Dah Kena Lockdown Bani Melayu Mula Garu T Q

Bagi kakitangan awam dan Kerajaan..Atau bekerja dengan GLC atau Syarikat disenarai awam memang seronok.. Boleh cuti 2 Minggu..Duduk rumah pun gaji tetap jalan.. Mahu tak Seronok.. 25 hb Gaji tetap masuk..

Bagi yang kaya dan Berduit Macam Tony Fernandez atau Menteri kereta terbang Si Redzuan Yusof, apalagi mcm Muhyidin.. Depa masih boleh terus Main Golf walaupun tak bekerja Setahun...

Tetapi bagaimana dengan Rakyat Marhaen yang kais pagi makan pagi.. Kais Petang makan Petang..? Kebanyakan mereka ini Bani Melayu...Bercakap memang Mudah... dari 18-31 hb Mac.. Tidak dibenarkan buka Kedai, tidak dibenarkan bersosial..

Tapi apa langkah Kerajaan bantu depa ni.. Yang diumum semalam RM 2 Billion projek projek kecil.. apa kaitan dengan Langkah sekatan Covid-19..? Itu Pakej ransangan Ekonomi... lain lah ada ditawarkan penangguhan ansuran bulanan atau sewa untuk hutang isi rumah depa....

Bayaran RM 600 tu pun untuk mereka yg dicutikan dengan Notis mcm Pekerja MAS.. itupun terhad 30 ribu orang..bukan peniaga dan penjaja kecil.. Peniaga Kecil, Berniaga warong mana ada Notis cuti.. Notis kerja pun depa takda..

Tarikh 31 HB Mac ini ada yang kena bayar Sewa Kedai dan gerai.. Ada yang kena bayar kereta.. ada yang kena bayar rumah.. ada yg kena bayar gaji..Bagaimana yang berniaga gerai dan warong..Berniaga Pasar Malam.. Pemilik bengkel Kereta..ada yang pelu penuhi bayaran Cek consignment Barang dan bekalan.. Atau Peniaga Kecil lain yang terhenti urusniaga depa.... Tidak ada sebarang Insentif.

Ada Insentif gantian Pendapatan dalam tempoh 2 Minggu ni ? takdak.. Patutnya mereka yang terlibat , pekerja swasta,IKS diberikan bayaran gantian Pendapatan RM 50 Sehari...kakitangan awam,GLC dan Syarikat senarai awam dikecualikan sebab depa tetap ada gaji.. Negara lain seperti US dan jepun umum Pakej Berpuluh Billion Dollar.. Malaysia ?

Ada Pelayan Kedai dan Tukang masak yang dapat gaji Harian RM 50.. ada Pomen Kereta yang kena Bayar Pekerja..Kena bayar Sewa.. Semua depa ni kalangan Bani Melayu yg akan berhadapan dengan Krisis Ekonomi.. semua langkah ini tidak ada... hari ini depa main Golf.. hari ahad Cuti...Petang Isnin terus Umum mcm tu.. mana rakyat tak panik..

Jangan Pulak lepas 31 Hb Mac ini, Kalau kita berjaya hadapi krisis wabak dan Kesihatan..Rakyat berhadapan dengan Krisis Ekonomi dan Pendapatan... Tak salah sekarang ni guna dana KWSP atau KWAP untuk Gantian Pendapatan.. Mana Boleh umum tutup mcm tu... Ada Menteri Agama buat satu inisiatif untuk Intitusi Zakat buat dana khas bantuan COVID-19..Takda..Depa dok kira nak fatwakan tutup masjid..

Itu belum Nasib yg bakal menimpa Peniaga Kecil...Bila Lim Guan Eng bangkitkan nasib depa ni... Ramai Bani Melayu yang gelak.. Yang berulang alik Singapore tu bani melayu..Gelak lah sekarang.. Sebab hangpa Tak Rasa lagi.. Ikut statistik..Bani Cina ni depa ramai yang ada Simpanan... Depa Boleh bertahan tutup sebulan pun..

