Something Rotten In Perlis Mufti Uses Public Forum To Attack Police Special Branch

Here is Malaysiakini reporting about Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin, the mufti of Perlis criticising the Police and the Special Branch over the Police's handling of salafi jihadis.   

Apabila bercakap mengenai Pengarah Bahagian Anti Keganasan, Cawangan Khas Bukit Aman, Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay, Mufti Perlis Dr Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin akan segera terbayangkan wajah pendakwah bebas, Dr Zamihan Mat Zin.

Ini kerana menurut Mohd Asri, kedua-dua individu tersebut mempunyai banyak persamaan.

“Saya bila sebut Datuk Ayob Khan, saya bukan bayangkan muka beliau, tapi saya bayang muka Zamihan. Muka dia (Ayob) pun saya bayang jugalah. Bukan apa, saya nampak kedua-dua individu ini sama saja. Apa yang Ayob cakap, itulah juga yang Zamihan cakap.

Bagi saya mereka ini mempunyai pandangan yang begitu sempit

Kenapa kita ambil penasihat (agama) yang perwatakan begitu keras dalam pandangan ekstrem dan sebagainya," katanya ketika mengulas berhubung siri tangkapan beberapa individu dari kumpulan Salafi Jihadi di Perlis pada September tahun lalu.

(OSTB :  Asri's No 1 enemy Zamihan has been hired by the Police to reform Salafi Jihadis who have been arrested under terrorism charges, especially a group of Salafis arrested in Perlis. 

They were active in a madrasah that had been partly funded by the Perlis State religious authorities. 

So this is a question of whose jihadi is a terrorist or not a terrorist? I have said before - these people are all cut from the same turban. Jihadis are  jihadis. All of them have no brains. They are good at arguing and fighting. This is another perfect example.)

Mohd Asri berkata demikian dalam forum bertajuk Sosma: Siapa Pengganas Dan Potensi Salah Guna Kuasa di Dewan Sivik Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ)

(OSTB : So he said all this in a public forum. I dont know if the Police can also reply Asri publicly. This is the advantage he has exploited.)

Mohd Asri dan Zamihan berseteru sejak sekian lama kerana perbezaan pandangan antara mereka.

Zamihan tokoh lantang membuat dakwaan berkaitan Wahabi 

Asri mengkritik Ayob kerana menyarankan agar pihak berkuasa agama memantau ahli akademik dan agamawan yang kerap menggunakan petikan atau fatwa daripada ulama kontroversi, Ibnu Taimiyyah.

Ayob pada 2016 berkata siasatan polis mendapati kumpulan pengganas seperti IS menyelewengkan fakta ulama itu untuk menghalalkan tindakan militan mereka.

Kata Ayob, berdasarkan pengakuan dan bahan propaganda, terdapat banyak fatwa Ibn Taimiyyah diselewengkan IS untuk mewajarkan tindakan ganas mereka.

Pandangan itu ditolak Asri yang menempelak Ayob kerana “memfitnah” Ibn Taimiyyah.

Pesanan pada polis - Allah maha melihat

Asri mengingatkan polis yang terlibat Sosma supaya tidak menyeksa tahanan yang didakwa pengganas.

Asri menegaskan pihak berkuasa itu tidak boleh bertindak sewenang-wenangnya.

“Polis ini banyak kerja baik, kita tak boleh nafikan jasa PDRM. 

Namun, apabila kita membicarakan hal-hal seperti tahanan, ada cerita-cerita hitam lain.

(OSTB :  Huh? Cerita-cerita hitam lain? Cerita hitam apa? Polis buat kerja dia lah.)

“Saya nak ingatkan polis hidup ini bukan di balai polis sahaja, ketika (polis) ada jawatan, hidup ini luas. Polis juga ada kehidupan, ada anak dan isteri.

“Jadi ingatlah seperti mana kita lakukan kepada orang lain. Allah itu maha menyaksikan, mungkin kita sangka orang lain tak boleh ambil tindakan kepada kita, tapi Tuhan boleh bertindak ke atas kita, menentukan percaturan hidup dan penderitaan kita. Ini bukan ingatan saya saja tapi daripada semua pihak,” katanya.

(OSTB : Pi dah mabuk. Macam Allah swt tunggu hang Whatsapp kat dia, suruh dia hukum Polis kah ?  

Biar saya ingatkan Asri,  jadi awak pun ingatlah seperti mana kita lakukan kepada orang lain. Allah itu maha menyaksikan, mungkin kita sangka orang lain tak boleh ambil tindakan kepada kita, tapi Allah swt boleh bertindak ke atas kita, menentukan percaturan hidup dan penderitaan kita.  So you better be careful brader.  Hari ini awak dapat banyak duit, boleh buat rumah baru (yes we know), beli kereta, sebagai pegawai tinggi agama  awak control banyak  'duit rakyat' - boleh berlagak besar.  Esok mana tahu? )

Beri takrif keganasan

Selain itu Mufti Perlis itu turut berpendapat bahawa Malaysia Baru di bawah pentadbiran Pakatan Harapan (PH) perlu memberi takrifan dan definisi yang jelas mengenai pengganas dan terrorisme.

