beliau juga memberikan perhatian pada permasalahan lain dalam buku-buku dan fatwanya. Jika kita temukan Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab yang fokus pada permasalahan syirik kubur, hal itu disebabkan permasalahan tersebut menjadi kemelut pada masa itu. Dan beliau juga memberikan perhatian kepada permasalahan yang lain dalam buku-buku dan fatwanya.
Demikian juga, kalimat La Ilaha Illah tidak terbatas hanya dalam permasalahan akidah, ibadah dan hukum syariat saja. Sebagaimana telah Allah turunkan, kalimat La Ilaha Illallah mencakup segala lini kehidupan. Cukuplah ayat ini menjadi menjelaskan:
قُلْ إِنَّ صَلَاتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِي لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ
“Katakanlah: sesungguhnya sembahyangku, ibadatku, hidupku dan matiku hanyalah untuk Allah, Tuhan semesta alam.” (QS. Al-An’am : 162)
Kita tidak bisa mengaku bahwa kita telah memenuhi hak-hak La Ilaha Illallahwalaupun kita meyakini akidah yang benar, selamat dari syirik, berhukum dengan syariat Allah, namun sistem pendidikan kita tidak mengacu kepada La Ilaha Illallah, sistem ekonomi kita masih belum terbebas dari cengkraman Kapitalisme, konsep ilmu pengetahuan kita masih memisahkan antara La Ilaha Illallah dan sains, dan seluruh aspek lain di lini kehidupan kita belum terintegrasi dengan La Ilaha Illallah. Dengan tidak bermaksud meremehkan La Ilaha Illallah dalam masalah akidah, ibadah dan penegakan syariat, akan tetapi kita juga harus memberikan perhatian yang sama terhadap aspek-aspek lain yang mana itu juga merupakan konsekuensi dari La Ilaha Illallah.
BACA JUGA Bolehkah Membakar Bendera Tauhid dengan Alasan Saddu Dzara'i?
Menjelaskan Makna La Ilaha Illallah Tanpa Kenal Waktu
La Ilaha Illallah adalah sebuah kalimat ajaib yang mengubah sebuah masyarakat. Kalimat tauhid ini merubah pola keyakinan, perkataan dan prilaku para sahabat. Kalimat inilah yang membuat bangsa Arab keluar dari jahiliyah. Dan sudah seharusnya kalimat ini mewarnai seluruh aspek hidup umat Islam.
Oleh karena itu, tuntutan bagi para aktifis dan orang-orang yang berjuang mengakkan agama adalah meletakkan La Ilaha Illallah di setiap aspek kehidupan. Membicarakannya tanpa henti dan mendakwahkannya tak kenal lelah. Karena ini tugas keNabian.
Allah SWT berfirman:
قَالُوا يَا شُعَيْبُ أَصَلَاتُكَ تَأْمُرُكَ أَن نَّتْرُكَ مَا يَعْبُدُ آبَاؤُنَا أَوْ أَن نَّفْعَلَ فِي أَمْوَالِنَا مَا نَشَاءُ ۖ إِنَّكَ لَأَنتَ الْحَلِيمُ الرَّشِيدُArtinya, “Mereka berkata: “Hai Syu’aib, apakah sholatmu menyuruh kamu agar kami meninggalkan apa yang disembah oleh bapak-bapak kami atau melarang kami memperbuat apa yang kami kehendaki tentang harta kami. Sesungguhnya kamu adalah orang yang sangat penyantun lagi berakal.” (QS Hud: 87)
Di dalam ayat ini terdapat tiga hal yang saling terintegrasi, yang mana itu adalah focus dakwah Nabi Syuaib. Ada sholat. Berlepas diri dari kesyirikan dan memperbaiki sistem ekonomi. Maknanya, sistem ekonomi, sholat dan tauhid adalah satu kesatuan yang tidak bisa dipisahkan.
Sebagaimana ayat yang turun kepada Nabi Muhammad shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallamdi Madinah yang masih berkenaan dengan La Ilaha Illallah, padahal telah terbentuk masyarakat Islami, berdiri Negara Islam, dan tegaknya manhaj Robbani di sana.
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا آمِنُوا بِاللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ وَالْكِتَابِ الَّذِي نَزَّلَ عَلَى رَسُولِهِ
“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, tetaplah beriman kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya dan kepada kitab yang Allah turunkan kepada Rasul-Nya.” (QS. An-Nisa : 136)
Ayat ini menjelaskan bahwa pembahasan yang masih berkenaan dengan La Ilaha Illallah tidak boleh terputus selamanya, walau pun konsekuensi kalimatnya telah terwujud dalam kenyataan. Hal ini karena kebutuhan untuk senantiasa adanya pengingat dan penguatan.
Cara kembali kepada kalimat La Ilaha Illallah
Kita telah menyimpang dari La Ilaha Illallah di berbagai bidang. Untuk menghilangkan penyimpangan ini, kita tidak mungkin dengan mengikuti cara Barat dan Sekuler. Caranya adalah bertolak dari kalimat La Ilaha Illallah. Kemudian seluruh sektor kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi ditundukkan pada konsekuensi La Ilaha Illallah.
Maka, pertama kali kita akan menjadi orang yang bebas di muka bumi, yaitu kebebasan karena hanya beribadah kepada Allah saja. Kemudian menjadi inspirator bagi negeri-negeri yang tersesat, menunjukkan pada jalan kebenaran. Bukan menjadi pengikut mereka, yang kemudian mereka akan menjadikan kita keset sebagaimana yang mereka lakukan pada saudara-saudara kita hari ini.
BACA JUGA Orasi Seberapa Greget Loe Felix Siauw: LoeBilang Kami Makar, Loe Main Bakar
Di semua lini kehidupan, kita harus mendahulukan iman dengan keimanan yang mengakar bahwa La Ilaha Illallah disertai konsekuensinya secara menyeluruh. Dengannya lah akan terwujud kemenangan dan kebaikan di dunia dan akhirat dengan kriteria yang benar. Kemudian kita bergerak melakukan perbaikan yang diharapkan karena dorongan untuk mewujudkan La Ilaha Illallah di muka bumi. Bukan bertolak dari dorongan yang lain, yang akan mencampurkan iman dengan syirik.
وَمَا يُؤْمِنُ أَكْثَرُهُمْ بِاللَّهِ إِلا وَهُمْ مُشْرِكُونَ
“Dan sebahagian besar dari mereka tidak beriman kepada Allah, melainkan dalam keadaan mempersekutukan Allah (dengan sembahan-sembahan lain).” (QS. Yusuf : 106)
Bersamaan dengan itu, kita tegakkan syariat sebagaimana yang diwajibkan oleh Allah.
وَمَا كَانَ لِمُؤْمِنٍ وَلَا مُؤْمِنَةٍ إِذَا قَضَى اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ أَمْرًا أَن يَكُونَ لَهُمُ الْخِيَرَةُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِمْ
“Dan tidaklah patut bagi laki-laki yang mukmin dan tidak (pula) bagi perempuan yang mukmin, apabila Allah dan Rasul-Nya telah menetapkan suatu ketetapan, akan ada bagi mereka pilihan (yang lain) tentang urusan mereka.” (QS. Al-Ahzab : 36)
Hanya dengan ini lah kita mewujudkan umat Islam yang didambakan. Kita wujudkan kebaikan bagi umat ini dengan melaksanakan syari’atnya dengan benar. Sebagimana Allah berfirman : “Kamu adalah umat yang terbaik yang dilahirkan untuk manusia, menyuruh kepada yang ma’ruf, dan mencegah dari yang munkar, dan beriman kepada Allah.” (QS. Ali Imran : 110). Wallahu ‘alam bish showab.
Penulis: Zamroni
Editor: ArjuMembumikan Laa Ilaha Illallah dalam Seluruh Aspek Kehidupan - Kiblat
BERITA TERKAITHukuman Allah kepada Para Penista Syiar Islam Jum'at, 26 Oktober 2018 11:40Merawat Ingatan akan Keagungan Kalimat Tauhid Rabu, 24 Oktober 2018 04:00Protokol Zionis di Balik Hancurnya Wibawa Ulama Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2018 20:22Dakwah, Iqamatul Hujjah dan Jihad, Tiga Tahapan Penegakan Islam Jum'at, 19 Oktober 2018 11:00Dahsyatnya Dosa Pelaku LGBT Kamis, 18 Oktober 2018 20:15TITIAN

