Nak Termuntah Dok Dengaq Najib Kena Tangkap

Katanya hari ini Najib Razak ditangkap lagi. Kini dalam tahanan SPRM. Beliau bagaimana pun akan dibebaskan dengan ikat jamin.
Najib tiba jam 10.42 pagi tadi dan disoal siasat sehingga kini manakala penahanannya atas pindaan laporan terhadap 1MDB yang dikeluarkan PAC.
Sudah nak muntah dengan cerita Najib ditangkap kemudian didakwa. Kerana banyak sangat tangkapan ke atas Najib dan dakwaan semacam ia satu sandiwara sahaja. Main main hipokrasi politik.

Rakyat tidak mahu dengar cerita ditangkap atau diheret ke mahkamah seperti berlaku ke atas Anwar dulu, bertahun beliau diheret ke mahkamah.
Yang rakat hendak dengar Najib disumbat ke dalam penajara. Biar dia meringkuk dan mereput di situ jika benar dia penjenayah. Trims.
Cara dilakukan ke atas Najib menjadikan rakyat keliru pula. Cis. - MSO

Beruk ketawa Melayu jadi Kaldai...
Masyarakat beruk ketawa terkekeh-kekeh sampai terkencing, dan ada yang jatuh dari pokok melihat ketololan orang Melayu berhimpun tengah panas menentang ICERD kononnya. Kerajaan sudah umum tidak akan ratifikasi ICERD. Maknanya tak ada isu untuk adakan perhimpunan 8 Disember lalu.
Pihak UMNO dan PAS punya muslihat terpendam hendak melaksanakan juga perhimpunan itu. Ada udang sebalik mi Ada kutu dalam serban. Mereka memperalatkan kaldai, baghal, kerbau balaq, lembu, kambing, ayam itik diberi sedikit dedak, diputarbelit kisah kononnya memperjuangkan nasib Melayu dan Islam yang tergugat.
Sebenarnya perhimpunan itu ditaja oleh para perompak dan lebai-lebai munafik yang bimbang nasib UMNO dan PAS ditolak rakyat. Mereka hendak 'membuktikan' kepada Tun Mahathir khasnya bahawa para perompak UMNO dan lebai-lebai munafik PAS masih ada sisa pengaruh di kalangan orang Melayu lagi. Kata bomoh Ponorogo yg dihempap dengan 45 kes jenayah kira-kira 500,000 hadir dalam himpunan itu.

Sebenarnya tidak sampai 30 ribu orang yg sanggup jadi kaldai, kerbau dan lembu pawah, kambing berjanggut menjerit dan melolong slogan sebagai pesta mera'ikan para penyamun dan lebai-lebai munafik yang menajai perjumpaan itu.
Perhimpunan Melayu ini amat memalukan bangsa Melayu sendiri. Tidak pernah dalam sejarah politik Malaysia orang Melayu sanggup menjadi kaldai, baghal, lembu dan kerbau menyokong perompak dan lebai-lebai munafik dalam perjuangan politik. Perhimpunan sudah selesai. Tapi nasib para penyamun UMNO akan tetap ditentukan di mahkamah. Tempat persinggahan mereka sudah tersedia. Welcome to Sg Buloh! - Yahaya Ismail

Akaun Tabung Haji bermasalah...
Tabung Haji (TH) melanggar dua syarat pembayaran hibah atau dividen sejak 2014, kata Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Mujahid Yusof Rawa.
Menurut beliau, pembayaran hibah hanya boleh dilakukan jika nilai aset tidak kurang daripada liabiliti dan mempunyai keuntungan yang boleh diagihkan.
“TH telah mengisytiharkan hibah sejak 2014 dan ia tidak mengikut akta (Akta Tabung Haji 1995) kerana asetnya kurang daripada liabiliti,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas laporan kewangan TH dibentangkan di Parlimen hari ini.
Terdahulu, Mujahid mendedahkan akaun TH pada 2017 yang menunjukkan institusi kewangan tersebut mempunyai aset sebanyak RM70.3 bilion dengan jumlah liabiliti berjumlah RM74.4 bilion.
Dalam pada itu, beliau turut mengumumkan pelan pemulihan TH berdasarkan keadaan semasa bagi mengembalikan semula keyakinan masyarakat terhadap institusi kewangan berkenaan.
“Berdasarkan keadaan semasa TH ketika ini, pelan pemulihan secara menyeluruh perlu dilakukan bagi memulihkan penyata kira-kira TH.
“Inilah perkara sebenar yang dilakukan oleh ahli lembaga pengarah yang baharu,” ujarnya.
Pelan itu, katanya, termasuk cadangan penubuhan Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) bagi mengambil alih, memulihkan dan memaksimumkan pemulihan aset TH yang kurang menunjukkan prestasi.