Tegas Asri perkara itu perlu kerana tanpa definisi yang jelas telah membuka ruang yang luas kepada pihak berkuasa membuat tuduhan sewenang-wenangnya kepada pihak tertentu sebagai pengganas.

“Situasi ini telah memberi ruang sebebas-bebasnya untuk pihak berkuasa membuat tuduhan.

"Walaupun saya tidak bersetuju dengan ‘school of thoughts’ mereka (salafi jihadi) tapi itu tidak menafikan mereka itu untuk mendapat hak yang adil apabila dituduh mesti dibicarakan dengan cara yang adil.

“Kita perlukan satu sistem mahkamah yang memberikan keadilan yang benar-benar tulus.

"Selain itu, kita juga perlu ada semak dan imbang supaya anggota-anggota petugas polis ini tidak membuat tuduhan sewenang-wennagnya menggunakan kuasa iaitu kuasa polis untuk tuduhan seperti ini,” tegasnya.

(OSTB :  Nasihat saya kepada Asri simple saja. Lebih baik awak fokus perkara-perkara yang awak ada kepakaran sikit.  

Contohnya isu haid wanitabaca doa qunut atau tak baca doa qunuttambah Amin pada hujung Fatiha atau tidakangkat tangan atau tidak angkat tangan bila berdoaboleh wirid berjemaah lepas sembahyang atau tidakboleh baca Yassin beramai dalam masjid pada malam Jumaat atau tidaktahlil kematian boleh atau tak bolehazan sekali saja atau dua kali pada waktu subuhboleh baca doa atau tak payah baca doa lepas sembahyangterawih lapan rakaat atau 20 rakaatAllah swt ada tangan dan muka atau tidak - dan isu-isu macam itulah. 
Isu-isu yang bakal "menggoncang" dunia.

Tapi bila datang bab keselamatan negara, isu terroris, pengganas dan sebagainya lebih baik Asri "just mind your own business".  

Awak tidak ada kepakaran apa pun dalam perkara-perkara yang memang tersangat penting bagi kebaikan negara kita. 

Jangan lupa, awak belajar di Jordan - negara Pak Unta padang pasir yang menjadi antara negara yang paling korup, termiskin dan terkotor did dunia.

Jordan boleh termasuk dalam senarai 'sh_t hole' countries Donald Trump

OSTB :  This fellow Asri seems to be making a career out of picking fights with everyone.

1.  His latest attack is on the Police and Special Branch, including his threat  "Polis juga ada kehidupan, ada anak dan isteri."  And here he is obviously trying to smear the name of Dato Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay the head of the Special Branch's Counter Terrorism Unit.

2. In Perlis he has been involved in controversies as well. Just a few weeks ago, Asri was embroiled in the controversy over the firing of 25 imams in Perlis.  When the 25 imams asked to meet him, he quickly took cover behind the Palace. 

3. Then there was the arrest of those pro ISIS terrorists in that madrassah in Perlis. The madrassah was also partly funded by the Perlis religious authorities.  After the arrests were made by the Police, Asri got into an argument withe the IGP demanding that the Chief of the Counter Terrorism Unit be not involved in the investigation.

4.  Talk is in the whole of Malaysia Asri is the only Mufti who is banned (or not allowed) from preaching in FOUR States. Plus  FOUR more States have not given him a recognition or 'tauliah' to preach. This has never happened before.   He is the only Mufti who is not allowed to teach in some states by  their respective jabatan agama.

5.  From much early on, he was embroiled in a controversy for calling Indians pariahs. 


The record speaks for itself.  This fellow likes to pick a fight everywhere he goes. 

Here is the real story folks. Dengar baik-baik.

Malaysia is very fortunate that the Special Branch  of our Polis Di Raja Malaysia is still world class and top rated. It is because of the Police and especially the Special Branch that this country has been able to avoid so many security threats to our society.  

From the first Emergency in 1948, the second Emergency that ended in 1989, fighting communist and extremist infiltration and keeping the country safe from Islamic jihadis - the Special Branch has done a spectacular job.

Despite the politicians screwing things up - by allowing all sorts of foreign extremists, jihadists and terrorists sanctuary inside Malaysia - it is a great credit to the Special Branch that todate there have been no major jihadi terrorist attacks inside Malaysia. 

Here is the very latest development among the ISIS.  As can be expected, the ISIS psychos have tried to kill their own 'khalifah' Abu Bakar Baghdadi. Here is the headline : 

The ISIS is now trying to kill its own 'khalifah'.    So I have a question - will Abu Bakar Baghdadi the ISIS 'caliph' be allowed sanctuary  inside Malaysia? No? Why not? He has not committed any crime inside Malaysia. Just like Zakir Naik. So are we going to welcome Abu Bakar Baghdadi in Malaysia also? Maybe he can do a homestay in that madrasah in Perlis?)

