187 Newly Funded Startups Domain Names

187 Newly Funded Startups and their Domain Names Including PerchHQ.com, Anthropic.com, and Faculty.ai Anthropic (of or relating to humans) is an AI company that raised $124m. Kind of an obscure dictionary word, so I love it as a brand.
HelloResolve.com just raised $60m, but they don’t have Resolve.com, which currently, er… resolves to a “coming soon” page for a physician job search. I have to imagine HelloResolve is trying to figure out how much of their newly-raised money it’ll cost to get that exact match. Domain brokers, I guess, here’s a possible lead for you. R.I.P. their inbox (make sure you cut DNgeek in on, like, 10%).
In the 187 companies, the TLD breakdown (of 2 or more) looks like:
.com – 144 .io – 15 .ai – 15 .co – 7 .se – 4 .space – 2 .net – 2 .finance – 2 .de – 2 Organization
Name Last Funding
Type Total Funding
Amt Domain TLD Marelli Venture –
Series Unknown $1,200,000,000 MMCK-Holdings.com .com Perch Series A $775,000,000 PerchHQ.com .com Esco Lifesciences Series A $200,000,000 EscoLifesciences.com .com Anthropic Series A $124,000,000 Anthropic.com .com H2 Green Steel Series A $105,000,000 H2GreenSteel.com .com OneOf Seed $63,000,000 OneOf.com .com Resolve Venture –
Series Unknown $60,000,000 HelloResolve.com .com Resolve Venture –
Series Unknown $60,000,000 ResolvePay.com .com FanCode Series A $50,000,000 FanCode.com .com CMX
(ComplianceMetrix) Series A $50,000,000 CMX1.com .com AnyClip Venture –
Series Unknown $47,000,000 AnyClip.com .com LifeQ Series A $47,000,000 LifeQ.com .com Engine Biosciences Series A $43,000,000 EngineBio.com .com Talos Trading Series A $40,000,000 Talos.com .com DataStax Venture –
Series Unknown $37,571,788 DataStax.com .com Synchron Venture –
Series Unknown $32,573,331 SynchronMed.com .com Ledn Series A $30,000,000 Ledn.io .io Airbyte Series A $26,000,000 AirByte.io .io TerraClear Series A $25,000,000 TerraClear.com .com mx51 Series A $25,000,000 MX51.io .io Torus Biosystems Series A $25,000,000 Torus.bio .bio Interactio Series A $24,400,000 InterActio.io .io Brightside Health Series A $24,000,000 BrightSide.com .com August Bioservices Series A $23,600,000 AugustBio.com .com Lightrun Series A $23,000,000 LightRun.com .com Poparazzi Series A $20,000,000 Poparazzi.xyz .xyz Clearing Seed $20,000,000 Clearing.com .com Solidus Labs Series A $20,000,000 SolidusLabs.com .com Rewatch Series A $20,000,000 Rewatch.tv .tv Prismic Series A $20,000,000 Prismic.io .io Beep Series A $20,000,000 Go-Beep.com .com Fiksuruoka.fi Venture –
Series Unknown $19,000,000 Fiksuruoka.fi .fi Virtuix Series A $19,000,000 virtuix.com .com Rgenta
Therapeutics Seed $18,000,000 RgentaTX.com .com GPB Scientific Venture –
Series Unknown $18,000,000 GPBScientific.com .com Parametrix
Insurance Series A $17,500,000 ParaMeTrixInsurance.com .com Ramon.Space Series A $17,500,000 RamOn.space .space Fnatic Venture –
Series Unknown $17,000,000 Fnatic.com .com SiLC
Technologies Series A $17,000,000 Silc.com .com Atlan Series A $16,500,000 Atlan.com .com Plum Series A $15,600,000 PlumHQ.com .com Curebase Series A $15,000,000 CureBase.com .com Airtm Venture –
Series Unknown $15,000,000 Airtm.com .com Sharebite Series A $15,000,000 ShareBite.com .com Orbit Series A $15,000,000 Orbit.love .love Betacom Venture –
Series Unknown $15,000,000 BetaCom.com .com Origin.Bio Series A $15,000,000 Origin.bio .bio Artrya Series A $15,000,000 Artrya.com .com Asylia
Therapeutics Series A $14,500,000 AsyliaTX.com .com Fireflies.ai Series A $14,000,000 Fireflies.ai .ai Set Labs Series A $14,000,000 TokenSets.com .com Oliver Space Series A $13,000,000 Oliver.space .space Cosuno Series A $12,500,000 Cosuno.de .de BrightHire Series A $12,500,000 BrightHire.ai .ai Precision
