By Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad



1. The @#&*#%@ has advised the people not to disturb the peace and stability of the country.

2. It is good advise. But the stability of the country is because people are not allowed to speak. You cannot speak on the RRR. You cannot say anything against the ------ment. Even if you suffer the pain of ------mental oppression, you must not complain.

3. The RRR suppresses ordinary people. Now the opposition members of Parliament are being pushed to sign an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) in which you undertake not to make hate speeches. If you sign then ------ment will give you funds that members of Parliament are entitled to. Except that it is the ------ment which decide whether your speech is hateful or not.

4. The member may say something quite innocent but the ------ment may consider it a hate speech. And you will be punished probably by suspension from Parliament. So after signing the MOU you cannot say anything except to praise the ------ment.

5. So the privilege to speak freely in Parliament by the member is no longer free.

6. Even now the speaker can suspend a member for six months because he insisted on a supporter of I----l getting a big share in M--B. The mouth of our representative in Parliament is now shut.

7. So the country is experiencing political stability. It is due to the ------ment gagging everyone.

8. Should you continue to speak up and criticise. The Comm-------s M------r subtly promises to send a police patrol car to your house.

9. But that is not enough. If you take legal action against the @#&*#%@ things may happen to you coincidentally.

10. You may be found to have committed some crime. You may be charged under S---A. If drugs are involved, no bail and possible death sentence.

11. Or your children may be required to declare their assets over the past 100 years. Failing to do so may mean imprisonment and the rotan.

12. On the other hand if you are being tried for some breaches of the law, in order to stabilise the country the charges may be dropped and you may be appointed the Deputy @#&*#%@.

13. Also investigation against you would be stopped if you are supportive of the @#&*#%@.

14. Investigation will also be dropped if you are punched in the face or have a--d burn half your body if they were done on the instruction of those a---e the law.

15. So, you see why the country is stable and peaceful. It is the peace of the graveyard.

16. But the social media is noisy. It should be made legal for the social media to be licensed so that they make less noise. Then the peace and stability would be even greater, just like in North Korea.

17. Foreign media is a nuisance. They should be sued. Call them for questioning. And do nothing. Especially when they report the truth which local media are not allowed.

2 OKTOBER 2024
My Comments : 
The country is still a democracy. But that really stupid anti-hopping law (which was passed in July 2022) is putting a serious damper on democracy. It has been proven now that some hoppers are ok whereas others are not. Before anyone can hop. Now only those who hop from the frying pan into the fire are welcomed by the devil.
In our Parliament we are never represented by the "party". There is no such thing as the Representative of Parti XYZ from Tembaga. It is simply the representative from Tembaga. If your MP or ADUN fellow switched sides, you just have to wait until the next elections and then you vote for someone else. 
In the United States there are Democrats like Robert F Kennedy Junior and Tulsi Gabbard who support Donald Trump who is a Republican. There are also Republicans who support Kamala Harris (Democrat). In both the US Congress and Senate there is no guarantee that Republican members will support a Republican Bill  or a Democrat Congressman will support a Democrat Bill. They often vote according to their own conscience. That is why we call them 'negara maju'. They have a choice. If their voters dont agree they will get kicked out at the next elections. On the other hand the anti hopping law confirms that we are 'negara bodoh'.

But despite Dr Mahathir's complaint above, the bad guys just won two by elections,  including the crook who was 'appointed the Deputy @#&*#%@'.   Everyone voted for him - all races. So this means bodoh is not confined to any one race.
The Members of Parliament cannot speak up? 
Hello Dr Mahathir, cannot speak up against what?
When you were PM for 22 years you created the bumiputera gomen licensed monopolies. You made the Malays poor.
Then Badawi and Najib continued with your policies. The Members of Parliament all agreed. No one spoke up against any of these really unthinking policies.

Then in 2018 you got rid of Najib. You came back to power. You continued the same gomen licensed monopolies. Your "new" Pakatan Harapan MPs did not speak up.
Then they kicked you out. A new PM took over - a Bersatu PM. They still continued your failed policies. The gomen licensed monopolies given to your bumiputera cronies still continued. None of the MPs spoke up.
Then another prime minister took over and then now your arch enemy took over.
Still none of the MPs spoke up against your failed policies that are still in place. Despite so many changes in gomen, none of the MPs spoke up against all those failed policies that you put in place.
Now the GLCs are really rotting to the core. I hope you are keeping up with the billion Ringgit losses racked up by the pension fund, the GLCs In London.

"Three Malaysian entities - the Provident Fund, S. Property, and S S are likely to shoulder losses of some RM250 million a quarter or RM1 billion a year from a five-year rental guarantee at .. iconic development in London."
Potentially losing RM1.0 Billion a year FOR FIVE YEARS !! And these are public funds.
Typical Mahathir Mohamed New Economic Policy - start the project using public funds, fund the borrowings from public funds, then when the project goes bust, bail them out using public funds. In between of course there must be some conman 'facilitator' who will siphon out more public funds. Usually of a different race.

And none of the MPs (BN, UMNO, PH, Bersatu, Petai, Pejuang etc) speaks up. So exactly what  'privilege to speak freely in Parliament'  are you talking about?

By the way some of your 'former' friends and former cronies have bought luxurious houses in London. Wonder where they got so much money. More public funds? How come none of them were brought to book? Especially during your TWO stints as prime minister? You did not jail any of them. Why?

There is peace in the graveyard. 
You dug all the graves.The GLC graves. 
The gomen monopoly graves. 
You created that religious department. 
Another huge grave.  
Now the graves are all being filled, one by one.
You even created the present monster.
Now there is a video of the liwat fellows being entertained by you in Putrajaya. The other liwat fellows who liwatted the boys (and they did not liwat the girls??) 
Why do you keep entertaining these people? Why do you hang out with them? I cannot help noticing you are frequently surrounded by crooks. So many of your former friends, cronies, party associates have been arrested, sent to jail or have arrest warrants against them.  
You created a system where there is no place for honesty or honest people. And then you expect such a system to succeed.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.
By Syed Akbar Ali 

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