ManhajMembumikan Laa Ilaha Illallah dalam Seluruh Aspek Kehidupan 6 November 2018

ManhajPemimpin yang Mempermainkan Urusan Agama 3 November 2018

ProfilRifa’i Surur, Keluar Masuk Penjara Demi Memperjuangkan Syariat Islam 28 Oktober 2018

MunaqosyahBolehkah Membakar Bendera Tauhid dengan Alasan Saddu Dzara’i? 26 Oktober 2018Utusan Makes A U-Turn, Accusing Najib Of Being A Crook... Utusan bantai Najib, apa cerita... Punca kekalahan BN ialah kerana 1MDB. Habis madu sepah dibuang. Pekerja Melayu di akhbar berkenaan tidak dipeduli Umno pejuang no: 1 Melayu.
Semakin lara kita didera bara -kita laungkan juga pesan merdeka:Demokrasi sebenderang mentarisehasrat hajat semurni harga diri.
Lama resah kita - demokrasi luka;lama duka kita - demokrasi lara.Demokrasi yang angkuh, kita cemuhi;suara bebas yang utuh, kita idami!
Dua abad lalu Sam Adams berseru:(di Boston dijirus teh ke laut biru):Tak diperlu gempita sorak yang gebu,diperlu hanya unggun api yang syahdu.
Kini menyalalah unggun sakti itu;kini merebaklah nyala unggun itu.- a.samad said
The BERSIH Fire(translation)
As the coals that molest us rage higherwe shout still the message of Merdekafor democracy as bright as the sun
as pure as dignity our purpose is one
Deep is our worry – as democracy’s woundslong is our sadness – as democracy’s woesat arrogant democracy we scorn
for a strong free voice we dream
Two centuries ago Sam Adams decriedin Boston was tea poured into blue seasno need for riotous shouts full of ire
only for a truly heartfelt fire
Alight now the sacred firespread afar raging higher.
- a.samad saidKata Pak Samad...

tumpang sekole...?nasi kandaq kedai mamak, anak mami juai pesemboq, lepaih baca jangan dok syiok, kalu-kalu SB jengok kot dapoq...
06 November 2018
Utusan Meloya balun Najib kaw-kaw...


Haiit domo arigato gozaimasu.. Story kat SINI dan SINI

Utusan bantai Najib, apa cerita...
Utusan Malaysia menerusi tulisan Awang Selamat yang selama ini kuat mengkritik Pakatan Harapan dan mengangkat dakyah serta propaganda UMNO nampaknya sudah menukar haluan dengan menyalah bekas presiden parti itu.
Jika sebelum ini, akhbar berbahasa Melayu dan dinaungi UMNO itu sering mempertahankan watak utama skandal 1MDB, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, ia kini seolah-olah lepas tangan dan berputus asa.
Pojok Awang Selamat dalam Mingguan Malaysia semalam berkata Najib Razak berbohong apabila mengatakan tidak tahu-menahu mengenai sumber wang yang masuk ke dalam akaun banknya dalam wawancara dengan media antarabangsa, Al Jazeera baru-baru ini.
“Pendedahan Najib Razak yang beliau sebenarnya tidak tahu sumber wang yang dimasukkan ke dalam akaun peribadinya menyebabkan rakyat Malaysia terutamanya ahli UMNO berasa tertipu kerana selama ini mereka menerima kenyataan beliau bahawa wang itu sebenarnya adalah sumbangan daripada kerajaan Arab Saudi.
“Adalah tidak masuk akal yang Najib tidak tahu dari mana sumber sebenar jumlah wang yang besar itu… Akhirnya pembohongan Najib terbongkar dalam wawancara bersama Mary Ann Jolley dalam siaran Al Jazeera baru-baru ini.
“Najib harus memohon maaf kepada semua ahli UMNO kerana pembohongan inilah sebenarnya yang telah menghilangkan keyakinan rakyat kepada kepimpinan BN dan akhirnya menyebabkan parti komponen itu hilang kuasa memerintah,” tulis Awang Selamat.
Dalam masa sama, bekas Ketua Pemuda UMNO, Khairy Jamaluddin berkata penyokong tegar Najib, Datuk Lokman Noor Adam mempunyai “IQ yang rendah pada tahap lobak”
Semua ini gara-gara bidasan Lokman terhadap Khairy yang menyalahkan 1MDB sebagai punca kekalahan BN pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU14). - Roketkini