Tabung Haji satu trajedi. Siapakah yang menganiayai Umat sendiri? Siapakah pula yang bersekongkol dengan kezaliman sebegini. Kadang-kala tidak perlu musuh luar untuk memusnahkan kekuatan kita, cukuplah dengan pengkhianat yang memakai baju 'pembela agama'. - Dr Maza
“Kabinet telah berbincang tentang pelan pemulihan ini dengan teliti dan memberi sokongan penuh terhadap pelan tersebut supaya kedudukan kewangan TH dapat diperbaharui serta mengembalikan keyakinan rakyat.
“Bagi memastikan pelan jangka masa panjang yang mapan, kerajaan telah memutuskan untuk meletakkan TH di bawah pengawasan Bank Negara Malaysia secara pentadbiran bermula 1 Januari 2019,” katanya. –

Tabung Haji paid dividends using depositor's savings
Malaysia refuses to back down over Singapore boundary disputes...
Hopes of a speedy resolution to Malaysia and Singapore’s dispute over air and sea boundaries dissipated on Monday as Kuala Lumpur dug in its heels even as it agreed to a dialogue.
The administration of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad welcomed talks but took a tough line as it accused its southern neighbour of selectively releasing past correspondence regarding airspace issues to manipulate public opinion in its favour.
Malaysia said it did not agree with Singapore’s demands over the maritime border dispute but was willing to take steps to de-escalate the situation and handle matters “in a calm and peaceful manner”.
The statement came after a week of ratcheting tensions as both sides traded accusations and Singapore reported repeated incursions into its sea boundaries by Malaysian vessels, insisting on their immediate withdrawal.
Commenting on the latest exchange on Monday, Mustafa Izzuddin, an expert in Singapore-Malaysia ties from Singaporean think tank ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, said one hopeful note to the latest round of statements was that both nations said they preferred a diplomatic route and an amicable solution.
“What we now have to wait and see is whether the negotiation can take place without the precondition of Malaysia withdrawing its vessels from the territorial waters asserted by Singapore as belonging to them,” he said.
“If bilateral negotiation cannot proceed without [this withdrawal], we are likely to see the maritime tension continue but not to the extent that there will be an outright naval confrontation. Efforts will continue to be made to de-escalate the situation until such time both sides agree to sit down and negotiate an amicable solution.”
Kuala Lumpur was more terse on the issue of Singapore’s stewardship of a section of Malaysian airspace, with the transport ministry saying that meeting minutes and emails released by the island republic on the issue of its administration of a small part of Malaysian airspace was “only partial and selective with the primary aim of influencing public opinion”.
The ministry urged its Singaporean counterparts to release further correspondence between both nations’ civil aviation authorities, warning that it was “prepared to release the letters for full disclosure of such information for the public’s comprehension of our stand”.
Singapore’s Transport Ministry replied that it had no objections if Malaysia felt the need to do so, but that all records and correspondence should be released, including minutes from the latest meeting on 29 and 30 November.
The airspace squabble between the two nations stems from Singapore’s plans to broadcast a radar system that would require planes landing in its secondary civilian airport, Seletar, (pix,below ) to make their landing approach over Malaysia’s southernmost tip in the state of Johor.

Malaysia, however, has said that this would inconvenience businesses and residents as well as stunt industrial development in the state, and that the plan had only been recently conveyed to Transport Minister Anthony Loke.
Singapore, which measures just 50km from east to west, last week denied the latter and released correspondence to show it was not being unreasonable in its requests and that bilateral discussions about the plan stretched back to last December.
The documents also showed communication on the matter after the new government helmed by Mahathir took office on May 9 after his Pakatan Harapan coalition toppled Barisan Nasional, which was led by Singapore-friendly former premier Najib Razak.
Earlier this week, Malaysia proposed that both countries mutually cease and desist sending assets into a disputed area, effective midnight December 8, while discussions on outstanding maritime boundary issues took place. Singapore maintained its position that called for Malaysia to return to an earlier status quo by withdrawing official federal or state vessels in the area.
Malaysia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry today said that although it was unable to accede to the counter-proposal, the administration was intent on handling the situation peacefully, and that talks would continue next month.
In its response, Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it welcomed the Malaysian government’s agreement for both sides to meet for a discussion in the second week of January.
Singapore’s stance is that Malaysian vessels entered – and remain – in the nation’s territorial waters, which Malaysia laid claim to on October 25 as an extension of the Johor port’s limits.

The South China Morning Post understands at least one Malaysian buoy tender – used to lay, maintain, or replace navigational buoys – has been anchored within the disputed waters since December 3.
The air and sea disputes between the two nations have drawn attention from its citizens, with even a routine Singapore Air Force mobilisation exercise attracting public attention because of the heightened tensions.
Mahathir’s party strategist Rais Hussin yesterday said that although Malaysia had long taken a “live and let live” approach when dealing with Singapore, the island republic often adopted a “holier than thou” stance, adding that any blatant displays of nationalism from Singapore would be mirrored by its neighbours across the Causeway.
In a swift response, retired Singaporean diplomat Bilahari Kausikan said Malaysia “had not given up” in attempting to “domesticate” Singapore, adding that this was an attempt to cover up Malaysia’s own shortcomings.
Meanwhile, Malaysia opposition stalwart Khairy Jamaluddin urged the country’s cabinet members to take a more proactive stance just hours after the media reported Singapore’s Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing as saying that the “risk of escalation cannot be underestimated”.
The disputes have already had a knock-on effect on Malaysian businesses. Premium short-haul carrier Firefly was slated to begin operations in Seletar Airport just before the air dispute started in earnest. The suspension of flights to Singapore – its second most popular route – saw it reportedly incur “huge” financial loss.
Malaysia had hawkish ties with the Lion City during Mahathir’s first stint in power from 1981 to 2003. Now that the nonagenarian is back in power, key Singaporean figures have suggested that the newly resurrected disputes are an attempt to distract from internal uncertainties and instability just weeks after Mahathir and Singapore premier Lee Hsien Loong pledged to strengthen bilateral ties during a November meeting. - Tashny Sukumaran,scmp
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