Neuroscience Series A $12,000,000 PrecisionNeuro.io .io Reach Venture –
Series Unknown $12,000,000 Reach.sh .sh Tilled Series A $11,000,000 Tilled.com .com Obie Series A $10,700,000 ObieRisk.com .com Hyro Series A $10,500,000 Hyro.ai .ai Terazo Venture –
Series Unknown $10,500,000 Terazo.com .com Mile Auto Seed $10,300,000 MileAuto.com .com Club Feast Seed $10,250,000 ClubFeast.com .com Axle Series A $10,000,000 AxlePayments.com .com Airspace Link Series A $10,000,000 AirspaceLink.com .com Kula Bio Seed $10,000,000 KulaBio.com .com RIZEK Series A $10,000,000 Rizek.com .com Verituity Series A $10,000,000 verituity.com .com Prima Seed $9,200,000 Prima.co .co Zaion Series A $9,000,000 Zaion.ai .ai Future Family Series A $9,000,000 FutureFamily.com .com Pathrise Series A $9,000,000 PathRise.com .com RightBound Series A $8,900,000 RightBound.com .com Pyn Seed $8,000,000 PynHQ.com .com Traydstream Series A $8,000,000 Traydstream.com .com Double Loop
Games Series A $8,000,000 DoubleLoopGames.com .com Scantinel
Photonics Seed $7,500,000 scantinel.com .com turntable.fm Venture –
Series Unknown $7,500,000 Turntable.fm .fm Plant Power
Fast Food Series A $7,500,000 PlantPowerFastFood.com .com AcuityMD Seed $7,000,000 AcuityMD.com .com eYs3D
Microelectronics Series A $7,000,000 eYs3D.com .com Laguna Health Seed $6,600,000 LagunaHealth.com .com 1047 Games Venture –
Series Unknown $6,500,000 1047Games.com .com Chromologics Seed $6,000,000 ChromoLogics.com .com Beacons Seed $6,000,000 Beacons.ai .ai Infinite
Objects Seed $6,000,000 InfiniteObjects.com .com Flume Health Seed $6,000,000 FlumeHealth.com .com Pt Pintu Series A $6,000,000 Pintu.co.id .id Evertas Seed $5,800,000 EvertAs.com .com miRecule Venture –
Series Unknown $5,700,000 miRecule.com .com Rikkei Finance Venture –
Series Unknown $5,600,000 Rikkei.finance .finance Collectable Series A $5,500,000 Collectable.com .com Gregarious, Inc. Seed $5,400,000 Greg.app .app QuickNode Seed $5,300,000 QuickNode.com .com Gridware Seed $5,300,000 GridWare.io .io Incision Series A $5,000,000 Incision.care .care Vev Seed $5,000,000 Vev.design .design Topia Seed $5,000,000 Topia.io .io MindPortal Seed $5,000,000 MindPortal.com .com Oisin
Biotechnologies Seed $5,000,000 OisinBio.com .com Meme.com Seed $5,000,000 Meme.com .com Noice Angel $5,000,000 NoIce.com .com Reclaim.ai Seed $4,800,000 Reclaim.ai .ai FreshRealm Venture –
Series Unknown $4,550,211 FreshRealm.co .co ARTA Seed $4,500,000 ShipArta.com .com Archean Biologics Venture –
Series Unknown $4,499,992 ArcheanBio.com .com Docbot Series A $4,000,000 DocBot.ai .ai Emile Learning Seed $4,000,000 HiEmile.com .com Phaidra Series A $4,000,000 Phaidra.ai .ai Healthstore
Holdings Series A $4,000,000 HealthStore.com .com Made By Gather Venture –
Series Unknown $3,872,458 MadeByGather.com .com LunaPBC Venture –
Series Unknown $3,800,000 LunaPBC.com .com Skiff Seed $3,700,000 Skiff.org .org Paired Seed $3,600,000 GetPaired.com .com Tiv Seed $3,500,000 tiv.co .co LAUNCH KIDS Venture –
Series Unknown $3,485,578 LaunchMath.com .com Bookkeep.com Venture –
Series Unknown $3,300,000 Bookkeep.com .com ValueDesk Seed $3,250,000 ValueDesk.de .de Emitwise Seed $3,200,000 EmitWise.com .com Fintoc Seed $3,100,000 Fintoc.com .com VIOLET Seed $3,024,991 Violet.io .io Cleanhub Seed $3,000,000 CleanHub.io .io Asset Class Seed $3,000,000 AssetClass.com .com Getkart Seed $3,000,000 GetKart.com .com Ruby Venture –
Series Unknown $2,935,000 MeetRuby.com .com treet Seed $2,800,000 Treet.co .co HARG –
Healthy Aging
Research Group Venture –