Utusan Makes A U-Turn, Accusing Najib Of Being A Crook...
For as long as one can remember, Utusan Malaysia, the country’s oldest Malay newspaper had been an obedient propaganda machine of the Prime Minister of Malaysia, who happened to be the president of UMNO, the dominant political party calling the shot behind the Barisan Nasional coalition government. Everything turns upside-down after the May 9th general election.
Even until recently, the controversial newspaper which was founded as “Utusan Melayu” in 1939, way before the country’s independence in 1957, was protecting its biggest stakeholder UMNO (which owns 49.77%) and refused to bad-mouth its former boss – former PM Najib Razak. But after the recent Sungai Kandis, Seri Setia and Balakong by-elections, the writing is on the wall.
It’s one thing that ethnic Chinese and Indians despise the UMNO Malay nationalist party. It’s another thing altogether that ethnic Malays despise the same party which claims to represent their interest. As the mouthpiece of UMNO, Utusan played an important role as the biggest influencer in shaping the mindset of the Malay community, especially the rural or village folks.
13 General Election - Post election Utusan Malaysia
Just one day after the 2013 general elections, in which the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition suffered its worst-ever results, Utusan published a highly racist feature article with the headline “Apa lagi Cina mahu?” (“What else do the Chinese want?”). It accused ethnic-Chinese of trying to overthrow the Malay-dominated government – calling them “ungrateful”.
Make no mistake about it. In spite of their financial meltdown due to the collapse of paymaster UMNO, Utusan has chosen to continue spewing extreme, racist and hatred news against the new Pakatan Harapan government, while sing songs of praise for UMNO. Its circulation of 112,050 copies during the period of July – Dec 2017 continued to shape the bigoted thinking of conservative Malays.
Utusan’s stock is today worth only RM0.125, a plunge of 40% since the last time we wrote about it 3 months ago in August, when it was trading at RM0.21 a share. The news media has offered Voluntary Separation Scheme (VSS) to 800 of its 1,500 employees in September, attracting insults that its owner – UMNO – could not even protect its Malay employees despite championing the cause of the race.

Surprisingly, over the weekend, the same news media which had been supporting the scandal-plagued Najib Razak made an unbelievable decision. The UMNO mouthpiece decided that enough is enough as it could not stomach any of the crook’s cock and bull story. Yes, when even Najib’s biggest propaganda machine finds it hard to twist and spin his stories anymore, the ex-premier is in deep trouble.
Utusan has demanded Najib to apologise to all UMNO members with regards to the money found in his personal bank account. It said – “Najib’s revelation that he does not know the real source of the money deposited into his account has made Malaysians, especially UMNO members, feel cheated as they had accepted his claim that the money was a donation from the Saudi Arabia government.”
People read in disbelief when the news media boldly attacked Najib – “Finally, his (Najib’s) lies all this while was exposed during his interview with Mary Ann Jolley in an interview with Al Jazeera recently. Najib must apologise to all UMNO members for this lie which caused the people to lose confidence in the BN leadership, resulting its component parties losing power.”
The notorious editorial, using the same pen name “Awang Selamat” to stir up racial and religion sentiments previously, said it made no sense that Najib was unaware of where such a huge sum of money is from. It wrote – “What makes less sense was Najib did not take the initiative to thank the Saudi Arabia government or the King, if the money was indeed from them.”
The best part was when the editorial wrote – “Awang is reminded of an old story which said that not all thieves are liars, but all liars will always steal.” That statement alone speaks volumes that Utusan can actually become a responsible news media if it chooses to. Unfortunately, it’s too little too late for the media. It should apologise to all Malaysians for playing dirty propaganda on behalf of UMNO.
Effectively, Najib Razak can kiss his future goodbye, if he still thinks he could make a political comeback after serving his jail time. His last chunk of support remained with Utusan readers, who amazingly refused to believe he had stolen any money. Now that Utusan is telling its readers that Najib was a crook after all, the gullible Najib supporters would be fabulously heart-broken.

Still, Utusan’s telling Najib to fly kite doesn’t mean the news media has finally regretted and repented over its past sins of promoting hatred among the multiracial and multi-religious community in the country. After the visiting Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Ahmed Al-Jubeir declared that the RM2.6 billion donation had nothing to do with the kingdom, all hell breaks loose in Najib’s camp.
The U-turn made by Najib during an hour-grilling with Al-Jazeera’s reporter Mary Ann Jolley in an exclusive interview on Oct 26 was the last nail confirming the ex-prime minister was both a crook and a serial liar. His back-pedalling, that he actually did not verify the source of the RM2.6 billion or who owns the funds but merely based on “assumption”, was indefensible even by Utusan’s standard.
So, Utusan, most likely having secured endorsement and approval from UMNO leadership, decided to throw Najib under the bus. It wasn’t a coincidence that a day after UMNO Deputy President Mohamad Hasan said it was “unfair, unreasonable and illogical” for anyone to continue blaming UMNO for 1MDB scandal, Utusan conveniently ran an article whacking Najib until the kingdom comes.
Heck, UMNO was so pathetically panicked and disarray that the UMNO No. 2 was reduced to begging for continuous support, saying – “To the Malays, UMNO does not ask for much. Just act rationally and fairly. Give space for this charity movement to continue its journey and its contribution to the race, religion and country.”
Of course, Mr. Hasan was just shedding crocodile tears. None of UMNO warlords cared about the 33-million people when they happily pocketed RM400 million stolen from 1MDB funds. And they hadn’t lifted a finger when the disgraced Najib forced the GST into peoples’ throat. Until today, UMNO has not openly condemned Najib’s thievery. Instead, they used Utusan to wash their hands off the 1MDB scandal. - FT





cheers. Posted by ali allah ditta at 12:21:00 AM tumpang sekole...?: Utusan Meloya balun Najib kaw-kaw... sekole...?nasi kandaq kedai mamak, anak mami juai pesemboq, lepaih baca jangan dok syiok, kalu-kalu SB jengok kot dapoq...0
5 November 2018
Jibby, belajaqlah mengakui salah sendiri...

Sesuatu yang orang kata "buruk perangai" oleh Najib Razak ialah keengganannya mengaku sehingga sekarang mengenai sebab utama kekalahan UMNO dan BN dalam pilihanraya umum 9 Mei lalu. Di sebalik semua orang mengakui skandal 1MDB adalah punca terbesarnya, Najib masih bertegas mendakwa kekalahan UMNO dan BN adalah disebabkan penipuan, fitnah dan janji palsu oleh Pakatan Harapan.
Beliau juga mendakwa padang yang tidak sama rata yang menyebabkan kekalahan BN kepada Pakatan Harapan itu. Lebih buruk lagi ialah pentaksub Najib sendiri yang turut tidak mahu mengakui hakikat yang sama, meskipun sudah hampir enam bulan bergelar pembangkang.
Sebab itu, apabila Khairy Jamaluddin menyanggah kata-kata Najib itu dengan mengingatkannya bahawa punca kekalahan BN ialah kerana 1MDB dan bukan kerana penipuan, fitnah serta janji palsu, beliau sendiri dilabel meroyan dan datang bulan.
Realitinya, penyokong setia Najib masih terkepung dengan kemajalan dalam berpolitik, pendek akal dan buruk perangai yang sama seperti Najib sendiri yang enggan mengakui kesalahan serta kelemahan - dulu kini dan selamanya. Jika pun mereka tidak setuju dan ingin menyanggah kenyataan KJ itu, ia sepatutnya dilawan dengan hujah dan fakta, bukan dengan serangan seperti meroyan atau datang bulan.

