When The Lebai Thinks That He Is Holier Than Thou
As a Muslim and a Malaysian, I reject PAS to be with Unity Govt...
Talks are in the air about PAS being “invited” to be with the Unity Government. To be fair, it was Mahiaddin who rejected to form the government when asked by the YDP Agong. At that time, we did not know Hadi Awang’s stand.
However, in a recent speech Hadi has likened the Unity Government as a coalition that has former convicts, corrupt people and also the court cluster, and therefore PAS would not like to dive into a pot of filth to be with that coalition.
It is worth noting that the former convict referred to might be Anwar himself, the corrupt people would probably be Najib, and the court cluster could be Zahid. The most interesting thing in the “moral high ground” of Hadi is that he was once with all the group of “filth” before this.
In the Reformasi years, PAS and Hadi fought to free Anwar and then formed a coalition with him. Then, before 2018, Hadi was photographed with Najib and many saw their “hidden” relationship before GE14. Finally, during the Sheraton Move, Hadi worked with Zahid Hamidi and Umno to secure a “backdoor government.” So, we now know who is the biggest political hypocrite.
Anyway, I am all in agreement with Hadi that PAS should not be part of the Unity Government. Of course, my reasons are different and PAS to me is the “filth” of Malaysia as a nation. However, this does not mean that PAS has always been a kind of political “filth.”
In the days of Reformasi, I strongly supported PAS and became a lifetime member to free Anwar from injustice and to save Malaysia from Mahathir and BN. However, from 2016 onward, PAS began to show its strange color with Hadi Awang as the leader in wanting to work with the “Umno filth” to become the government.
Their gamble failed in GE14 but their luck changed in 2020. With the deadly virus came an even deadlier PAS sharing power with their “filthy friend” Umno.
Bila lebai perasan dia lebih suci dari orang lain...
My first reason for not agreeing to invite PAS to be part of the Unity Government is that the new PAS under Hadi has shown utter contempt to not only DAP, but all Malaysians as well as some Malays also. To non-Malays, PAS considers them as “animals” or binatang, and to some Malays they are considered liberals out to compromise Islam.
The derogatory words used by Sanusi and Hadi have never been challenged by any other leaders in PAS, and so we must assume that PAS is encouraging a brand of “supremacist and racist Islam” by not according dignity to all Malaysians.
It is true that PAS has not robbed the country like some other Malay party, and it is also true that PAS was not responsible for killings like May 13. But treating Malaysians with the most contempt using religion to me is worse than the robbing the country and the many killings of May 13. PAS is not only destroying Malaysia, it is also destroying the true Islam of the Prophet Muhammad.
Secondly, none of the PAS MPs have any real idea for saving the economy, environment or even the poor. Their record shows just buying Mercedes and paying off voters in elections.
These people have nothing to offer. Hadi himself took gaji buta for many years without an iota of benefit to Malaysians. Issues raised are all converted into religious issues and painting a narrow perspective of Islam.

Thirdly, I do not believe that proposing a confidence and supply agreement with a party that threatens Malaysia with racial and religious issues would send a professional message of growth to our democracy.
The C&S agreement must come because the other parties that have different views of governing Malaysia and organizing her resources, not making enemies of the citizens and benefiting from the threat of civil disturbance and unrest.
Even though the problem of pacifying Malays will be easily solved by having PAS as a partner, I think the price of the dignity of our people will forever be jeopardized and desecrated. PAS under Hadi Awang is not fit to not only be with the Unity Government, it is not even fit to be part of this nation! - Prof.Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi
"Banduan" yang Hadi keji tu jumpa Putra Mahkota Saudi,Mohd Salman,dah tentu terbakaq lagi jiwa lebai Hadi...

