Witnessing A Conversion Seen In The Political Narrative

 Act of ‘witnessing’ a conversion and other responsibilities of a Muslim...
Recently, several of my non-Muslim friends expressed anxiety over what they saw was a video of Anwar Ibrahim “converting” an Indian adult male. After a fierce election battle that saw conservative Malays gain a lot of ground, the narrative was that Anwar is now trying to “out-Islamize” the PN in their game of using religion to win votes.
In my WhatsApp messages, there were also some unkind accusations of the PM being unfair to Malaysians by playing the role of a religious leader for one faith and not respecting others. Although, to me, those comments were uncalled for and also unfair, I do not wish to debate that issue of whether a sitting PM should be doing such thing like “witnessing” the conversion of a “muallaf”.
In this article, I wish to explain the roles and responsibilities of a Muslim in the eyes of the original Islam as practised and taught by the Prophet Muhammad, and not as practised by some cultures or institutions of religion made to be the “legal” guardians under the earthly laws of Parliament.
First and foremost, non-Muslims must understand that there exists no priesthood in Islam. All Muslims have a direct relationship to God without any intermediary.All Muslims must execute certain important roles in society without the aid of any ustaz or mufti or imam. This is because all Muslims are those roles in a society of Muslims.
I have performed the role as an imam of prayers many times. I have performed the role of reading the khutbah in my campus in the US when called upon by my friends. I have performed the marriage of my daughter. I have been a witness to the marriages of the daughters of my friends as well as the marriages of my own friends. I have yet to perform the funeral prayers as an imam. I have also yet to oversea and “witness” the conversion of a non-Muslim to Islam.

Now, as a leader of Muslims, Anwar has done more things than I have done, I presume.I have seen him marry off his daughter Nurul Izzah in which he performs the role of the wali. I have seen him perform the role of imam in a Funerary Prayers of Salahuddin Ayub. Unlike me, I think he knows how to bathe the dead in their final ritual ablution. I am sure Anwar has done many other roles as a leader of an Islamic movement ABIM.
With regards to the acts of conversion, many such conversions occur in a willing manner. I have heard of cases where conversion seems to be done in a suspicious manner of “getting some benefits” and these to me are improper and does not follow the spirit of Islam.
I myself have never converted anyone to Islam but I have been called by many non-Muslims to explain about Islam or issues in Islam. I do not view the act of conversion as an important one although in many Muslim societies it is considered an act of high worthiness.
Some religious personalities, like an Indian immigrant to this country thrives on his so-called acts of conversion to raise money for his lifestyle. I do not support any party or individual saying that they are involved actively in converting others to Islam. However, many Muslims love to give money to that activity. But not me.
For me, conversion is by one’s own self and as an inspiration from God. Humans should never say that someone was converted by another someone. That is arrogance. When a person wants to convert to Islam, the rule as I understand it is to pronunce the Syahadah in front of another Muslim and preferably there would be other witnesses too.
The Syahadah is bearing testimony that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad was His Messenger. The ritual bath is not obligatory but recommended after the declaration of Syahadah. This act is simply to acknowledge that this person is now a Muslim and the laws of inheritance, marriage and funerary rituals now take into effect. Thus, the pronouncement to another Muslim is a mere “witnessing” act, not a priest being special to conduct an act of conversion.
Of course, this new Muslim, in Malaysia should now register at a religious department and I think the whole process of pronouncement of the syahadah would be conducted with an official for his or her conversion to be legal under the laws of men. Under the eyes of Allah, that person has already become a Muslim even before the registration take effect.

Some Malaysians saw it fit to advise the PM not to do this and not to do that. I wish to explain to Malaysians that there are some responsibilities as a Muslim that one cannot deny or refuse when one has the time and the sound mind to do so.
Being a prayer imam and pronouncing a doa or supplication on behalf of others are included in these responsibilities. It is of course unfortunate that an act of being an imam of a prayer or the “witnessing” of a conversion is seen in the political narrative of preferring one faith against others.
That is certainly not so. It should be beyond Malaysians to advise a Muslim what they should do or not if the acts required are an obligatory ones in the absence of others. We Malaysians must understand each other’s faith and values if we are not to be the tools of certain personalities in politics or even well-intentioned NGOs.
We must try our best to get explanations from those who know before typing our accusations and anger on a subject or news that one has absolutely no idea of. Our country, our fault, as I always say. We are where we are pretty much because of where we have led ourselves to be. - Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi
Professor Ramasamy may be right in saying that no previous Prime Ministers had ever done such things before, but he forgets that our bapa Malaysia,PM Tunku Abdul Rahman was the founder of Perkim, imagine how many conversions he witnessed or conducted...
MCA to Sanusi: Swatting woman’s head with paper is no joke at all...
As a public figure, any words or actions by a re-appointed Kedah Menteri Besar (MB) Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor may or do influence the conduct of others.
Describing his swatting a female youth student’s head with paper as “biasa” (normal), the outcomes from his remark – despite being uttered in jest – may be far reaching. For example, a male assaulting a woman is deemed to be condonable given her mannerisms.
Sanusi’s statement reverts to a certain stereotype of women’s behaviour and men’s reaction which society needs to move away from.
It is hoped that the public will not emulate such gender profiling which ridicule women but instead take cognisance that these are the simple gender stereotypes that women have to battle and overcome daily.
Caught off guard in the presence of many who laughed and standing before Sanusi, the said young lady could only muster a soft chuckle.

It would have been helpful if the Kedah MB and others around him had been considerate and refrained from laughing. Often times, an aid recipient is in no position to wince disapproval, lest the benefactor be offended.
Wanita MCA urges Dewan Muslimat PAS, Srikandi Bersatu and Wanita Gerakan to send a strong message to their coalition ally by alerting him that Kedah can progress further when due recognition is given to women.
All is not lost: Sanusi can redeem himself by introducing policies to empower women in Kedah in all areas. In particular, tackling domestic violence, sexual, online, physical harassment, violence and stalking against women, tardy husbands or ex-husbands who abandon their spouses and children and do not heed court orders on maintenance, and others.
A genuine apology can commence the healing process and reveal Sanusi to be a statesman – one who is gracious in recognising his error and taking measures to educate the public and safeguard women against assaults, harassment and others. – Wong You Fong,Wanita MCA National chairperson.
MB Kedah Sanusi & geng lebai dah kena sound sakan...


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