Yang Teruk nanti Bani melayu...Sampai 31 Hb terpaksa Meminjam along.. jangan ada yang terpaksa merompak apalagi pergi pecah atap mcm kerajaan hari ini....Orang mcm aku tak la kaya mana..Tapi mampu lah Bertahan..Tapi hat Bani melayu ni hat Penjaja dan Peniaga Kecil..apalagi yang bergantung harap dengan gaji Harian..

Apapun ada hikmahnya..Kebanyakan yg Sokong Kerajaan Pintu Belakang ni Bani Melayu..Lepas tu kelompok bani 40.. Baru depa dapat rasa bila Kerajaan bani Melayu berkuasa rasa mcm mana.. Bila Perut lapar.. Bila Duit Takda.. Dah pasti depa akan maki Kat Kerajaan Bani Melayu tu jugak...Bani Melayu ni bila sesak..Bila Susah.. depa tak kira dah BMF ker tak.. - Ipohmali

Berberapa jam kemudian depa buat U-turn....

COVID-19: Bebas keluar antara negeri...
Doa dan sumpah takyat teraniaya....
Ramai percaya bala yg menimpa negara sekarang ini adalah asbab daripada doa rakyat yg teraniaya. Bayangkan kerajaan PN yg terbentuk tanpa melalui proses pilihanraya berterusan ditimpa musibah dan kecelakaan sejak dari hari pertama lagi.

Bermula dengan kesukaran melantik jemaah Menteri. Kemudian kejatuhan pasaran saham yg paling teruk. Penyusutan nilai Ringgit. Harga sawit yang semakin parah. Pembatalan majlis tilawah al-Quran. Pembatalan solat Jumaat. Pembatalan solat berjemaah di Masjid. 

Penutupan masjid yg melaungkan kalimah Allah. Wabak berjangkit yg membarah. Banyak lagi dijangka akan menimpa rakyat setelah PN menafikan mandat rakyat. Jika dicampur jumlah rakyat yang mengundi BN + PAS pun, jumlah undi PH masih lebih banyak dalam 17,000 undi. Rakyat yg mengundi PH telah dianiaya oleh PN yg menafikan pilihan mereka. 
Ingat lagi kesusahan kita untuk membuang undi. Bagi yg mengundi di luar kawasan, mereka terpaksa menempuh perjalanan yg jauh, jalanraya sesak dan memenatkan hanya untuk mengundi PH. Terpaksa bangun awal pagi untuk beratur panjang berjam-jam lamanya hanya untuk memilih PH. Pada malam pengumuman SPR, rakyat terpaksa bersengkang mata sehingga ke Subuh demi melihat kemenangan PH.

Malangnya, segala jerih payah rakyat ini telah dinafikan, dihumban dan dibakul sampahkan oleh pengkhianat yg berpaut pada pembangkang PAS dan UMNO. Adakah rakyat teraniaya? Ya. Mereka teraniaya. Kita teraniaya. Berapa ramai yg mengundi PH? Seramai 5.6juta. Adakah doa orang teraniaya dimakbulkan Allah? Ya, sekalipun mereka bukan beragama Islam.

Dan apa yg berlaku kpd PN hari ini adalah hasil daripada doa dan sumpah rakyat yg teraniaya. 5.6juta teraniaya dan berdoa agar Allah hancurkan PN dan MN. Takkanlah 1 pun Allah tak makbulkan. Betul tak? Mereka teraniaya, doa mereka tiada hijab. Wallahualam.
Dr Ariff Kadir Al-Katami

Din's 2 Weeks Lockdown!...
Italy in imposing lockdowns on tens of millions of people after the country recorded a disturbing jump – a jaw-dropping 190 patients – in new Covid-19 cases on Sunday (March 15). But hours before Prime Muhyiddin Yassin reveals his 2-week lockdown, confusion and panic had already started in major cities of Malaysia.