Punca kekalahan BN ialah kerana 1MDBSerangan terhadap KJ itu hanya memperlihatkan sesetengah pemimpin UMNO masih tidak berubah, apalagi mampu berhujah dan nampaknya hanya mahu mengekalkan budaya lama yang sudah pun ditolak rakyat dalam pilihanraya lalu. Dalam hal ini KJ terlihat berniat baik dan ingin melihat UMNO pulih serta mendapat semula sokongan rakyat.
Lagi pula, selain pendakwaan sedang berjalan dan proses perbicaraan akan berlangsung tidak lama lagi, di Amerika Syarikat sendiri sudah ada yang mengakui terlibat dalam merancang penipuan berkaitan 1MDB itu. Maka, di celah mana ia mahu dipertahankan lagi?
Dalam hal ini, UMNO bukan saja perlu memisahkan dirinya daripada Najib, malah jika terus membiarkan Najib menggunakan nama UMNO untuk membersihkan dirinya, parti itu tidak akan mampu bergerak ke depan dan memulihkan dirinya.
Selagi Najib terus bergayut dengan nama UMNO, malah enggan mengakui 1MDB sebagai punca kekalahan, malah syok sendiri mendakwa penipuan, fitnah, janji palsu dan padang yang tidak sama rata sebagai sebab-sebabnya, selagi itulah UMNO akan terus suram masa depannya.

Najib mesti belajar untuk mengakui silap dan salah sendiri. Tidak guna beliau terus mengatakan kekalahannya kerana fitnah, penipuan, janji palsu dan padang yang tidak sama rata ketika pilihanraya yang lalu. Siapakah yang jadi pemegang kuasa, yang menguasai jentera kerajaan, menguasai seluruh media dan mampu mengupah ribuan tentera maya dalam kempen PRU14 yang lepas? Siapakah sebenarnya paling banyak mencipta fitnah, penipuan dan menabur janji palsu?
Jika BN yang menguasai kerajaan ketika itu, tetapi Najib tetap mahu mendakwa padang masih tidak sama rata, di mana logiknya Pakatan Harapan yang hanya pembangkang boleh dikatakan ada kelebihan? Di sebalik Najib mengatakan bahawa beliau direndam 10 kali pun hatinya tetap UMNO, ia adalah pernyataan bahawa beliau akan terus bergayut atas nama UMNO dan menggunakan sesetengah pemimpinnya untuk terus membela dan melindunginya.
Bermakna, untuk tempoh yang lebih lama lagi UMNO akan terus memikul nama Najib, nama Rosmah dan nama 1MDB yang tidak lagi wangi dalam hari-hari muka yang akan dilaluinya. Jika demikian, selain Presiden UMNO, Zahid Hamidi sendiri ada 45 kes pendakwaan, bagaimanakah UMNO mampu memulihkan dirinya dan boleh diterima dengan baik oleh rakyat jelata? - Shahbudin Husin

Sumber GelapParti Bersatu dijangka akan menerima sekurang-kurang tiga orang ahli parlimen Umno dalam masa terdekat. Mereka terlibat termasuk bekas menteri kabinet di era Najib Razak. Mereka itu akan menjadi “geng” kedua yang meninggalkan Umno selepas beberapa orang ahli parlimen termasuk Mustapa Mohamed yang sudah pun menyerahkan borang menjadi ahli Bersatu.
Difahamkan selain tiga orang wakil rakyat itu ada terdapat dua hingga lima orang lagi yang akan berbuat demikian. Mereka yang meninggalkan Umno tidak dikaitkan dengan apa-apa tawaran atau imbuhan oleh Bersatu tetapi atas persetujuan sendiri.
Tindakan wakil rakyat itu katanya turut memusnahkan misi, “mission impossible” yang diaturkan oleh Umno yang bertindak untuk mengekang Dr Mahathir menjadi PM sehingga sekurang-kurangnya dua tahun.
Tunggu perkembangan lanjut. - MSO

Malaysia Should Sue Goldman Sachs In 1MDB Corruption and Money Laundering ScandalGoldman Sachs, the 149-year-old American investment bank, raised nearly US$6.5 billion in three bond sales between 2012 and 2013 for 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad). More than US$2.5 billion raised from these bonds was misappropriated by high-level 1MDB officials, their relatives and associates, according to U.S. Department of Justice civil lawsuits filed in a U.S. court in 2016.
In the process, Goldman earned almost US$600 million for the three deals – a jaw-dropping amount of close to 10%, far in excess of the normal 1-2 percent fees a bank could expect for helping sell bonds. The fees alone – 5 to 10 times more than usual rate – should raise the red flag that something fishy was going on, which today has proven to be true.
Essentially, the US$600 million in fees earned would make 1MDB the most profitable client in the world for Goldman during those years. Didn’t mommy say there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch? Now, the chickens have come home to roost. The scandal has punched a bigger hole on Goldman’s reputation and credibility, after the bank screwed up everything in the 2008 sub-prime financial crisis.
When the 1MDB scandal first exploded, only one name – Tim Leissner – was put forward as the bad apple. He was basically thrown under the bus. Still, the Goldman former partner and Southeast Asia chairman wasn’t charged at all. He merely resigned in Feb 2016 after he was found to have violated the firm’s internal rules. The downfall of Malaysia PM Najib Razak changes everything.
The defeat of Mr. Najib, the crooked behind 1MDB scandal, in the historical May 9 general election saw Leissner hurriedly seeking talks with U.S. prosecutors to potentially plead guilty to criminal charges, especially to a violation of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which prohibits the use of bribes to foreign officials to get or keep business.