Indonesia has seen numerous bombings in Bali, Madura, Surabaya, Jakarta and elsewhere. 

The Philippines has been constantly wrecked by jihadi terrorist attacks - the FIVE month siege of Marawi City being the worst. 

Thailand has not been saved from jihadi bombs in Haadyai, Pattani, Golok and the various shootings and killings that happen frequently.

We are most fortunate that in Malaysia our Police boys, especially the Special Branch has done an exemplary job in keeping this country safe from jihadi attacks. 

Compared to all these really fantastic achievements by the Police and the Special Branch, Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin is just a kampong fellow who studied religion in a sh_t hole country called Jordan who now thinks he is cleverer than our Special Branch.  

Here is an article by Michael Hart, a Western security analyst, writing in the Geopolitical Monitor - a well regarded journal on politics and world affairs - which praises Malaysia's great success in fighting Salafi Jihadi extremism and terrorism.  I have summarised the main points :

Since ISIS,  Southeast Asia concerned with terrorism spread 

deadly gun, bomb attack rocked Jakarta January 2016
ISIS militants laid siege to Marawi for five months
confirming arrival of dangerous new jihadism in Southeast Asia

Malaysia taking the threat particularly seriously
real risk of fighters launching attacks in Malaysia

Malaysia record of counterterrorism success
major Islamist attack so far been prevented
Malaysia avoided fate of other countries 

Malaysia has long possessed excellent counterterrorism record
KMM, JI, Al-Qaeda all thwarted by Malaysian authorities

2000s Indonesia shaken by deadly attacks – Bali bombing killed 202 
Malaysia escaped unscathed, without suffering major attack

53 Malaysians joined ISIS in Syria
the number could be far higher
ISIS has formed separate armed unit Katibah Nusantara
made-up of Indonesian and Malaysians

20 Malaysians have died on Syrian battlefields
nine in suicide bombings
ISIS released Malay-language videos through Al-Hayat media 
encouraging Malaysians to carry out attacks in homeland

ISIS grenade attack in KL injured eight but no fatalities
botched attack first by ISIS in Malaysia

However, so far no large-scale fatal attacks in Malaysia
this has much to do with Malaysia’s multi-faceted counterterror strategy

Malaysia’s reinforced counterterror strategyMalaysia reinforced, upgraded counterterror measuresstrong historical record in confronting violent extremism
Security Offences and Special Measures Act (SOSMA) 
2015, Malaysia introduced Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) 
Special Measures against Terrorism in Foreign Countries Act (SMATA)

giving police greater powers to arrest, detain individuals
updated legislation achieved aim of preventing attacks in M'sia

since 2013, 19 large plots foiled 
more than 340 terror suspects detained

2013 four individuals arrested
59 in 2014, 82 in 2015, 106 in 2016
2017, terror arrests passed one hundred for second successive year

country has one of highest conviction rates for terror offences
101 individuals found guilty and sentenced in the last four years

figures indicate an ever-rising threat
increased capability of Malaysian authorities to respond 

Malaysia crack down on terrorist financing 
passed Anti-Money Laundering,  Anti-Terrorism Financing Act (AMLATFA) 2001

2016 Malaysia member of international Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
country committed to cutting off funding for terrorist groups
making Malaysia an unattractive base for Islamist terror groups

Thirdly, Malaysia’s de-radicalization programs among most successful in world

Of 229 suspects (2001 - 2012)  only 7 relapsed into terrorism - 97% success ratecollaboration between Home Affairs, Education, prisons, religious institutionsCounseling sessions counter extremist interpretations reintegrate radicalized individuals into societypost-release support mechanisms engage participant and their family memberslessening risk of relapse

Malaysia leading example in de-radicalization
Malaysia combats radicalization online
Digital Counter-Messaging Centre (CMC) – established 2016 
to counter extremist ideology in cyberspace

threat of returning fighters in 2018
Malaysia responded quickly 
kept up counterterror operations to pre-empt threat
anti-terror raids 2017, detaining 20 in Johor, Sabah, S'gor, KL

Malaysia’s hybrid approach is working

Malaysia succeeded by adopting ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ measures
hybrid strategy which approaches threat from opposite angles

legislation and vigilant law enforcement tackle visible threat
sustained de-radicalization mitigate threat beneath surface
challenging warped ideology that underlies Islamist terrorism

Malaysia has continually emphasized that military solution alone will not solve the problems of radicalization and violent extremism.

M'sia’s counterterrorism measures highly successful
impossible to eliminate threat entirely
M'sia’s hybrid counterterrorism approach leading example for confronting ISIS

Conclusion :  So let us all be thankful that our Police, especially the Special Branch and the Counter Terrorism Unit are doing such a great job in safeguarding the security of this country.

We certainly do not need some stupid,  cebuk dale sungai,  village idiot trying to smear the good name and track record of the Police and the Special Branch in fighting terrorism.Posted by Syed Akbar Ali 

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