Series Unknown $2,700,000 Harg.it .it EarlySight Seed $2,700,000 EarlySight.com .com Rocket Doctor Seed $2,700,000 RocketDoctor.io .io Orbiit Seed $2,700,000 Orbiit.ai .ai CorrActions Seed $2,700,000 CorrActions.com .com Lydus Medical Seed $2,700,000 Lydus-Medical.com .com Linq Seed $2,500,000 linqapp.com .com Defined Seed $2,500,000 Defined.fi .fi Datacy Seed $2,400,000 Datacy.com .com Pandora Finance Seed $2,400,000 Pandora.finance .finance Hybrid Energy
Storage Solutions Series A $2,300,000 HessTec.net .net Betterhalf Seed $2,300,000 BetterHalf.ai .ai 4me Seed $2,300,000 4Me.com .com Wandering Bear
Coffee Venture –
Series Unknown $2,211,595 WanderingBearCoffee.com .com EnMass Energy Venture –
Series Unknown $2,153,485 EnmassEnergy.com .com babbar Venture –
Series Unknown $2,100,000 Babbar.tech .tech IDoven Seed $2,000,000 ODoven.ai .ai TradeIn Seed $2,000,000 TradeInsur.com .com Bright Star Studios Seed $2,000,000 BrightStar.studio .studio Mono Seed $2,000,000 Mono.co .co Veritas Farms Venture –
Series Unknown $2,000,000 TheVeritasFarms.com .com Yummy Bazaar Venture –
Series Unknown $2,000,000 YummyBazaar.com .com YellowBird Seed $1,700,000 GoYellowbird.com .com ecoworks Seed $1,570,000 EcoWorks.tech .tech Moonoa Seed $1,540,000 Moonoa.fr .fr Synox Venture –
Series Unknown $1,500,000 Synox.io .io Park Place
Payments Seed $1,500,000 ParkPlacePayments.com .com Snark.art Venture –
Series Unknown $1,500,000 Snark.art .art RoyFi Venture –
Series Unknown $1,471,000 RoyFi.com .com Something
Borrowed Blooms Venture –
Series Unknown $1,358,850 SomethingBorrowedBlooms.com .com Co-one Seed $1,350,000 Co-one.co .co Keto Krisp Venture –
Series Unknown $1,350,000 TasteCando.com .com Sasom Seed $1,250,000 Sasom.co.th .th ChalkTalk Seed $1,200,000 ChalkTalk.com .com zennya Venture –
Series Unknown $1,200,000 Zennya.com .com SkillBank Seed $1,175,000 JoinSkillBank.com .com Provus Angel $1,160,000 ProvusInc.com .com Katam
Technologies Seed $1,000,000 Katam.se .se Syntho Seed $1,000,000 Syntho.ai .ai Subly Seed $1,000,000 GetsUbly.com .com BlueDot
Photonics Seed $1,000,000 BlueDotPhotonics.com .com BaseTracK Seed $1,000,000 BaseTrack.net .net Nirvana Science Venture –
Series Unknown $867,000 NirvanaSciences.com .com Optiyol Seed $810,000 Optiyol.com .com UPTECH
SENSING Seed $760,000 UpTech-Sensing.com .com Inscripta Seed $700,000 Inscripta.io .io Watobe Seed $637,000 Watobe.co.za .za GRASP I
nnovations Seed $550,000 Grasp-Innovations.com .com Cellestial
E-mobility Seed $500,000 Cellestial.com .com Nocking Point
Wines Seed $500,000 NockingPointWines.com .com TrophyRoom Seed $367,764 TrophyRoom.io .io CubicUp Seed $350,000 CubiCup.com .com NMS PRIME GmbH Seed $350,000 NMSPrime.com .com Secutor Solutions Seed $350,000 SecutorSolutions.com .com Spinal Simplicity Venture –
Series Unknown $348,500 SpinalSimplicity.com .com TimeFlow:
& Control Seed $325,000 TimeFlow.iten .iten Militus Seed $300,442 MilItUsCyber.com .com HomeKey
Systems Venture –
Series Unknown $245,460 GetHomeKey.com .com Panamera
Healthcare Seed $201,335 PanameraHealth.com .com Newfangled
Confections Seed $200,000 NewfangledConfections.com .com Boxvana Seed $85,000 Boxvana.com .com Codesparker, Inc Seed $1,000 CodeSparker.com.pk .pk Funding data is based on online reporting and DNgeek cannot guarantee 100% accuracy. To compile this list we only include companies that raised their first round of Angel, Seed, Series A or Venture funding and exclude companies that raised private equity, grants, pre-IPO or Series B and beyond funding rounds. 
ARTICLE FROM: https://dngeek.com/187-newly-funded-startups-and-domains-anthropic-com/
The post 187 Newly Funded Startups & Domain Names appeared first on StartUpNames.com.

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