Supermarkets and grocery stores – Giant, Aeon, Aeon Big, Tesco, NSK, Mydin, Speed 99, KK Super Mart and even Chinese medicine stores – were swarmed by people who had a bad feeling when Muhyiddin said there would be some “big news” on the night of Monday (March 16). The PM said – “I’ll announce today quite a big news. Just bear with me.  Just wait until tonight.”

It wasn’t that hard to guess that a lockdown was coming. If there was no such plan in the first place, the government would normally deny and rubbish such rumours to prevent unnecessary panic in the already sagging economy. Already, the country has the largest number of confirmed cases in Southeast Asia, with 125 new cases reported on Monday.

Even the latest 125 new cases were viewed with suspicion that the new government of Muhyiddin might have “under-reported” the numbers. With the overall tally skyrockets to 553 cases of Coronavirus, of which many of the new infections are linked to a religious “Tabligh” gathering attended by about 16,000 people at Sri Petaling mosque, the prime minister had limited options.

Hence, supermarket shelves were emptied of essential goods at lightning speed. Groceries such as baby formula, eggs, canned food, frozen meat, instant noodles, rice, bread, biscuits and of course, toilet paper, were selling like hot potatoes. It didn’t help that the supposedly 9pm announcement by the prime minister was later postponed to 10pm.

Refused to call it a “lockdown” for obvious reason, PM Muhyiddin, who was sworn in as the 8th Prime Minister slightly more than 2 weeks ago (March 1), announced on television channels that his government had decided to put the country under a nationwide movement control order from this Wednesday (March 18) until March 31 due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

He said – “The government’s priority now is to avoid the spreading of new infections, which will affect more people. Therefore, drastic action needs to be taken. We cannot wait any longer until the situation becomes more acute. The government has decided to implement ‘restriction of movement order’ starting from March 18 to March 31.”

The PM justified that the decision was made under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 and the Police Act 1967. He announced the coverage of the nationwide lockdown. Firstly, a complete ban on all mass gatherings, including religious, sports, social and cultural activities was announced. Clearly, this was to arrest the criticism over the religious rally at Sri Petaling.

However, just hours before Muhyiddin’s so-called movement control order, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri had announced that all religious activities in mosques – including Friday prayer – will be suspended for only 10 days following a decree by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (King).

The religious chief said – “All activities at mosques and surau including Friday prayers and congregational prayers are to be suspended, starting March 17 to 26. All mosque and surau committees are advised to conduct cleaning and sanitising as a precautionary measure.” So, whose order will take precedence? Will the suspension of mosques’ religious activities be 10 days or 14 days?

The suspension of mass gatherings also means all business premises have to be shut down, except supermarkets, wet markets, convenience stores and grocery shops selling daily essentials. But considering mega-mall is a concept where you can find everything under one roof, does that mean only selective shops will be allowed to operate?

Will fast food chains like KFC, McDonald’s, Texas Chicken, A&W, Pizza Hut and Chicken Rice Shop have to close for the 2-week holiday? If they have to close, where will family who does not cook get their food? Even Grab Food and Food Panda will not be able to deliver food if the restaurants are completely closed. But if they can operate, it means public gatherings will happen.

It was also announced that all Malaysians will be banned from travelling abroad, and that no tourists or foreigners will be allowed to enter the country. Malaysians who have just arrived from abroad must undergo self-quarantine for 14 days. This alone speaks volumes that the latest measure to fight the Coronavirus is a complete nationwide lockdown, not a movement control.

The good news for all students was the order to all public and private schools, including kindergartens, nurseries, residential school, religious school, and other educational institutions to be closed. All private and public higher institutions of learning as well as vocational training centres will also close nationwide during the 2-week period.