Selepas hampir empat tahun laporan Malaysiakini berhubung hutang mencetak lidah rasmi PAS iaitu Harakah, bekas syarikat pencetaknya sekali lagi membangkitkan kegagalan parti itu dalam melunaskan hutang yang tertunggak. Pengurus N.A.J. Press Resources (M) Sdn Bhd, Hussin Jan, menyatakan rasa geram melihat PAS dan sikap kepimpinannya yang didakwa 'bermewah-mewah' namun gagal mengambil tanggungjawab untuk membayar hutang Harakah.
"Mereka pakai kereta mewah, boleh buat Muktamar di Ideal Convention Centre (IDCC), Shah Alam dengan bayaran sudah tentu mencecah puluhan ribu ringgit. Tetapi soal hutang mereka tak ambil berat untuk diselesaikan. "Sudah hampir tujuh tahun hutang tertunggak tak dibayar sepenuhnya," katanya kepada Malaysiakini, hari ini.
Untuk rekod, sekitar Ogos 2019 Malaysiakini pernah melaporkan isu hutang membabitkan Harakah dan pencetak berkenaan. Ia membabitkan hutang Harakah dengan dua syarikat iaitu Angkatan Edaran Enterprise Sdn Bhd (Angkatan Edaran) dan N.A.J. Press Resources (M) Sdn Bhd. Angkatan Edaran sudah muflis dan pihak pengurusan sama menubuhkan N.A.J. Press Resources (M) Sdn Bhd sebagai pengganti dan terus mencetak Harakah pada ketika itu.
‘Syarikat dah bankrap, tak payah bayar’
Bagaimanapun, hutang Harakah dengan Angkatan Edaran yang telah muflis lebih banyak hingga mencecah nilai jutaan ringgit berbanding hutang dengan N.A.J. Resources hanya lebih RM600,000.
Hussin berkata PAS dan Harakah enggan membayar hutangnya dengan Angkatan Edaran atas alasan syarikat itu telah pun gulung tikar. Menurutnya, syarikat tersebut menanggung beban hutang dengan pembekal kerana Harakah tidak mahu menjelaskan hutangnya.
"Dalam keadaan ekonomi yang sukar ini kita perlukan sumber kewangan segera sebagai modal pusingan untuk teruskan perniagaan. "Pemimpin PAS kononnya mengaku mengikut al-Quran, hadis, ijma' ulama sebagai panduan, tetapi sebaliknya menggunakan hukum sekular dan ketepikan hukum Islam kerana enggan bayar hutang," bidasnya.
Sementara itu, peguam mewakili N.A.J. Resources, Putra Taulan Rasul ketika dihubungi berkata, pihaknya sudah mengemukakan tuntutan terhadap PAS, Setiausaha Agung PAS Takiyuddin Hsaan dan penerbit Harakah iaitu Galeri Media Serbanika Sdn Bhd.
"Pihak kami juga sudah memfailkan permohonan penghakiman terus kepada mahkamah dalam usaha menyelesaikan tuntutan anak guam dan menunggu keputusan mahkamah," katanya. Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, Malaysiakini sedang menghubungi pihak PAS dan Harakah bagi mendapatkan respon mereka. - mk

Rasuah boleh dihalalkan.Hutang pun sama jugak.No big deal...kan?? - World Peace
Kalau hutang sendiri pun PAS tak mampu bayar, tak usah nak cerita la nak memerintah negara dan cover hutang negara. Nanti tuk guru akan panggil le bincang tepi, minta pihak pencetak tolong halalkan saja hutang, tak perlu tuntut, kononnya demi perjuangan agama. Nanti keluar le dalil-dalil dan kisah sahabat-sahabat Nabi yang sanggup tebuk dinding rumah kutip duit syiling untuk berkorban harta demi agama.Kalau nasib pencetak akhbar geng sendiri pun tak mampu nak jaga, tak usah sembang la nak jaga hak dan kepentingan rakyat. Puihh!! - Tok Mudin
“They use luxury cars, organise muktamar at the Ideal Convention Centre (IDCC), Shah Alam with a fee that is sure to reach tens of thousands of ringgit. But when it comes to debt, they don’t even bother to solve the issue."Well said!!!- malaysianmalaysian
PAS indulged in lavish spending and lifestyles, is an open secret. They,'ve tasted the fruit of forbidden, 'RM'. They only think of enriching themselves.The Kelantan state government could not even afford to supply clean and consumable water for the people.It's good AEE and NAJ printers exposed their haram habits.- mosquitobrain
PAS will use all sorts of "Islamic" excuses to avoid paying this debt. They will claim that they are guided by Islamic laws not to pay as this is seen as a service unto their God. I think Hadi or Taki will come to a point to say, "it is un-Islamic of them to go to the court to ask for payment when they should serve voluntarily. God will be happy to accept the offering and their gift." They will say anything to get out of paying. Watch and see. - FinessPro
These children in Gaza writing their names on their arms so they can be identified in case they die in the next Israeli airstrike...

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