On Thursday (Nov 1), U.S. revealed criminal charges against not only Tim Leissner but also another Goldman Sachs banker, Ng Choon Hwa (Roger Ng), together with Malaysian financier fugitive Jho Low (full-name: Low Taek Jho). Roger Ng has been arrested in Malaysia while his former colleague Tim Leissner pleaded guilty to conspiring to launder money and to violating anti-bribery laws.
Tim Leissner agreed to pay US$43.7 million (£33.6 million; RM182 million). Still, it was a good deal considering he has admitted to enriching himself – acknowledging that more than US$200 million in proceeds from 1MDB bonds flowed into accounts controlled by him and a relative in Hong Kong. This sweet deal raises speculation that Leissner may have agreed to turn witness in the explosive scandal.
The former Goldman bankers – Tim Leissner and Roger Ng – had offered bribes to government officials in Malaysia and Abu Dhabi in order to help the bank win the deal. They then stole and laundered money from the 1MDB sovereign-wealth fund using controlled offshore accounts where the stolen money was funnelled to, as the indictment reveals.
But there appears to be another culprit, a second Goldman partner whose identity was withheld by prosecutors. The co-conspirator allegedly knew not only about the bribes paid but also helped Mr. Leissner get around Goldman’s internal compliance officials. That crook is believed to be Andrea Vella who has been Goldman Sachs partner since 2007.
According to Vella’s LinkedIn profile, the Italian citizen was JP Morgan Managing Director for close to 10 years from 1998 to 2007 before joining Goldman. Vella, who was demoted last month from his management role as co-head of Goldman’s investment banking division in Asia, was placed on leave Thursday over his role in the 1MDB scandal.

Mr. Vella matches the description of “Co-Conspirator #4” in the Justice Department’s filings related to charges unsealed on Thursday. But is that all? Is Andrea Vella the last of his kind in Goldman Sachs who had stolen and laundered money in the 1MDB scandal? The indictments, the first criminal charges in the U.S. in the 1MDB scandal, are far from over.
People in the industry said to avoid criminal liability, Goldman has blamed rogue employees. If that sounds freaking familiar, that was what the Saudi government and even President Trump said about the brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s as both parties tried to shield and protect Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman from being indicted.
The Leissner guilty plea is the biggest humiliation for Goldman since 1989, when executive Robert Freeman was led off the trading floor in handcuffs. He was the head of arbitrage at Goldman Sachs convicted of a crime related to insider trading scandal in November 1986. However, New York Times blogger William D. Cohan wrote that Freeman was actually an innocent victim of a prosecutorial “witch hunt.”
Prior to the latest criminal charges, it was all about Tim Leissner and very little about Roger Ng and none about Andrea Vella. Sure, unlike Robert Freeman, Tim Leissner is guilty as hell. But for such a high profile business deal, it’s hard to believe only 3 senior individuals were involved in the biggest heist in the world’s history – to the tune of US$4.5 billion theft from 1MDB funds.
The three bond sales for 1MDB – code-named Projects Magnolia, Maximus and Catalyze – had resulted in more than US$2.7 billion of the US$6.5 billion raised diverted into accounts controlled by Jho Low, Tim Leissner and other crooks, according to U.S. prosecutors. Money stolen was used to pay bribes to government officials, including the purchase of jewellery for Najib’s wife Rosmah Mansor.

Besides Leissner who had pocketed US$200 million, even a relative of Roger Ng received US$24 million from a shell company funded with stolen 1MDB money. In 2014, it was revealed that Jho Low and Tim Leissner used chat messenger to discuss about the need to “suck up to” a government official and send “cakes” to a person prosecutors believe is Rosmah Mansor to get another 1MDB deal.
Lloyd Craig Blankfein (pix,above), Goldman’s chairman since 2006 and chief executive from 2006 until last month (September 2018), once said the bank’s biggest opportunity was to be “Goldman Sachs in more places.” And when the firm struck gold in Malaysia’s 1MDB deal, Mr. Blankfein had nothing but song of praises for Tim Leissner and Andrea Vella.
Although Leissner and Vella were among Goldman’s 435 partners, a rank bestowed on about 1% of employees, it doesn’t mean Blankfein hadn’t a clue what was going on behind his back. Even Gary Cohn, the former Goldman president who quit to join Trump administration in March this year would probably know about the dubious deals.

Mahathir government should sue not only for the recovery of the US$600 million fees charged, but also for being cheated by the supposedly American trustworthy investment bank. It’s not an exaggeration to say Goldman Sachs is being managed by crooks and liars. Sadly, nobody went to jail despite the firm’s involvement in tanking the U.S. economy in 2007-2008.
The U.S.-DOJ only slapped them with a US$2.385 billion penalty after reaching a settlement with Goldman-Sachs on its role in the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis. Fellow Golmanites such as Gary Cohn, Anthony Scaramucci, Dina Powell and Steve Bannon were promoted to the White House. Even Steven Mnuchin becomes United States Secretary of the Treasury.- FT


Politik memang suatu yang mengasyikkan. Ada masa jadi pejuang, ada tika kena sumbat ke penjara, lama lepas tu, jadi pembesar negara.


Sekali dua ponteng tak apa mungkin ada masalah tapi kalau kerap dah jadi tabiat, lebih baik berhenti...

cheers. Posted by ali allah ditta at 12:02:00 AM tumpang sekole...?: Jibby,belajaqlah mengakui salah sendiri...

ali allah dittaaku yang bengang dengan rasuah, kronisma, salah guna kuasa yang berleluasa dan dengan orang-orang yang cakap tak serupa bikin..02 November 2018
Ketuanan Melayu atau Ketuanan Penyamun...

Kabilah UMNO yang meroyan separuh sasau cuba menjaja 'ketuanan Melayu' sebagai tangkal azimat politik yang mereka perdagangkan sejak 61 tahun berkuasa. Dari era Tunku sampai era Mahathir yang menjadi PM selama 22 tahun dongeng 'ketuanan Melayu' tidak menjadi isu politik yang memecahbelahkan masyarakat majmuk di negara ini.
Mengapa? Kerana kepimpinan mantan Tunku sampai era Mahathir dianggap paling baik dibandingkan era 'Islam Hadhari' Pak Lah dan era penyamun kelas cakrawala Najib.
Bila jembalang UMNO 'memperjuangkan' ' ketuanan Melayu' setelah ditendang rakyat dari Putrajaya pada PRU 14 maka dongeng mereka dianggap separuh sasau, dan ketinggalan zaman. Mereka patut bertanya diri sendiri mengapa UMNO yg berkuasa selama 61 tahun ditendang oleh rakyat sekiranya perjuangannya berporoskan aspirasi rakyat?
Ingat Melayu jadi PM dan MB semua negeri, pegawai-.pegawai tinggi kerajaan semua Melayu, alim ulamak dari sekolah pondok sampai Al-Azhar pembaca doa kunut dan talqin semua Melayu, yang menjadi ketua agama Islam setiap negeri juga raja Melayu. Mengapa Melayu bangsat di buminya sendiri? Mengapa Tanah Rezab Melayu kini tinggal 12% dari berjuta ekar yg dikekalkan oleh penjajah British dulu?
Apakah 'ketuanan Melayu' yg didongengkan sebagai tangkal azimat politik UMNO membawa rahmat kepada rakyat? Nahe,nahe. Sebenarnya elit super korup pemimpin UMNO, termasuk golongan berkuasa dan istana memperjudikan nasib Melayu untuk kepentingan tembolok dan perut buncit mereka.
Sejak Pak Lah dan Najib berkuasa orang Melayu sendiri menjadi jelak, muak dan benci terhadap kerakusan, kezaliman dan kemunafikan para pemimpin Melayu yg kehilangan maruah, hargadiri dan super korup. Mereka inilah yg bangsatkan Melayu. Sebenarnya dalam perlembagaan negara sudah dikeramatkan hak dan kepentingan Melayu/Bumiputra dan Islam.