In addition, all government and private premises would be closed except those providing essential services such as utilities (water, electricity, energy), telecommunications, transport, banking, health, pharmacies, ports, prisons, ports, airports, security, cleaning and food supplies. Does the lockdown include suspension of weddings and even funerals, as did by Italy.

Still, Muhyiddin’s lockdown order, the first of its kind in the country’s history, fails to clarify if Malaysians – ranging from 250,000 to 300,000 people – who commute between the country and Singapore daily to work will be affected. Despite Singapore’s latest border restrictions on travellers, the Government of Singapore allows Malaysians and Singaporeans to commute from both sides.

While the lockdown looks bold and necessary, like it or not, it creates more confusion and vagueness. Will the business of providing IT services and maintenance still operate, without which the essential banking or hospitalization services, for example, might collapse? Where should the people go if they have tyre punctures or car breakdown if tyre shops or workshops are all closed?

More importantly, who is going to enforce the lockdown? Without proper enforcement, it would be business as usual. It was both entertaining and hilarious when PM Muhyiddin said that supply of food and daily essentials, including face masks, were sufficient nationwide. Obviously he hadn’t a clue that face masks had ran out of stock weeks ago. - FT

What to expect from a new cabinet...
After my article on 'Blessings' of a new government, I have been asked many questions regarding the new cabinet line-up after it was announced. The following are the most popular questions that I have so far received.

The first and obvious one was what I thought of the Melayu-dominated government. I said I welcomed such a dominant position of Malays in the government. Now when the government messes up, I hope the Malays will no longer blame Chinese or DAP because almost 83% in the cabinet are Malays. So, if the country is robbed like the 1MDB affair we must look and question the Malays. The buck stops there.

The second question was about minister Takiyuddin and RUU355. I said in truth, the RUU355 of the hudud laws was and always has been a ruse and a tactic to win Malay support. Whoever attacks it is considered an enemy of Islam. This was the best weapon in PAS arsenal. However, I do not think that PAS will make that into law because if it did then Najib and Rosmah would be the two people to be cut off their hands. Perhaps both of them. PAS and Umno will just dangle the law until six months before GE15 when they will make a wayang kulit of a show to get it passed.

Third was the question about a mufti being appointed the minister of religion. I said I thank Allah that it was not that arrogant Asri Zainal Abidin or Harunsaani of Perak or that terrible mufti from Pahang who considered Malaysians as Kafir Harbi. Zulkifli seems to be okay as he is seen as a moderate but I have not much faith in him for two reasons. Firstly, as a mufti, he is used to his verdicts and statements not to be questioned since the mufti office is the highest single law of Islam under his jurisdiction. Now that he is a minister, he is no longer subject to a single authority but he has to take questions, criticisms and commentaries from the rakyat…from Muslims and non-Muslims alike. 

Secondly, I do not think he possesses an intellectual framework to deal with the idea of a multi-religious coexistence because he is not trained in the framework of philosophy, anthropology or a civilizational construct of modern nation-building. He will ultimately fall into a stage of conservatism in dealing with all issues of religion in this country. To avoid such an occurrence, he should appoint a multi-faith advisory board comprising members of the civil society. They should not just be clergymen like him but people of intellect and zeal for activism in society.

A funny question was asked to me about the position of Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man as minister of environment. I said I sincerely hope that the minister uses more than just the excuse of 'Allah's will' on such issues as the haze, flooding and deforestation. The minister needs to brush up on his environmental reading of ecosystem, photosynthesis, environmental science and water resource management and not simply look at all these from a haram and halal perspective that he is used to pronounce. I sincerely hope that he has enough sense to rely on a team of expert environmentalist and not turn our delicate environment into a cash cow for certain parties.

The last question that was asked to me was about Sabah and Sarawak under the new government and whether they would be better off. Now that Sabah and Sarawak have a new ministry and a few cabinet posts, it would seem that they are better off than when under PH. I said that the Sabah and Sarawak people will not benefit much under PN and that the appointments were all just a gesture in window dressing. The ones who would benefit are individual ministers and MPs in a horse trading pact done over a week's discussion.

I have two reasons why I feel this way. Firstly, Sabah and Sarawak, to me should receive 40% cabinet posts and even the prime ministership. Why? Well, first of all Sabah and Sarawak represent two thirds as partners in a nation called Malaysia. The total land mass is bigger than Semenanjung but their population is just under a third. I had averaged all these out to be 35% to 40% representational and thus my number for the cabinet posts. Secondly, the Sabah and Sarawak people have been 'taken for a ride' from the wealth of logging and petroleum for over 60 years. Semenanjung owes them hundreds of billions in back pay. But the people of Sabah and Sarawak are also to be blamed for their previous leaders who bled the two nations dry for personal and private gains. Both individuals are still unaccountable in their wealth to the people of the two nations.

The other reason why I think that Sabah and Sarawak people would not fare any better is because the Semenanjung MPs and politicians as well as the people of that area cares little or not at all about Sabahans and Sarawakians. After 60 years of Malaysia we are as far apart as the oceans that divide us. The narrative of what is important for Malays and Islam have always governed and thus there is absolutely no love nor loyalty and trust between the people of Semenanjung and that of the two partner nations. I sincerely believe that the narrative of Malaysia should begin and be reborn in Sabah and Sarawak away from the 60-year-old baggage of Malay and Muslim supremacy. All of us are Malaysians and we need to create a stronger bond of citizenry and brotherhood far from the dealings of politicians at Sheraton Hotel.

Many Malaysians feel depressed about the new government as they believe it is full of crooks and thieves. I do not share that feeling because I believe that the new government should be given a chance to show what it can do. I never liked to believe that history should govern our perception of the now or the future because the social, spiritual and personal variables are too much to be considered.

Like it or not this government will probably last another two and a half years and they need to convince the majority of the rakyat in Semenanjung, Sabah and Sarawak that they can govern better for all Malaysians and not just to their 83% Malay-Muslim cabinet line-up.

We are poised for a new era of politics. Malaysians must let their wisdom govern their instinct and not let original rage cloud their response. Malaysia belongs to 30 million of us, not 222 MPs in the Parliament. If PN wants to govern, then we must make them work out a sweat for every ringgit they earn as cabinet members. - Professor Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd 

Agamawan camni perlu dikurung dalam satu bilik.. Semakin dibiar.. Semakin celaru pulak kelakuannya..Sepatutnya agamawan islam turut bersama buat kajian bagaimana cara untuk mengatasi kuman.. Buat anti virus yang boleh membantu dunia..

Ni tidak..! Duk kalut kononnya orang yang takut kuman tak takut pada Allah..Ya Rabbi..

Api pun makhluk Allah brader..! Tapi tak ada la pulak Masjid tengah terbakar pakat ramai² nak datang solat.. Tu orang panggil gila..! Habis tu nak buat macam mana..? Padamlah api tu dulu.. 

Lagu mana cara nak padam api.. Atas kebijaksanaan kita.. Kalau dengan air berkesan.. Maka dengan air la..Bila api padam.. Hang nak ajak tidur kat Masjid pun orang akan datang..Benda senang je.. Nak faham pun mudah.. - f/bk

Malang buat negara, bila PM Kerajaan Pengkhianat memilih meletakkan kepentingan politik mengatasi kepentingan nyawa rakyat dlm isu Covid 19. MB Kedah, Selangor, N9 CM Sabah dan Penang tidak dijemput dlm perbincangan utk mengawal wabak. Di saat negara sdg genting sebegini... PM haram masih ingin 'bermain politik' Shame on you Din.. Din membeza2kan negeri2 ikut stail UMNO/BN...- f/bk
Senyap sunyi terus bisu semua ahli parlimen lebai penipu dan walaun ternakan mereka sekarang bila Ah Long dan Mak Long MCA bersuara..

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