Ini 'social contract' yang dipersetuji oleh semua kaum. Malangnya para pemimpin Melayu dari berbagai golongan mengkhianati janji keramat tersebut. Mereka inilah pengkhianat Melayu, Islam dan negara. Kerajaan kesultanan Melayu Melaka dihancurkan oleh para penguasa yg super rasuah.
Sejarah korupsi, kezaliman dan kemunafikan para pembesar Melayu di zaman fiudal terus berulang hingga sekarang. Kehancuran UMNO patut menginsafi semua pihak. Slogan ' ketuanan Melayu' sudah hilang roh dan semangat perjuangannya. Hari ini rakyat berkuasa.
Allah yang menentukan nasib setiap insan termasuk manusia yg miskin sampai ke istana. Sekali air bah sekali pasir berubah. Yang menentukan nasib bangsa, agama dan negara adalah rakyat jelata dengan izin Allah. Slogan 'ketuanan Melayu' sudah terkubur dengan talqinnya UMNO. - Yahaya Ismail

Jangan lagi bercakap 'Ketuanan Melayu'.. Kalau si Bangla ni lebih kaya dari kamu.. Peninggalan pemerintah terdahulu.. Bangla ini ejen pihak KDN sendiri.. Menteri KDN waktu itu adalah Zahid dan UMNO.. Kini lantang memperkatakan bab Ketuanan Melayu.. Inilah Bangla pemilik sebuah syarikat yang cuba menyumbang derma RM100 JUTA ke TABUNG HARAPAN yang ditolak oleh kerajaan PH..

Idea pelik dari Kelantan...

Kerajaan negeri Kelantan dilaporkan bercadang untuk melaksanakan perintah berkurung di kalangan remaja di negeri itu bagi mengelakkan berlaku kebejatan sosial. Perkara ini dinyatakan oleh anggota Exconya bernama Muntaz Mat Nawi. (Lebih baik wajibkan pakai cawat besi, kunci bagi ostad pegang...t/s)
Macam-macam idea dicetuskan oleh kerajaan Kelantan. Jika ini dilakukan bolehlah dianggap ia satu lagi keunuikan dan kepelikan yang ada di negeri itu.
Dua hari lepas Adun Kok Lanas membangkitkan hanya di Kelantan sahaja orang ramai menjadikan kapal terbang sebagai salah satu bahan untuk ditonton.

Menurut Alwi rakyat Kelantan akan berduyun-duyun ke airport untuk menyaksikan kapal terbang naik dan turun. Hal demikian menurut Alwi tidak berlaku di New York atau pun di London dan dunia lain.
Sikap atau minat rakyat Kelantan itu sesuatu yang pelek tetapi bagi saya ia sesuatu yang boleh dikomersialkan. Mungkin Alwi tidak terfikir manalah tahu negeri Kelantan sengaja membiarkan hal itu kerana minat rakyat Kelantan menyaksikan kapal terbang itu adalah sebahagian produk pelancungan untuk negeri itu.
Haha... Mana-mana orang asing ingin hendak tengok orang tenguk kapal terbang boleh pergi ke Kelantan. - MSO

Meet Datin Jane Doe...How often does one get to enjoy three state holidays in a month? October will be a record of sorts for being the month with the most number of head of state birthdays. The auspicious days and dates are as follow: Saturday, October 6, Sabah Governor’s birthday, Friday, October 12, Malacca Governor’s birthday and Wednesday, October 24, Sultan of Pahang’s birthday. The one thing that many prefer to associate these ostentatious days, beside the accompanying holiday and extravagance, is the bestowing of honorific titles and awards to the “deserving” many.
Malaysia is blessed with nine titular heads of state or sultans and four governors (Agong is head of Federal Territory). They are at liberty to bestow titles and confer awards, deemed appropriate, on their subjects, as recommended, of course.
I have this dislike for honorific titles. A man is given a name upon his birth and the name remains with him for life. Over time he may earn a nickname or coin a moniker like Tiger or Botak-head (with a hyphen) depending on his inclination and preference. The rest is pure hubris.
Do we really need more PJK/KMN/DSNS/DPTS and the accompanying “Dato”, “Datuk Seri, “Tan Sri”, etc.? Here are some stinging criticisms which have been around since the country adopted the British constitutional monarchy system of governance.
Before it was, “You throw a stone it’ll land on a Datuk’s head”. Then when the field got crowded and more titled men and women joined the ranks, it became, “You throw a stone it’ll bounce off one Datuk and lands on another Datuk”. The more cynical suggests throwing rocks and grenades.
Like or loathe it we have to accept the envy, distaste and morbid fascination Malaysians have for titles. And it did not disappear even with a change of government and the dawn of Malaysia Baru. I am equally perplexed as any Ahmad, Ah Chong and Muthu. In spite of the ensuing negativity associated with titles and honours, there is no end to the pursuit for personal glory via a fitting title to one’s name.

There are no laws requiring Malaysians to serve these titled holders. “To serve” connotes a different meaning from what you and I understand. “Serve” covers all kinds of sins from loan application (legal and illegal) to contract procurements. Unfortunately, our ministries, companies, organisations and sane people eagerly roll out the red carpet at the hint of a titled VIP approaching.
The title, if anything, only adds on the prestige of the recipient not his aura or his bearing. Anyway, a title is as good as the person himself. If he is a crook, a title means nothing. We have seen this happening far too often. Remember the youthful “Datuk Seri” who assaulted a uniformed Rela man because he stood in his way or the recent case of a “Datuk” beating up a parking attendant for refusing to open the boom gate? When it comes to titles, if you are useless without them, you are equally useless with them. Period.
When I got posted to my battalion at Lok Kawi Camp, Kota Kinabalu in 1970, the only titled senior officer then was our Kuching-based divisional commander, Maj-Gen Dato’ Jimmy Yusof, an Anglophile Sandhurst-trained gentleman. He spoke with a Cockney accent and was very British in his outlook. We were told to address him as “Datuk” when spoken to. Being a little apprehensive, I slipped and called him “Sir” instead. He whispered to me, “It’s okay, young man. I prefer “Sir” to “Datuk”
It gets a little nauseating when these titled people insist on being addressed perpetually by their titles. “Tan Sri” seems more chic and cool than Ahmad, Ah Chong or Muthu. The frenzy is even apparent in their children. It’s Dollah bin Datuk Babu not merely Dollah bin Babu, as you and I would prefer. However, in a seamless world like today where technology takes prominence, titles and honours mean little. But in this part of the world they still do.
I am piqued by the way one Pakatan Harapan minister responded when asked about the Datuk Seri title she received on occasion of the Governor of Malacca’s 80th birthday on October 12. She was among the first PH politicians to receive honorific titles.
“The award will spur me to better serve the people,” said Rural Development Minister Rina Harun from Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, a component party of Pakatan Harapan. You mean to say without a title it does not do the trick? Come on, lady.
“I didn’t ask for the award. It’ll be impolite and disrespectful to reject the award by the governor,” said Wong Fong Pin, the Malacca State Legislative Assembly Deputy Speaker.

I am in agreement with DAP leadership’s stance regarding honorific titles. The party feels that members should reject state and federal awards to show that they are not after awards and titles while in public service. They should only do so after their retirement. It gives a wrong impression as it is barely a year since DAP became part of the ruling coalition. Party stalwarts like Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng and Kulasegaran have yet to receive awards and titles and are happy with none. It is definitely unbecoming to adopt the Barisan Nasional habit of chasing after awards and titles.
I wish to share some interesting anecdotes about my titled friends that I had the misfortune of knowing.
There was this contractor friend who was tasked to build the governor’s official residence behind my camp in Bukit Beruang, Melaka in 1995. He had to pass through my camp to get to his worksite and would eagerly look for me whenever I am around. The day he was bestowed a datukship he said, “Colonel, drop by my office in town and ask for Datuk Wong.”
This other incident is simply outrageous. It shows what people transform into after being given a title. “Fathol, meet my wife, Datin Jane Doe.” I almost puked. I have known the wife since the day I met him.
I asked another friend what he did to deserve a datukship from Pahang. “I served in Kuantan,” he replied. I was in and out of Raub jungles throughout 1979 hunting for the notorious terrorist Chong Chor, I got nothing. This is the outcome when one buys rather than earns his title.
I would not mind if you were author Clare Rewcastle Brown whose revelations helped bring down a despicable and corrupt government. But a dandy whose only claim to fame is his deep pockets, that is immoral.
But what can you expect from a society that is still trapped in a feudalistic mindset, so much so people cannot separate fact from fiction? “Titles open doors,” one gleefully said.
I rest my case. - Fathol Zaman Bukhari. Ipoh EchoWHY NAJIB FUMBLED...

The UMNO Pervert Warlord Who Couldn’t Keep His Hands Off Young Girls...
Whenever you hear a powerful UMNO warlord from the “north” is involved in some sort of sex scandal, you can bet your last penny the pervert has to be Shahidan Kassim. Formerly Mentri Besar (Chief MInister) of Perlis state, he has finally stepped forward and publicly admitted to being investigated for allegedly sexually harassing a 15-year-old secondary school girl.
The Member of Parliament of Arau was reportedly grilled from 9am to 4:30pm on Tuesday (Oct 30) by investigators at Bukit Aman, the central police headquarters. The case is classified under Section 14(a) of the Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017. Had UMNO remained the government today, such investigation would not have had begun in the first place.
Mr. Shahidan himself admits that he is puzzled and curious how and why the news of his alleged sexual misconduct with the teenager has spread even after the police report was withdrawn. Such admission suggests that the UMNO warlord had been able to get away scot free with his “business” previously, until the Barisan Nasional government which he was part of was brought down.
Still, the fact that Perlis state police chief Noor Mushar Mohd had slammed R Sri Sanjeevan, an activist who first tweeted about the sexual harassment, as “busybody” means the police force was somehow still under Shahidan’s thumb. Unfortunately for the UMNO pervert, the issue has gone viral on social media, forcing Bukit Aman to seriously grill him over the case.
Apparently, Shahidan claims he wanted to hand over a donation to the 15-year-old girl, who is a singer with a busking group called “Kumpulan Busker DSSK”, a team sponsored by the MP. At 11.30pm on Oct 20, the MP asked the girl to meet him in his Toyota Harrier, which was parked near the place where the practice was being held. Mr. Shahidan said he wanted to “have a chat”
So, the 15-year-old school girl’s teacher who conducted the practice took her to the car, and the MP’s aide guided her to enter the car where the MP was seated. The teacher had told her that Shahidan, a former minister under scandal-plagued Najib Razak, had wanted to see her after he saw her perform at Stadium Tuanku Syed Putra, Perlis.
While alone in the car, the teenage girl said the MP had offered to pay her RM4,000 to play a gig in Kuala Lumpur. Suddenly Shahidan touched her hand and shoulders, which the teenager swiftly brushed away. She immediately left the vehicle. Her teacher who brought her to the Arau MP’s car said the 15-year-old girl cried as soon as she got out of the Harrier.

Perlis police said the young girl lodged a report at 2.50am that night (Oct 21) accompanied by her parents. The girl was said to be a talented singer and had been singing since primary school. Interestingly, on the same day at 10:30am, the girl lodged another report to withdraw the claims made against Shahidan. State police chief Noor Mushar has claimed she made the second report willingly.
Shahidan Kassim, of course, has rubbished the allegation that he had sexually harassed the girl, calling it a “misunderstanding” instead. He also denied claims that he paid off the girl’s family to retract the police report against him. Although the MP could not walk after suffered a minor stroke in June, there was no reason for him to be alone with the girl inside the car, let alone engaged in “touching” activity.
As Muslims, the MP should know better than anyone about “chatting and touching” with the secondary school student. Besides, why was it so urgent that he had to see the 15-year-old girl in the early morning? It would be difficult to believe that Shahidan had no ulterior motive for specifically asked to see the girl at such hour beside praising her singing talent.
In truth, this is not the first time Shahidan Kassim got himself into scandals involving young girls. When he was the chief minister of Perlis (1995 – 2008), he was said to have fathered at least one child out of wedlock. He was also said to have multiple sexual relationships with young girls, so much so that at least two Malay girls were forced to have abortions due to his sexual ego.
He reportedly had kept an under-aged mistress at a condominium in Kuala Lumpur. In 2003, he was also rumoured to be involved with the death of another attractive young woman, who was found murdered in an apartment in a Kuala Lumpur suburb. Although another individual was arrested and charged with the murder, he was later declared not guilty and no one else was ever charged.
The then Inspector General of Police (IGP), Mohd Bakri Omar, classified the murder case under Malaysia’s Official Secrets Act (OSA) and no details were ever released. Even when former Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi was told about Shahidan’s sex scandal, the disgraceful Badawi had chosen to ignore the report and protected the UMNO warlord instead.

Story kat sini... It isn’t hard to understand why Shahidan Kassim could get away after so many sex scandals. He was so powerful that he treated Perlis state as his political fiefdom. In May, despite the defeat of Barisan Nasional government, he boldly rejected the Raja of Perlis’ choice of Azlan Man as Mentri Besar, boycotting the swearing-in ceremony of Azlan and declared that Azlan has been sacked from UMNO.
Shahidan’s disobedience had taken the Perlis palace by surprise. And his comrades within UMNO could only watch his courageous act of treasonous against the Malay Ruler with envy. He even had the cheek to ask Prime Minister Mahathir to intervene in the state crisis so that his younger brother, Ismail Kassim, could become the chief minister.
The fact that he could become the Perlis Mentri Besar from 1995 to 2008 despite clashes and displeasure from the Palace all those years speaks volumes how powerful Shahidan was. He has always behaved as if he was the “King” of Perlis. He hadn’t cared about being polite, let alone gives face to the monarch because of his status as UMNO warlord.
Mr. Shahidan was one of Mahathir’s men in UMNO. During the 1993 Constitutional Crisis where an angry Sultan Iskandar of Johor summoned hockey coach Douglas Gomez to the palace (30 November 1992) and beaten by the sultan himself, it was the same Shahidan who criticised the Sultan Iskandar and his elder son for their implication in 23 criminal acts.
Yes, it was the same Shahidan who trumpeted that the Sultanate of Johor was involved in rape, manslaughter and assault for over 20 years. The 1993 Constitutional Crisis would see the rulers and members of the royal families being stripped of their legal immunity. Shahidan was subsequently rewarded with Perlis Chief Ministership by Mahathir for accomplishing his mission.
Even until today, the pervert UMNO warlord still thinks highly of himself and expects the 93-year-old Mahathir to come to his rescue. It would be a grave mistake if the prime minister tries to bend the rule of law to help Shahidan Kassim. It’s entirely his fault for not being able to keep his hands off the 15-year-old student. He’s a disgusting pervert who should be taught a lesson. - FT

Apa rasionalnya Setpol Pm mengeluarkan usul ini?Adakah ini sebahagian drp skrip utk menimbulkan bibit2 kerentakkan dlm PH?Bknkah Majlis Presiden PH tlh membuat ketetapan dan bersetuju Tun M akan mnjawat jawatan Pm utk 2 thn shj sblm diserahkan kpd Dsai?
Adakah usul itu idea sendiri atau ada idea drp alam ghaib?Adakah Zahid masih lagi beranggapan dia pengerusi TIBAI(Tolak Insan bernama Anwar Ibrahim),yg bersifat anti Dsai?
Adalah Zahid terlupa bagaimana Dswa telah berpegang teguh pada janji utk melantik Tun M sbgai Pm jika PH memenangi Pru 14?
Bagaimana Dswa menolak saranan YDPA utk melantik beliau sebagai Pm pd 9hb Okt 2018 krana berpegang teguh pd janji krana persefahaman awal sblm pru 14?
Adakah ini sbahagian drp skrip utk menafikan Dsai dilantik sbgai Pm? Semoga Allah Taala melenyapkan dan mnghapuskan unsur2 yg bakal menghancurkan PH.. - f/bk



2 ekspresi muka dalam 1 mahkamah. Sorang senyum sokmo,sorang senyum kelat


cheers. Posted by ali allah ditta at 12:12:00 AMtumpang sekole...?: Ketuanan Melayu atau Ketuanan Penyamun...
tumpang sekole...?nasi kandaq kedai mamak, anak mami juai pesemboq, lepaih baca jangan dok syiok, kalu-kalu SB jengok kot dapoq... 31 October 2018Kisah 40 Penyamun UMNO... 31 October 2018

Kononnya 40 MP UMNO akan lompat pagar berpaut pada Bersatu. Kalau ini berlaku bermakna Bersatu ada 13 + 40= 53MP. Dengan sendirinya Bersatu dapat gerhana PKR yang presidennya sedang meroyan hendak jadi PM ke8. Anwar mungkin tidur tak lena , lupa Sukma, Azizan dan Saiful, mengenangkan harapannya tinggal angan-angan.
Takdirnya berlaku perpecahan kepimpinan dalam PKR antara Anwar dengan Azmin maka kabilah Azmin akan berjihrah ke Bersatu. Anwar berputih mata sebab mimpi jadi PM rupa=-rupanya kekal sebagai mimpi.
UMNO pocik. Mantra bomoh Ponorogo tak makbul. Heretlah anak dan cucu dalam roadshow mengemis sokongan rakyat pasti terhalang. Kalau dia punya dua surat beranak, Indonesia dan Malaysia, tentulah rakyat curiga tentang kesetiaannya.
Berbagai muka napoh, para koruptor yang tercokol sebagai MKT UMNO membawa sial pada parti. Hari ini rakyat mahu melihat Najib, Rosmah, anak Rosmah, Riza Aziz, Zahid dan beberapa koruptor kelas jerung dan naga bunting bermukim di Sg Buloh dan Kajang dan reput di sana.

Rakyat menyokong kepimpinan Tun Mahathir selepas PRU 14. Jangan main acilut politik, putarbelit dan rekacipta agenda menentang Tun Mahathir. Bagi peluang kepada PH membawa perubahan, mengatasi krisis kewangan yg parah dan meneroka cabaran baru dengan kejantanan politiknya. Memang ada kelemahan dalam kepimpinan PH.
Bagi sedikit masa lagi untuk para menteri dan pegawai2 PH menyesuaikan minda dan perjuangan dalam wadah Malaysia Baru, dan bukan mewarisi budaya korupsi, kronisme, nepotisme dan ampuisme rejim maharaja perompak era Najib dan bomoh Ponorogo.
Seluruh rakyat mesti tanam jiwa patriotisme besi kursani. Dongeng Melayu, Islam dan Istana jajan politik UMNO tak laku lagi. Hari ini rakyat yg berkuasa dan rakyat menentukan nasib mereka, agama dan negara.

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